Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5055? Blood

The void is broken, the stars returned.

Everything is in silence.

Six roads like a meteor-like body shape, go to the front of galloping.

The first person is Chen Qing and Chunqiu.

"What is this dead, what is this ?!" Chen Qingfang is gloomy.

I saw that the more it is, the more the void is crushed, and it seems that I have experienced a worldwide.

The point of view, all are broken, and in the edge of the void crack, there is a breathing of the calm atmosphere.

That kind of breath, showing dark red, like a precipitated blood river, can't say.

"Let Laozi caught, cramps, bury it under the sky of the sky!" Cui Jing said, the eyes are deeply murdered.

"I hope that I will have a long time." Spring and Autumn are a little worried.

Next moment, a weak fluctuation brushed from the darkness of the void.

Chen Qing stretched out, directly put the weak fluctuation to clamp, and dragged over.

"Ancient, Ancient Pavilion in Ancient Haicheng ?!"

When I saw the body shape like the blood gourd, Chen Qing was shocked to an unpredictable point.

"Ancient, Gu Ping? How can he make this look!" Cui Jing reminded that it was indeed after the ancient pavilion, and it was also shocked.

"It seems that it should be tried halfway." Spring and Autumn frowning said.

Wei Zijia thought, "I think, will it be an onset."

"His bulk Xiaozong, you will see how I will grow them into powder!" Fengshan double boxing is heavy, and the earth is shaking.

At this time, the ancient sea citizen of the ancient sea citizen who was smashing by Chen Qing was launched from the dizzy.

When he saw Chen Qing and other people, he revealed the idiotic look after the robbery, and he was twisted. "Chen, Chen Dang, Dan Pu were taken, my ancient sea is long, and it is all fallen."

Chen Qing wanted, and immediately thoughtfully, and quickly asked, "Who is doing this? How is the ancient auction ?!"

"Yes, it is a very uniform, Qin Tu!" Ancient Pavilion bite hate, "he has come here!"

Chen Qing was angry, tragent, "his mother, this guy is looking for it!"

And Spring and Autumn, I have always been very quiet, watching the ancient pavilion, "Is you attracting him?"

The ancient pavilion was trembled, and there was shocking in the eyes. He finally said, "Spring adults, we were intercepted in the middle of the road, returning to the heavens, only to escape, there is a good pair of life, and this is here, only Let me have one ... "

Spring and autumn waving, then said, "This matter, your ancient sea will give an account."

"Now, it is to use Qin Tu."

Wancha is unparalleled.

At this moment, the big day on the sky has been touched and replaced by a huge blood month.

The void is broken, and there is already a crucible of the sky.

The ancient unparalleled auction line established by a Tianwang plane is therefore caught in the edge of the destruction.

A dark blood river torn earth, pulling everything, swallowing all visits.

The plane is broken, and the most central homonym is in the top of the sky - Wan Ancient Warrior, which has been surrounded by a dark blood river.

In the first place, nearly ten derivisms that were stationed here were suffering.

She just promoted the Deman, and the realm had not been stable, and she had to bear the horrible impact of such a horrible, and it is too difficult.

But she did not retreat in one step, and the relief of the relief.

More terrible is that you don't know who the enemy is, because this heaven and earth is almost instantly, then let everything fall into passive.

Dark blood river is rushing, turned into a blood dragon, rushing to the Temple of Wan Duo Musou Duena.

"Damn, what is this, who will hang up this time ?!" Green bite, it is an angry to the extreme.

On her side, a middle-aged Danan also biting his teeth and bitterly resistant, "Qing Yu Fairy, you will go first, please ask for the Spring adults, we will be on the top!"

"It's impossible, I am leaving, I can't help it here." Qing Yan shook his head.

"It can be done in this way, we can't stand it." Middle-aged Deman couldn't help but say, his long sword in his hand has been voided by Dark blood, and the power is not there.

"That can't be returned!" Qing Yan calmly, Wan Zhanqing matched from her palm, turned into a most robust nephew, shrouded the whole house. Unparalleled Temple.


A thorough loudness of a shock, tearing the chaos.

The endless blood river flies from the depths of the heart and constantly condensed into a hundred million feet.

The thick blood is dripped from the slit of each flap.

A pair of blood is like a bloody sun.

It is really too huge, even if there is no double hall, there is a little small in front of it.

The order is broken, the sky is destroy, everything is in chaos.

At this moment, Wancha is unparalleled with a lonely boat, which is supported, and it is possible to overturn.

And the nearly ten Di Dynamics that were originally embodied here, there have been three melters.

Faced with a snake consisting of a dark blood river, all the fairy faces such as dead gray.

As long as the impact of the blood river, the Temple will not guarantee.

They are afraid they can't resist.

Middle-aged Damai's teeth bite, watching it on the side, then send her to it here.

But the next moment, the chaotic days sudden tremble, followed by a fried cracks and rushed.

All the eyes of all Deman are gathered in the sky.

There, a god-like figure, such as the heavy burning of the sun, and the drama of the snake.

"Boom !!"

Wanzhang blood is burst, and there is an unparalleled arms.

The blood river , its entire head is almost run through, a vertical snake eye is broken.

The huge body weight is heavy in the blood river.

"Fast into the temple!" Youtun shouted, only a few of the fairy fairy all fly into the hall, and then closed the sky.

The blood river roaring, the plane collapsed.

The blood river, who was smashed by the hole, and went to the blood river, rolled up hundreds of millions of blood, covering the sky.

"I am what is something, it is also a mess!"

Fengshan shaped a shock, shaking the blood on the shoulders, disdaining a spit.

But in this air, Chen Qing's scream suddenly sounded, "Fengshan, retreat!"

"Well?" Fengshan doubtfully, who is about to open, but the blood river under the surprise is also condensed out a huge snake.

It opened the blood of the sky, and spurt his endless blood river.

Because this is too fast, when Chen Qing is coming, Mountain has been swallowed.

Find a place, even the Temple of the ancient and unparalleled auction, can't avoid it into the blood river.

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