Just out, the sword is unparalleled to see a large number of tribes, and they have flocked to the most central campus.

"Unparalleled Big Brother." Wu Yuhe came over with the Qinghu.

"Little rain, Qinghu, what happened?" The sword was unpaired.

"It's Auntie, and I caught a demon rape, just in the campus, now everyone is over." Wu Yu has some excitement.

"The demon rape is stunned?" The sword is unparalleled, and the bottom is also raised.

He also wants to know that this demon continent is really overlord, and even the human ethnic is not forced to have a monster of the territor, what is the same.

"Walk, we have also hurry."

When the sword is unparalleled, the Qing Tiger, the rain is also busy with the campus.

On the huge campus, the large number of people in the sea, the mutual tribes are gathered together.

The sword is unparalleled, it is the forehead of the crowd.

"That is the genius?"

The sword is unparalleled to the center of the campus, a brunette man in detained in the iron cage.

The brunette man has a strong body of two meters, and in addition to the body shape, this black man does not have any difference with the normal human warrior.

If the identity of this brunette man is not known, light is seen, and this black man is not seen, it is a monster.

"He is really a monster?" The sword is unparalleled. "

More than him, a large number of people in the crowd are also very surprised. They live in the tribe, and many people have never truly hit the monsters, it is inevitable.

The brunette man being held in the iron building is also crazy at this moment.

"I am a tribe of Qinggang, what do you catch me?"


"I quickly put me, otherwise I gave me the leader of the Qinggang tribe, after all, I got a fair!"

The roaring sound, this brunette man is also an angry look, as if it is greatly wronged.

"Hey, I am going to this, I still have to fight."

On a high stage on the campus, the elders of the Wuki and other Wuyi tribes, the elders of the clouds, gathered there, and looked at the eyes of the brunette man full of cold.

"Please come to the water." Wu Fu told.

"I have already invited, it should be soon to come." One next to it.


The blackfall is nod, and the black hair man in the iron cage has seen the past. "You can rest assured, I am in the martial arts to come to justice, never sick any human beings, if you find out, you are not a demon , But the goods true human martial arts, I will send you back to the Qinggang tribe, and even personally pay a sin. "

"But if you are really a demon, then you ... will die without burial!"

The words of blackboum, killing.

Many people in the mutual tribe, the same face is cold.

Although there are not many monsters they have touched, but from small life in the demon spirit, their bones have already infused the hate for the monsters.

The monster and the human warrior have long been not dead.

The monsters have been destroying the human ethnic, and the human group has always been striving for more living space.

In the territory of human life, there is only one, kill! kill! kill!

In the iron cage, I feel that the surrounding passes is full of killing, the black man is cold, and the heart is also fearful.

After only a moment, a long-crowned older man who had a cane, surrounded by everyone, and came forward.


Seeing the people, many Wuzi tribun people present, including blackboums, respect.

After all, this water is not only a very high elderly man of Wu Yan tribe, but more importantly, he is the only demon soul of the entire Wuyi tribe.

On the demon continent, only the demon souls have a way to distinguish the human warrior with the monsters, so the demon soul, even the strength is very weak, but it is still very respectful.

"Water, please." The Wushan is old.

"Give it to the old man." The water is slightly nodd, followed the slight microchemical gaze, the brunette man looked over, and in the eyes, there was a strange ray flashing.

"Demon Soul."

The brunette man in the iron building saw the strange light in this water, and the face was dramatically changed. He already knows that he can't argue.

It is even if he has been in this situation, his heart is still never desperate. It is a cold, and the people around you are ringing, but it is firmly locked in the top of the rain.

In an instant, this brunette man's heart has an idea.


A thick breath fiercely broke out of the black hair, this breath is full of violent, his eyes immediately become red.

And this breath just broke out, his palm was slammed into the iron cage.

This iron building is refined with special materials, which is quite hard enough to detaine a general holy man or a monster.

At this moment, the black hair man burst into violent breath, and it has exceeded the holy border and reached the level of Yuyun!

The strength of the cloudy world broke out, and immediately took the four-fold five-point cage of this iron.

"not good!"

The black and other people in the high platform have changed.

" !"

"Bastard, he has always hidden the strength and hides the breath."


Changes in the case!

Everything happens too fast, and it is also exceeded their expectations.

The news they got, said that the monsters found in the Qinggang tribe were just the hierarchical hierarchy, and later they had this black-haired man outside, the latter did not have any resistance in their face, and it was only a context. The hierarchy, so they used this iron building to detaine it.

Under normal circumstances, whether it is a human beings in the holy, it can't open this iron cage.

Who once thought that this brunette man hides the strength to the end, he is not a monster of the Bible, but the monster of the clouds.

At this moment, the brunette man suddenly broke out the iron cage, followed by directly capturing the population of the circumstances, the speed of the speed, and the blackboal and others on the high platform did not stop it in the first time.


I saw a bloody rumble, this brunette man brushed out the direction, and it was a sword where there was no double, Wu Yu, and the Tang Tang.

"I want to live only one way, seize the human doll, take her to do it, I have the opportunity to leave." The brunette man stared at the rain.

And see the brunette man rushed toward them, the rain, the green tigers became the color.

The Qinghu responded very quickly. When I took out the long gun in the first time, I want to fight the black hair man.

However, he has not been able to shoot, and a figure has been blocked in front of him with the rain.

This person is naturally a sword.


PS: Four, first more chapters, then update the three chapters at 12 o'clock this morning, add a total of seven chapters, it is a small outbreak.

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