It is dangerous to pass the void, no endless, even the Di Dynasty is shuttle in the void.

Together with peers, it is a good way to respond to danger.

"Little friends, I have to admit that your sword is extremely excellent, but in the realm of you today, it is still more stable."

The thinness is quite wrong, and he is a big Dali, repeatedly close to the sword.

Finally, the sword is unparalleled. "You don't think, now the biggest threat is you?"

"... Xiaoyou this is wrong, this seat is never possible is the kind of Deman!"

Slim screaming said.


The sword is unparalleled, he can feel this guy is a pure words. I don't know how many years have never been opened, I will have a strong chatter.

Until the sword is unparalleled, he is satisfied with the shutter after some hostility.

But soon, he also felt his emotion.

"Are you always like this?" The sword was unparalleled, "" In the big sky, there is a chaotic manner? "

"... is not even, mainly this seat likes to be flat." Thin-skinned mouth tone.

The sword is unparalleled, not so shook his head, no longer talk.

"The things are, it is true ... I am wrong, kid you must not mind, in fact, I am still very good." He continued, "Next, in order to save my mistake, I decided to protect my little friend. "

"It's worthless." The sword said unparalleled.

The thin body is not known for a while how to treat this oil salt is not in.

But soon he secretly gotten it, he fell in the sword and there was no double behind him. He didn't slow down.

And the sword is too lazy to be more than these, continue to plunder the darkness.

Virtual is void, and it is still a considerable long way to go.

As he continued in the void, he gradually put down the vigilance of his heart, let the thinned body tight.

"Little friends, you and see this countless day area, what do you think?"

The thin body shape waves the arm, pointed to say that there is a very few faces in the stars, revealing a faint smile.

The sword didn't look at him and didn't speak.

The thin body is not concerned, continue to be self-reliating, "In this foot, the poorest thing is informably, but the four words are in summary."

"These four words are, they are born."

This words are out, the sword is unparalleled, and then the calm look is restored.

Indeed, how can it be a mediocrity? How can I use my own swords to compete with my own swords?

The thinning of the thin body makes his changes, can't help but laugh, "The little friend, how do I take you?"

This time, the sword is unparalleled and has not refused, "can."

"Then we will get dust!"

Slim, laugh, and then take the lead.

And the sword that is ready to go to the sky, but also successfully biased.

The so-called dust, that is, entering everything, feels the most micro-ray.

In the Danadian, there is a dusty to the dust, and the strong delay is extremely easy to dissipate.

Therefore, there is almost no Danoma will step down a step in the world.

But the shape of the skin is an exception, and he doesn't care about his air transport and the delay, and enters the world.

There is no ministry, even even the tramper is sparse, and there is no need to produce the monk of the monk, and the two wearing a net long shirt is slow.

These two figure, one is the sword is unparalleled, the other is thin and shaped.

The market is booming, and it is made up of mortals that cannot be controlled and sentimental.

The sword is unparalleled and thin, and the smashing is in the market, although it has converged the delay, the dust is the meaning of dust, and it is still a lot of attention.

In the bustling crowd, the thinness is very comfortable. I don't know where two kinds of phosphones, I will give the sword unparalleled one after it refuses, and I don't care, and I will chew it directly.

"After I arrived at the height of I want to arrive, I stopped the footsteps. I entered another dusty world, I felt the meaning of the micro-ending of the dust."

"All Diqings have abandoned the world of dust, but I have a different feeling."

"They have a very short life of these mortals. It is more than a hundred years. I am sitting in a mall, watching them back to thousands of people. The loneliness of life and death makes me have some touch. "

"Say you may not believe, I can go to Dadi, have a big relationship with the world."

Put Guayi to the ground, thin and shade to the sword, "But I always feel that it is a little lifetime."

He shrugged, "Maybe I really enlighten it, it is when my avenue appears."

Listening quietly, I have a big voice, and the sword is unparalleled. "That day may never appear, maybe just between one thought."

"I hope that the day will never come." Skinny smile.

"Right, I have been known for so long, I haven't asked your name."

"The sword is unparalleled."

"I am Nanxuan."

After the lady, they are not open, and they will go forward.

The market is prosperous, not a speech.

Although the pedestrians don't have much, the eyes are warm and barely look at them.

But very quickly, the pedestrians in the market began to hurry forward, just like making a lot of lively.

"Go fast, have you heard that from Fang Bang came a magic teacher, rumored illusion and thoroughly, you want to change out, let's take a look."

With noisy sound, nearly half of pedestrians gather in front.

And the sword is unparalleled and Nanxuan, and it is also wrapped in the crowd.

In the end, the pedestrians gathered in the depths of the downtown, eventually waiting to be held in front of the stalls full of various masks.

At the center of this stall, a robe, full of white hair, and the right eyebrows rushed to the right.

Along with his shake, the bells of the waist have a vulnerability.

"Welcome the arrival of visits, the old road is waiting for a long time."

He smiled and said, then reached out to take a white monkey mask on the shelf, and he fell at the table.

In an instant, the white monkey mask scattered a cloud smoke, and then a long arm long, the white monkey whitening white monkey came out.

The crowd was stunned by this scene.

The dead object is active, which is an unimaginable thing, but the eyes have happened.

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