Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5032? Qingshan is not as good as the sword

What is more important is that there will be such a layer between them.

Qingshan didn't think about it, they will have a battle.

"I heard that you are enough to defeat the Damai, now you will defeat the green hills, I can let you leave, and no longer force you to be around, how?"

The sword is not a hyper point, "can."


Finally, the true Wuliang said that there is no air transportation, and it is wrapped in the center of the road.

Qingshan still has not returned to God, and it is incredible to watch the sword.

The two are far away, and the sword is unparalleled.

In the past, Qingshan is a three-way Damadi, because in the practice of the small ride mountain, it is almost very sharp to the extreme.

As long as there is a trace of breakthrough opportunities, he must easily register six turn.

I don't know where to get the breeze to blow their clothes.

The invisible sword has been quietly condensed.

"Do you want to shoot me?" Qingshan felt a little absurd, a little Division, which would be ah.

"There is no need." The sword said unparalleled, and the invisible sword in his hand was already.

"In this case, then start." Qingshan cold voice, the sword is already in the hand.

The wind is striking, I will happen.

"The sister, sword big brother is to play with him, what should I do?"

In front of the sky, Ami said with an extremely uncomfortable finger.

There is often a dignified, obviously the sword is unparalleled in her eyes, and it is undoubtedly.

A three-transposed Damai, a Division, this gap has not been able to tell us to tell.

They don't even have to fight, the ending has been destined.

Although it is very urgent, she has no way, because they can't access them, only standing everything happening in the road outside the sky.

Subsequently, she crouched her body, watching Ali said, "Your sword big brother will be fine, do you think the sword big brother is so powerful?"

Ami is busy, "it is very powerful, and it is as good as Xiaowei!"

"That's right, your sword big brother will win." I often said.

"That ... sword big brother will win?"

"It will be, we look here."


"Yushang, what do you think?"

True Wuyang turned to look at Yushang, and he said with a smile.

He didn't talk, some turbid scorpions looked down and said a word halfway.

"Qingshan is not as good as the sword."

Zhenwu Yang heard the words, it is not a good thing to look at this extremely unsolicited battle.

Next, the scene of the old man is surprised.

No one thought that the sword was unparalleled, and it took the lead in shot, carrying a big potential, crushed into Qingshan.

The vast sword is swept, and it is rolled up in the road to roll up the dust, and instantly pears the front.

Qingshan is watching, the realm of your own, and the extension of the delay.

The terrible derivatives belonging to the three-way realm, once released, almost completely rolled posture.

Make a zoom in inch, and after the dust of the sword is, it is unparalleled to the sword.


The big sound is rumored, and the sword is unparalleled directly.

Star fire four overflow.

Until thousands of stretches, he stopped the shape.

Although he was defeated thousands of feet, he did not suffer from slight injury.

Because there is a nine-day clothing, the external imperial protection, it is a green hill, which is 10,000 green hills, and there is no possibility to break.

This is the sword that is still in a weak state is unparalleled, the bottom gas of the battle.

The mood of Qingshan is calm. In this initial confrontation, he seems to have a first machine, but did not feel easy.

He can feel that the sword is unparalleled, so began to be careful.

However, the sword is unparalleled, his fairy is temporarily impossible to be broken, so he does not have any hesitation and directly quickly rush.

There is no double sword, the second style of the Star River Lake Sea is also released.

The Tianhe swept and rolled up the dust, and it covered forward.

Qingshan did not dare to be underestimated, although he was three turns of the Damani, but the sword was unparalleled to give him a huge pressure.

Especially in this sword, he actually has a feeling.

Convergence, his sword is relative, and it belongs to the terrible power of the three transit, showing undoubtedly.

Dark blue trays also swept as well as a hill sea column, bombarded the sword Tianhe.

The two collided, the general trend!

At this moment, End of the Emperor Dao is shaking.

All the old people are very horrified. They can't believe it at all, this is actually a three-transposed Damai and a Di Dynasty released.

The dark blue delay is returned, but the Sword Tianhe also breaks quickly.

The green hills who bite the teeth have been shocked to unrecovered.

He actually played a flag drum with a Danctuary. !

This makes him unbearable at all.

He is angry, and a shock of this hunting is condensed at this moment.

Then, the life treasure opened his eyes, giving the mountains and sea, and smashed towards the swords.


instantly broke, and the endless stream is disappeared.

However, almost at the same time, a little cold quietly appeared in the eyes of Qingshan.

He was shocked, and he didn't think of it. The sword was unparalleled to hide in the Tianhe, crushing him.

This is a sword, and the sword at all, it is a sword with my life.

Qingshan is very clear about this sword, so he is in a loss of everything.

But everything is already too late.

A little cold, and then pierced into the life treasure.

Time seems to be stagnant, and the sword is unparalleled. This record is completely hit.

Next moment, with the center of mind, hundreds of millions of blue cracks are blinking in this life.

The breath has a decent, and the delay is collapsed.

With the break of this life, wearing a white-colored colors of a white shirt changed, he retreats, the white shirt at the heart is already wet.

The road is silent, all the veterans have looked up and see the green hills.

God blood, they are incredible.

A three-transposed Damai, which will be forced to be such a step by a Division. How is this possible? !

Cross-borders, this is something that has not happened, but the eyes have happened.

Even if it is the only shocked Tianjiao, I am afraid I can't do it, which impacts all the veteran cognition.

Includes Zhenwuyang.

His brow is slightly screwing, and the emperor is really unable to have such a dignity.

In the longitudinal and horizontal, it is fully motivated, and he has been fully moving.

"Qingshan is not as good as the sword, and it is really a sword."

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