Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5065? Lingjing True

The Tianmen representing the lake-character sword is still building.

However, the image form becomes extremely terrible, as if encountering uncontrolled things.

His tooth in his body suddenly broke, exposed a well-known fairy.

Then, his fairy has suddenly amplified several times and expands to the extreme.

A crack is spread on his fairy, and the blood begins to sprinkle.

After the sword is unparalleled, he is noticeable, and the brow is crumpled.

"Don't he bear the power of the lake-character swords?"

It seems to be in order to confirm what he is thinking, the image begins to be painful.

The dark red blood begins to drill out from his fairy body, collapsed.

It has been in close attention, and the image is broken under the sword.

As the strongest sword in the unparalleled sword, it is also felt with the wind, and even the door is not condensed.

"... good guy, actually give yourself to death."

If the sword is unparalleled, it will be vigilant and vigorously, this mirror world is far more than imagined, you must be careful.

Qin Du will inevitably not die, but any place hidden here, he is doing now, it is to catch it out.

After the hit by the river character sword, the mirror world in this eye has been completely discharged, but it is still recovering.

It's all open and dead.

The sword is unparalleled to call Chen Qing, the name of the spring and autumn, but there is no echo.

Stepping on the mirror of the shadow, he stepped forward.

Everything is dead, only shadow.

After a thousand steps, the sword is unparalleled, suddenly opening, "Follow enough?"

Next moment, he suddenly slammed, the mirror was broken, and a dark red blood came up.

Qin Duang is cold, and it is unparalleled with the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with him, and the eyebrows lit up a seven-star system, and they directly raised their hands to call the fairy.

Little mountain river.

The hills suddenly rushed to the ground, and the cultivation of prisoners were detailed, and the Tianhe swept the chain.

The flame is then coming, burning everything.

This is the first time the sword is unparalleled from the sea.

He grows, the fairy is growing, and it has long been in the same day.

Qin Tuo was imprisoned by deep mountains and was bound by the Tianhe, but it was deeply unable to extricate.

The sword is unparalleled to him, waving the burning flavor, looking at him calm.

"Where are they in the end?"

Qin Du's teeth, the big horror between life and death has forced him to carry out the final bow.

Seeing that he is still hesitating, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a bomb, and a pure sword is to force into his fairy.

"Hey !!"

Qin Du is painful, then the sword is crazy in the meridian, and every time, the meridians are completely stranded, and the pain is unbearable.

The sword is unparalleled, but it will force a sword to force into his fairy.

The blood spray, Qin Tuo can still not hold, "they, they are all here !!"

He heard his words, lifted with a slight eyebrow, and then looked at the world composed of diamonds, thinking about the true and false in Qin Dynasty.

After a while, the sword was unparalleled, released the rhogosphine ground under the foot.

"Boom -"

The earth is quickly broken, and a dark red blood is poured from the crushing.

"If I have been dismantled, I didn't see them, you will be willing to die." The sword said unparalleled, then completely released its own delay, and wanted!

The violent to the ultimate tragent broke out, even Qin Tu was trembling.

The whole dianse world is in a broken edge, but at the next moment, a huge dark eye wheel came to the void.

Encourse and the breath of the person is smashing, staring at the sword.

He is ackless, and there is a million swords behind him, swept the eye wheel.

This time, the eye wheel did not engrave and absorb, but the swordsmanship stranded, and finally destroyed into a powder.

See this situation, Qin Du is shocked, don't dare to confuse.

With the sinterlete of the eye wheel, the world originally repaired is not repaired, and enter the ultimate collapse.

Qin Tu's breath is also rapidly wilting.

The independent world in this eye wheel completely collapses, and they returned to the real day.

Above the ruins of Shangzhan, Chen Qing, Chunqiu and the ancient pavilion were surprised, "back, come back?"

Then, it is a very cattle-like figure to fall from the sky, and smashed in the ruins.

It is also "plot" two sounds, the two body shapes have also fallen, and the stack of Chinese is in the back of the cattle.

"Cui, Cui Jing, there are six A?" Chen Qing first was shocked, then ecstatic, "good guy, it is back!"

Spring and Autumn hurry forwarded them from the ruins, and the exploration is in a skilled sleep, and there is nothing of the big life.

"Sword Brothers?" Chen Qing turned his head and hurriedly explored it.

Ancient Pavilion stretched his finger to the front, tough swallowed throat.

Look in his fingers, the sword is unparalleled in the ruins, holding Qin Du's neck, and a face.

God spilled, he almost became blood, it has been like a wire.

"Let me go ..."

A weak voice sounded, the an average of Zong Zong Qin, from the ruins, falling into the rush, there is no double over the sword.

But then, go to the road to be blocked, a narrow short sword, hibernation.

The spring and autumn recovered the short sword, and Qin was fallen, and fell into the ruins.

The sword is unparalleled, not paying attention to the situation, all of his eyes are gathered in Qin Tuo.

Subsequently, Qin Duo smiled, "I really didn't think of it, I am going to the big Damai, and I am still falling in a margin, when it is ironic."

After that finished this sentence, he fell directly, and the fairy was broken into a powder.

And until this, the sword was unparalleled and surprised. Qin Tuo did not have a fairy source!

Or, his fairyland has shrunk to some extent, almost disappeared, not like the fairy you have in Daman!

There is no difference between the sword, a transparent, a mirror, after Qin Duo fairy, hovered in the air, slowly rotating.

The sword is unconscious, I thought of the world's long-term world, and the wheel of the temptation.

"Is it, what connection between them?"

He does not understand, reach out to take the diamond.

Under the sun, the six sides of the diamonds, each side of each side reflects the face of the sword.

I don't know why, after seeing this diamond, the kind of virtual familiarity in his heart suddenly became strong.

But the sword is unparalleled almost determined that he has never seen this diamond.

"Will n't it be, don't you bring the sky-striped bones with a teacher?"

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