Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4998? God recovery

Jiang Yizhen can't help but hold it directly.

Yan's return is no longer blocked, and it is forwarded.

In addition, San Dijun reached out, holding the sword of the sky from the sky.

In addition to the chest of nine-day clothes, the whole body is almost a skeleton.

But they have a slight breath, as long as the sword is unparalleled, there is absolutely awake.

At the time, I took one from the arms, and the previous emperors were stuffed into his mouth.

Dan Pills into the throat as Qingquan, flowing into the limbs.

Each Qingquan is quickly patching the broken meridians, and any damage is completely repaired.

Looking at this scene of this major, the San Diwu, which is unparalleled, and the whole position is condensed.

As the Emperor Dan Pill, the Emperor Emperor, has reached a very terrible point.

Even if there is a river from the swallow, it is, as long as swallowing half, it can be insured in the original source, and more than the sword is unparalleled.

Within dozens of interest, the sword is unparalleled, and the fairy is completely repaired, and it is restored.

However, he did not wake up from the sleep.

Especially the eyebrows are tightened, this situation is still the first time.

It is necessary to know that the recovery of swords is unparalleled, and it has already gone to the extent of increasing thinking, almost being in the death of death.

But this time, his fairy was completely recovered, but he did not wake up.

Clear, want to reach out to explore his situation, but the three emperors first step, all released the warm emperor shrouded in the sword unparalleled.

"The previous kind of gas transport is not he can bear at all, even if it is the nine turn to the Damai Wanta, the end will only be a explosion and die."

The road is slowly said. "I don't know where a paralletic little friend borrows the air transport, and I don't know what the method he uses, but the consequence of the end is just beginning."

"Once he can't bear the kind of virtual, waiting for him, will only be completely fallen."

In this case, they all pumped a cold air.

Sheep heard, hurried angry, "Tao Gong, your old child is less to fart, unparallerts are absolutely innocent, he is just too tired, you need to rest."

Taoity is just slight sigh, and there is no fight.

Seeing him, the heart of the sheep Sui River is completely sinking. They know that the road is right.

With the body of the Deman, absorb the emperor's gas transport, this is simply unimaginable.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, the fairy is strong, and the fairy is strong, but it is impossible to absorb the emperor's air transport, and it is a thing that it is impossible.

But all this happened, and the sword was unparalleled to absorb the emperor of the real Wu Emperor, and successfully covered the emperor black cloud.

However, just as the speover, the consequences have just begun.

Have the blessing of the glow, the sword is unbolded, and there is no trace of pain.

The clearance is denweant, and immediately, he is like thinking, hurried from the arms, the quirky fruit flowing.

"This, can let the unparalleled advancement of the air of the big Damadi, eat for him, can it be?"

Seeing him in his hand, Yan Qian's consciousness said name, "mixed with no fruit ?!"

The meaning is slightly, and the post is full of hope to see the three emperors.

However, it is close to Yan to return his head. "This mixed element is not used by Noguo, he has eaten one, but it is impossible to say, but it is impossible to have it."

Tao Gong also opened at this time. "Everything is probably no effect, and there is no pair of probabilies to keep this."

I heard the words and sink.

The mystery of this kind of mystery is hard to ponder, and there is naturally unable to provide any help.

You know, even if you are nine-to-big dermndants, it will be troubled.

At present, they have been suspected that the sword is weak.

But their conjecture is just wrong. When I am in the universe, the sword is unparalleled.

Even if it is facing the sixth red emperor, there is no damage to the sixth cavity in his mind.

Just when they thought, the swords that have been in a sleeping state are unparalleled, quietly open their eyes.

Putting Xianjun's first perception, horror, "woke up, he woke up!"

San Dijun, and Jiang Zhiyan to see the shape, suddenly the big joy, the sword is not double fruit is awake!

"I, how long is this?" The sword was unparalleled directly, stretched a long lazy waist, and suddenly bones.

"It's only half a day, there is no double friend, you are too terrible." Tao is very horrified.

When the sheep, the sheep suddenly blew the husband. "I know that this old thing doesn't make anything good fart, you don't have a small friend, you remember, don't save this guy later."

"Over the mouth, how can I put a good fart, I used to understand the worst intended to understand? There is no double friend, the trauma is changed to nine turn, the Damadam is resistant!"


Listening to these three emperors, the soul of the soul, the treasure is like a rush, and the sword is unparalleled.

Looking at the worship and Yan return with the same warm eye, he reported to a smile.

Yan Qianqian is careful to take the sword unparalleled, and shoot his shoulders, "Good kid."

Jiang Zhi and recovered to the previous inflammation and unmoid, but looked at his gaze.

The final sword is unparalleled, and the eleventh smiles.

In the heart, I'll pick up the eyebrows, then hold the hand in the hand, and there is no fruit of the mixed elements of the rich avenue, sway.

"It seems that the fairy tree is honest by you." The sword is unparalleled.

He also laughed, "It seems that the tree is telling you."

"I learned about some news from the mouth of the fairy tree, and then I came."

Essence to the sword, there is no double, sincere, "Thank you, I have not reported."

If he finished, the sword is unparalleled, and the shoulder is directly taken. Like it, "Don't say these, it has passed."

The clerk smiled, reached out to him, "I have to eat it," I am very likely to break through the opportunity of Big Damai. "

"Know, after leaving here, I am absorbing."

Looking at this scene, the sheep stretched a lazy waist, "" finally is idle, I will not get rid of the old bones. "

The Su River laughed, "Tao Gong really made you right, the old guy of the sheep, is indeed the weakest in our three."

"You said less, when the Tianstring of this emperor is still in the day, who is you dare ..."

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