Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4996? Pull out the emperor

What is even more unimaginable is that the sword is unparalleled, and it has flowed out the emperor!

You know, even if it is a black cloud, it is a black cloud, it is impossible to make the emperor to cover the whole body.

Only the real emperor can do it.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, but he not only did it, but also directly released the glow.

The black cloud has been horrible, even if he doesn't believe it, this scene is still in front of him.

That is the power of a self, a sword will return him to the district of the district, and this is actually the emperor, and has become an emperor.

"Escape!" This is the only idea in the Black Club, and he has gone so far, he is not willing to do too much involvement.

For example, the sword under the eyes is unparalleled. He is too gentle. With the realm of Deman, it has made a series of enthusiastic power.

As soon as I got the emperor, he saw the sword where the sword was not bored.

Thinking of this, the black cloud does not hesitate, and the shape is straight and the shape is to escape.

However, the body of the emperor, the sword of the emperor, the sword of the ancient trend, cold and cold, "I want to go?"

At this moment, the heavens and the earth are homogeneous, and the common condenses are in his feet.

The black cloud is shocked, and he flustered, but he can't escape from the control of the emperor.

However, there is a sudden change, he will hold the body shape by the emperor Tiandao, even if he changed thousands, it is unable to escape half.

Looking at him, I caught the Black Cloud, and the two Emperor of the Yang Sihe was shocked to fall in the ground.

Originally, they still didn't believe that the sword was unparalleled and the emperor was lucky, and they were all believed.

More than just two emperors, but also Jiang Zhenqian return these two swords, and the Qing and Fu Shao Xun are difficult to cover up.

You must know that they still don't understand what is going on, they will see the sword unparalleled, and then raise their hands to catch the black cloud.

Jiang Zhenqiang looks at the eyes, all from the eyes of each other.

The apprentices they confirmed have long been unexpected.

The sword of the strong emperor is carrying a strong emperor, and the empty black clouds are pressed by the emperor Tiandao, they are forced to come to him.

In the face of the real emperor, the black cloud is frightened to the point where it is not added, but he can make a quasi-emperor. How can I dare to resist the true emperor?

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, as if I changed a person, my eyes is the power, and there is no emotional color.

And all of this is because of the reason of the true Wu Emperor.

In the previous Zhenwu Emperor, a sudden soul of the sword is unparalleled is in the ring, avoiding him directly.

The sword behind the recovery is unparalleled, but did not hear from his warning, insisted to save the three emperors and Jiang Zhen Yan.

Wanner helplessly, the real Wu Dijun wants to make him eat some suffering with the emperor.

But I have never thought that the sword is unparalleled, and his emperor can be fed to his emperor, and there is no exclusion behavior.

At the same time, this will surprise the emperor, and agree with the help of the shot, in the range of swords and unparalleled fairy, the emperor is injected into him.

This makes the sword unpacking the emperor Tiandao, and it has become "emperor."

And became the sword of "Emperor", the first thing is to find the black cloud and seal it.

Feeling that the emperor of the arm, he looked at the black cloud in front of him, so he had to fight.

But at this time, the sheep and the Su River are in a hurry, "Wait, there is no double, and the road is still in his belly."

The sword is unparalleled, and look again to the black cloud.

The black cloud is trembled, "I am willing to return him."

He smiled missed, and then he was actually done.

"No, you can't, I promise you, immediately return ..."

But everything is already too late, the sword is unparalleled for the sword, and a sword has opened his belly!

In an instant, the silence is shocking, and the endless chaos is running out, and it is very popular.

However, this chaos, but it was directly covered by the sword.

He has been too terrible, and even the emperor is too terrible, and it can only be slaughtered.

With the spray of chaos, there is still a transparent soul.

That's the soul, it is Tao Gong.

The Yang Hao rushed to the past, laughing and shot, the Taoist, "old things, congratulations, you have no first to leave å."

"Amount? I haven't fallen yet, shouldn't you, I remember that it is clear to swallow ..." Gonggong scratched his head.

"If you are not a parallel, you haven't been gone, you are still grateful." The sheep shot him and blamed.

Tao Gong's reaction, and quickly looked at the sword. Under this, the eyes were almost flying out. "I will go, how long is I slept, there is no pair of small friends, I'm gone ?!"

"Not long, I didn't sleep for a long time."

"What ?!"


The use of no God Jun Tiandao will open the black cloud. He is only the emperor's luck, and the chaos is covered, and it seems that it seems to be fallen at any time.

But even if so, he still exhausted, "put it, let me go, I will disappear ..."

The sword is unparalleled and cold, as if he heard the best laugh.

Everything happened today is the black cloud, and Jiang Yans will return to death, and the San Dijun saves him. It is also dangerous to all.

Just even he himself, if it is not a true Wu Emperor, it has already been eloquent.

Therefore, today's black cloud must die, even if he is the emperor, it is difficult to escape!

With the emperor of the true Wu Emperor, the sword is unparalleled with the strength of the black cloud.

Looking at the black cloud that has been opened, he is preparing to kill it.

However, when he waved, his eyes passed through the black fog, and saw the belly of the Black Cloud Cave, with something that emitted a colorful rainbow.

The sword is unparalleled, what is the thing, the next consciousness has pulled the thing from the body of the black cloud.

The dark clouds have a darkness, and his virtual fairy is also rapidly reversed at this moment.

This item is out, and suddenly Hua Hang is Yao Yao Yao, all the colors are dim.

That is a long yolk!

The mysterious rune that can't be said, as if the ancient times began to flow, let the people have the urge to wear.

And I watched the three emperor of this scene in the distance, all the faces were tight, and I couldn't help but the same voice. "The emperor bone ?!"

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