But soon, everything has changed.

The original downtown pavilion, and the earth under the feet began to swipe.

Running the sky, the sky is turning.

The old road only felt the front of the eyes, and then he was turned over by a strong heavy feet.

"Run, I can see where you can go!"

Nan Xuan's angered, and pressed the old road with his feet and dead.

"Okay, good guy, I didn't do anything wrong, I also invited the Han Tang." He said in the earth.

Just then, the sword was unparalleled to him, and then slow down.

The old road that was originally intended to continue to ask for mercy, after seeing the face of the people, the figure is suddenly treated, and the eyes are closed, it is dizzy.

"Scared it?" Nan Xuan was shocked.

The sword is unparalleled. "If you are dying, you are really dead."

The voice is falling, and the old road is woken up. I don't dare to see him. I am crazy to hit the ground. "Ask everyone for arson, ask for everyone to live ..."

He is cold, "" Shut up, I don't want to hold a previous thing. "

If the old road, if it is a cold, it is not dare to move in the ground.

Today, the sword is unparalleled, this old road is that in the sea, with a smuggling illusion, lie to the old road of his mixed yuan.

But he is not intended to be investigated, but the brow is frightened. "How did you escape from the sea? Tell me, there is no crack without the sea?"

Not completely closed, it can escape. "

For his words, the sword is unison, and directly reach out to explore the gas.

Under this exploration, it was found that the status quo of the river parade was indeed the same as the prosecution.

"Let's go." The sword didn't get together, and the face was slightly exhausted.

Nan Xuan Yizhen, then, "The guy, let him run?"

He is no longer looking back, "Let him, there is no meaning."

Although Nanxuan is a bit angrical, it will eventually do not have a killer, and then leave after the river parade.

The river tour slowly got up, sitting in the ground, did not have returned to God for a long time, and finally watched the sword without double back, there was no trace of no trace.

This task is extremely incomprehensible. It encountered a largest variable and disrupted everything.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no mood to continue in the dust world. After the birth, it will go straight to the big one.

"Little friends, the old road, you see?"

In the empty, Nanxuan asked.

"I have known, I have seen it, and I stole something from me." The sword is unparalleled. "

He angry, "I know that the old guy is not a good thing, and it is true."

And the sword is unparalleled, there is no touch, I see the river travel again, he did not live in the heart.

More, it is the inexplicable touch of the prisoner of imprisoned in the sea.

It is precisely because of this inexplicable touch, let him let him go through the river.

"Little friends, what is your final destination?"

Big Mei. "

After the war of nine-to-Damadam, the entire large-scale day is almost destroyed nearly 70%.

Even if I have passed for nearly 20,000 years, I have not fully recovered.

The broken world is still visible, and the attraction is filled with a silence.

"I remember to come here first, now how to become this model now?"

Nan Xuan is surprised. In his memory, the big Maidiary field is the top world of the name of the name.

But in the eyes, the big Maidiary field seems to have been hit hard and slowly recover.

And he will not think of it, let the big Miao become a slap in the eyes, is the sword around him.

"Little friends, you come to this sky, what is going to do?" Nanxuan continued to ask.

"Looking for someone." The sword said unparalleled, and then took a map from his arms.

This map is just before he travels, let the little king are drawn.

However, the route of this map is also extremely blurred, just depicts the probably orientation of the three-inch mountains. As for the specific orientation, there is still no knowledge.

"Southwestern orientation, forty-two worlds."

The sword is unparalleled, and the map has been returned, and the inner has decided.

The void is void, and the three-inch mountains are in a probably orientation.

The more you go to southwest, the farther away from the big days, the more you don't have to worry about the hawk dogs under the monsters.

But although thinking, it is often a violation.

Just in the sword unparalleled and Nanxuan prepared to refer to the southwest, a low voice did not have any signs.

"Stand to this seat!"

The total number of seven shapes, seven Di Dynamics, directly from all directions from all directions at this moment.

For the first youth Demai, I watched the sword. "Six-day sword officials, how is the mood of the Six days?"

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, he didn't think of an ordinary fairy, and he could accurately call his name.

After a short thinking, he said, "I am not intentionally coming to the sky, I will leave."

After the words, the sword is unparalleled with South China.

"When it is arrogant, the big Miao is what you said, let's go."

Youth Deman is cold, swaying a shock, the remaining six Diva are released, and the sword is unparalleled and Nanxuan.

"I have to see you under the Second Hall, I hope you don't lift it."

No swords are unparalleled, and Nan Xuan's head is clear, "Your master has not paid you, is it awareness?"

Youth Demani brows, obviously did not in Juan, "Who are you?"

"This is your grandfather!"

Nanxuan explosive and drink, and then there is no signs of violence.

Thousands of terrible Huang Hang broke out from the palm of the palm, with a speed that could not be expected, flushing to the four wild eight.

This is the percentage of Da Diki, and there is no one half of the Dynamite that may escape.

The headed youth Deman, even just responded, the fairy was stranded into a powder.

There is no exception of the remaining six Diqings, all disappeared without trace.

Insufficient time, seven Deman, do not see any traces.

"A group of dresses, also dare to block this seat?" Nanxun is very unpredictable, obviously this is quite depressed.

After solving the trouble, the sword is unparalleled, and it is not a long way to stay. Directly carry Nanxuan disappeared in the southwest.

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