Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5038? Treatment of Endless China

The result of a knot is to be unwilling to see.

Because he has a unique feeling for swords, the feeling is kind, and some factors who don't know unknown.

If you are so unknown, he will kill him, I am afraid it is the biggest mistake.

I saw the two emperors in front of the stalemate. I have been unsatisfactory, and the mouth is unparalleled.

He didn't think of it, the owner of this fairy, actually enabled Yu Changu.

In this way, I am afraid that really Wuyang will not kill.

It is also as if he thinks, Zhen Wuyang has also fallen into silence, and no longer starts.

Because he is a part of true Wuyang. Once he is completely falling, the true Wuyang will never be relaxed, even no longer a emperor.

If he smiles, the face suddenly changed, and the post-emperor actually accelerated.

"No, no, how can it be? How can you still die?"

The sword is not called, the emperor is shaking.


True Wuyang and Yushang are in confusion, I don't know why he will lose this.

But immediately, constantly sprinkled with blood, and the acceleration of the emperor's gas, let them feel changes.

"Is it, the unparalleled smugglers who were captured in the fairy did not fall?" Yuchang was a little surprised.

Zhenwu Yang did not believe that the sword is unparalleled to settle three to the large-scale Deman, and it is impossible to swallow the emperor's air transport, insist on so long, and have not yet dieted.

But this is the change of the emperor, or let them have to believe that the sword is unparalleled!


There is no sense of mind.

At this moment, the sword is unparalled in the mad sand, pale look forward.

In front of him, it is a true Wu Emperor that is almost emptied.

"I will give me my fairy, I will leave you." The sword said unparalleled.

In such a war with the emperor, he is completely experienced, even if the conviction is round, it is in the edge of almost collapse.

The true Wu Emperor is airteen, and he didn't think of the sword is still alive.

"If you are looking for death! Now you voluntarily fall into sleep, I will give you a life, otherwise I want you to land on the spot!"

The sword is unparalleled and sigh, no longer say.

Next moment, his back suddenly launched the black feather black feather to cover the sky!

With this black feather, a chasing bird treasure in the Shatha Sea is almost occupied.

It weeds the clouds and dark green wings, the first hexagon, and each corner is different colors, magnificent and mysterious.

Then, it slowly opened his eyes, purely the best of the best, as if to see the universe.

That is a ridiculous, ancient breath, from the era of era, unimaginable.

Along with this chasing bird, and the change of the sword is unparalleled, the true Wu Emperor who is very urgent, and feels a deep chill.

He didn't think of it, in the deep sense of God of the sword, there will be an emperor's breath! !

"Hey -"

The emperor is born, and the emperor is spurting, the emperor is not necessarily.

In the empty, the sword is unparalleled in the crazy, and the air transport is quickly decline.

Zhenwuyang and Yu Chang look at it, then jointly shot, and one of the emperor is transported to the chain, and he is completely entangled.

Then, the old veteran is also in place, they will release their own air transport and reshape the imperial world!

The void is re-gathered, and there is no peak of the stone powder, and nearly more than 50 ignorant of the ancient vectors is too terrible. It is enough to fix any big world.

And this defect is also completely repaired in the dozens of interest.

See this situation, Zhenwuyang directly reaches a hand, logs up and stops, forming a hill hill.

Then, the two emperors jointly worked together, and the sword was bundled on the hill.

With the last eland, he didn't move anything.

"True Wu Di is not dead?" Yu Chang asked Zhenwuyang.

He nodded, "No, but I can feel that he caught into sleep."

Yu Chang also said, "Can you let the unparalleled little friend leave?"

Really Wuyang micro eyebrows, eventually shook his head, "can't, Zhen Wu is not in the day, he is going to be sealed here until Zhenwu stripped from him."

Yan Chang is silent, he can't make a decision, and the decision of true Wuyang is indeed the best solution.

It is a scourge, and the sword is never derived from the constraints.

What else, I still want to say something, but I will only put it into a sigh.

In this Emperor and the Emperor War, the final result did not pay much.

The real Wu Emperor is falling into sleep, and his emperor has been broken, but it can no longer be stripped from the sword unparalleled fairy because they have been fully integrated.

This is an ending without ending, and the final grass ends.

The sword is unparalleled. This is a complete disaster, he didn't do anything, and he was taken in this ruined, endless years.

The emperor finally left, and the desolation of the emperor was in the ancient times.

In the endless darkness, I was tied to the hill of the gods in the hills of the Lounge chain, quietly opened their eyes.

"There are countless Chinese people, Zhen Wu, I want you to die!"


Xiang Yun returned, the fairy, everything is calm.

"Hey, you have to see, the veterans are all returned, and some even have been hit hard."

"What is this, I see that I will be injured in Wu Bo!"

"What? What? Where are you see, this can not be said."

"I am lie to you, it is true, although it is just far, but it is absolutely correct."

"This is still unlikely, who can hurt the ? Our respects the old ancestors are afraid enough to be enough ..."

"This is awkward, the old ancestors are injured, I am afraid that it will be blamed."

"Forbidden, the rules, forget it, can't say."

In the discussion sound of a sudden high, suddenly, I saw it in Xianshu, and I opened my eyes.

Those noisy discussors are the disciples under the veteran, which is a candidate who is a celestial official side of the seven emperors under the future.

At this moment they are discussed, with certain credibility.

The transformation of Xiajie Mountain is also very likely to be related to that.

Chang Yan is meditation, she is inexplicably thinking about the sprinkled figure, in the emperor's court, with a strong sword with a strong Deman.

"He, is it left, or it's going else?"

"This will not, the chance of Xiaolingshan, and some relationships with him?"

Thoughts, such as floods, can't make up.

It is often got up and looks at the no-voids in the front of the cloud.

"He must be left, how can a change in Xiaoshan, how can it be related to him?"

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