Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5028? Xiaolingshan

The sword is unparalleled, one is.

Then, all the memories of previous memories have been in their hearts.

Broken and unbearable sea, crazy real Wu Emperor, Shenchang, a calm, and ambient, all in the mind.

"Here is a heaven, this is a heaven ..."

"Yes, it is him, bring me out of the sea?"

The sword is unparalleled and complicated. He is worried about a lot, and I don't know how it is good.

"Sword big brother, how are you, I see your face is good." Ali has a bit of nervous, and the smart eyes are very clear.

Looking at her eyes, the heart of the sword is slow down slowly.

"Nothing Ali," he shook his head and smiled, "Here, is it a heaven?"

"Yes, it's true," Ami nice is definitely said. "Here is a small mountain, it is also the scope of heaven, is the place where Grandpa is just."

He heard his words and nodded.

Can be called grandfather by Amit, I am afraid that there is no one eligible except that.

Weighing again three, swords are unparalleled, "Can you take me, go see Yu Bo?"

"Of course, you can come to Xiaolingshan, you are all heavy." Amis said, then jumping down, pulling the sword is unparalleled.

"Ami, walk slowly ..."

Strong to the ultimate source of origin is slowly flowing, the fragrant grass is spurred, and the Qingquan streets.

Here, it is a real wonderland.

The sword of Amitra is unparalleled, and his fairy is slowly restored.

"The brother of the sword, I have to take a little, I will take you to the grandfather." Ami praised.

The sword is not a hyper point, all of his concerns are not solving, only to see Yu Chang or true Wuyang, can be solved.

Under the receipt of Ami, the whole picture of this small ride is constantly receiving the fund.

Here, there is no Sendai Qiong Building, and there is no Hong Kong Temple, and some are just a vinear, as well as the sanctuary.

Just in the sword unparalleled, when you hurry the time, when you patch the fairy, a piece of shirt is moving, and the true sword is in the hands of the power.


The Jianfeng finished, the grass leaf flying.

This is a handsome youth, the frightened eyes, cold and extreme.

Seeing this youth, Amit's footsteps, some nervous.

"Who are you?" He came to Xiaoshan! "He looked high, and there was a murder in his eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Amit will be blocked behind him. "I want to see Yu Bo, you will know the truth, you should know the truth."

Junlang youth heard the words, the face is more cold, "That is to say, are you unauthorized into the small mountain?"

He sighed, and it was impossible to see a blood fight.

But at this time, a quiet voice sounded, "He is a small man in Xiaoyou, I can testify."

The sword is unparalleled to see, I saw a body shape, and I came to the center.

This is a woman who is in a sugar, and the face is cold and weak.

Seeing this woman's appearance, the handsome young brow is slightly, "often, how do you prove?"

A woman named Changkanyi is a step forward, and the tone is cold. "Then I will ask you first, when, there is a Daman in the big downtown to break into the small mountains?"

Handsome Youth is nylus, some are uncomfortable, "I am in guarding foreign enemies, you also know the importance of Xiajie Mountain."

I heard the words, and the corner of the mouth is rang, "Qingshan, you said your sentence, if you pass it in Yuuri, even if you pass it in the ears, what?"

"Chang Yan, what do you mean?" Junlang Youth retired one step, tense.

"I don't want to give birth to it, I will let it go." She said, and then turned to look at the sword unparalleled, slightly migraine.

The Qingshan is angry, but he daresten to block again, can only anger them to continue.

When I saw the Qingshan leave, the Ami who hid behind him, hurriedly puff it into the sword unparalleled arms.

"Fortunately, there is a sister to help, otherwise we have trouble." Ami shouted his body.

The sword is not a hyper point, then look at the first way to the side, "Thank you for your help."

I often look at him, "Here, I have never had a foreign Deman, you are the first."

"Your identity is not simple."

He shook his head. "You think more, even I don't know how I come."

At this time, the Amit said, "Sword Big Brother, I am looking for ."

"Sure enough, I wish you good luck." Chang Wei said, "Yu Bo is very mysterious, you want to find him, you only need to function."

"Just, forward?"

I nodded, "This little mountain is infinite, and there is no Deman to go here. You want to find Yu Bo, you have to see if Yu Bo wants to see you."

"Reassured, the sword, there is Ami, will definitely let you find Yu Bo." Ami patted the small body and said.

I can't help but I can't help but reach out her little hair, "Am, do you want to follow me?"

Ami shakes his head, reaching out the shorter arm, hiding the sword unparalleled neck, "No, I have to take care of my grandfather."

"Okay, tease you happy." Chang smile, then look at the sword, there is no double, "You are the only one to let Almi dependence, I am surprised."

"The brother of the sword is the friend of Xiaofei, that is, my brother." Ami said.

"It turned out, then I wish you good luck, find Yu Bo as soon as possible." Chang Wei smiled and stopped in the same place.

The sword is not a hyperbidden point, then holds Ali to leave.

In the distance, the voice of Ami sounded again, "The sister, sword big brother is very handsome -"


It is known from Changjie, and the small mountain is infinite, and it is true that it is true.

Holding the sword of the AM, the speed is not too fast, but it is more than enough.

Even so, the road to the front line is still just a fairy grass, and the Qingquan fire.

"Am, how do you know how to find Yu Bo, or an emperor?" The sword is unparalleled.

Already squatted on him, some sleepy Ami shakes the small head, "I don't know, I only want to see us, we can see Grandpa, in addition to this, we can't find it."

"That is a bit trouble."

The sword has no double eyes, and his injury is slowly recovered, but it is not enough to support him constantly consume.

Although this small ride is rich in density to the extreme, there is not much to absorb absorption.

If you continue to find a favorite, I am afraid I haven't found Yu Bo, he must be exhausted.

After all, it is bullied by the previous group of urchins, hasn't long been in the past.

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