Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5083? I have to see the artist

Youth Deman quickly got up, I don't know where to take a long sword, I went to the sword.

This time, the sword is more popular among the movements.

It's almost in the moment of young men, I'm shot.

Take a knife with palm, the sword is unparalleled to his head, and his long sword is taken with a speed that cannot be imagined.

The young man who flew out and barely stopped his body, and his eyes were shameful.

The sword who won the long sword is unparalleled, and it is not anxious to do, but I looked at the long sword in my hand, "I cast it?"

"Want to manage!" The young man is suddenly red, like being pokeed to the pain, want to reach out to the long sword.

However, the sword is unparalleled, he first step, the arm is hard, and the long sword in the hand is broken, there is only one sword handle.

The long sword is broken, the sword is broken into a fragment, like snowflakes.

"You are too deceived!" The young man was anger, and suddenly took a long sword, and smashed the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the road, "the sword is too crisp, there is no spirit, the only thing worthy of praise is that the impurities have been completely tempered, very useful."

The young man is stylus, but then continue to fight.

The sword is unparalleled to see the sword is very interested, and it will not take a sword without a number of interest.

"This is more good, it is much better than the previous two swords, but it is still a sword."

"You still dare to deceive too much!"


"This is also good, but it is still a sword, come again!"

In this way, the original battle has turned into a fierce fighting.

Young men are like a sword library, constantly taking out the long sword stabbed to the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, just like a master, standing in the clouds directly captured the long sword review, then shocked.

So far, the young man simply put the sword in his hands, waiting for the review.

Nan Xuan, who looks at this scene, does not help but take the tongue, "can you still do?"

In the end, the young man is not willing to open, "Who are you, why do you know the sword?"

The sword is unparalleled without answering him, but the opening, "Okay, all the questions are completed, now you answer my question."

"No," youth men refuse, "I won't tell you that my Master lives here."



The air is solidified, his mouth is slightly convulsions, obviously aware of the fastest, and said Master.

The sword is unpaired, it seems that the head of this guy is not very good.

Next moment, a little angry voice sounded, "It's enough, you are stupid, cast the sword and cast your head!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it looks at the clouds in front.

The clouds are suddenly closer, and there is a mottled star in it, just like a huge furnace, the cloud smoke began to become red.

After listening to this reprimand, he hurriedly slammed the knees, his face, "Master forgive sin, disciples dumb, did not complete your arrogance."

The clouds are like boiling, as dumped furnaces, so that the entire sky begins to boil.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled breathing, and the closer to the truth, the more it is nervous.

As the sky's pan is boiling, a slightly short body shape is from far and close, from the end of the sky.

The breath of the air, the South Xuanzhi changed, he hurriedly took the sword where there was no double, whispered, "pay attention, the whatever is a big Damai, which is not under me."

He nodded, he was so famous for the entire large domain, and he was very mysterious Xu Tu. How could it be a big Deman?

And, the sword is unparalleled, and the monketemith Xu Tu is likely to be from the era of ancient times.

It is a old man with a black red and red, a short body shape.

He stared in a pair of bulls and his hands were not angry.

And that young man saw it, the battle was very good, and the head was buried.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first step is, and the first.

The black and red, short, the old man came, standing in front of him, then directly looking at the sword and unparalleled, up and down.

Half, he is cold, "is the guidance of your big words."

The sword has no double condensation, "said that it is not willing to waste such a good seed."

"Good seedlings?" The shortcomers suddenly smiled. "I am a dullness in my name. In my many disciples, what is the presence of a countdown, how come a lot of seedlings?"

The young man of the single knee heard the medal of Master, and suddenly made a white, the fairy began to tremble, and it seems that it is possible to fall.

The strike of this language is far more than the prince being scored before.

Desperate breeding.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, "" casting the sword, that is, it is cast, this is hard, and it can endure the neutral monk. "

"There are countless swords in the world, but who comes to the craftsman. Who is playing from the treasure? In fact, it has already been destined to be at the beginning."

The short people heard the words, and suddenly the nose, "ridiculous, who dares to be destined?"

The sword has no double smile, look at him, "Do you want to ask the predecessors Xu Tuo?"

"Yes." The short people smashed, "But what is the relationship with your hit?"

After determining, he secretly got a sigh of relief, then continued, "That dares to ask, how many disciples under the case?"

"Then, you are licking my patience." The short elderly frown, obviously in dissatisfaction.

The sword is unparalleled, "Don't dare, but the kid dare to assert, regardless of how many disciples under the monk, but ultimately can achieve this level, and only two!"

The original frowning short elderly body shape is obvious, and the eyes flashed a shocked concealed.

But soon, he recovered this, continued to be a nose, "Hey, purely full of craps, you don't even know how many disciples under the old husband, do you dare to make such an assertion?"

"No matter how much, there will only be two," the sword is unparalpired and a mysterious smile, "the seniors dare not gamble, I know which two?"

"Gambling? If the old man does not dare to bet, I am afraid that you are afraid of being a mad!" The short elder people didn't have the old, "then gamble."

"The predecessors are hurt, if I guess which two, please ask the seniors to promise me a condition."

"Nature, as long as you guess, don't say a condition, that is, ten, I also depend on you!"

The sword is unparalleled, directly lifting the palm, pointing to the young man who is still kneeling in the cloud, firmly passing, "This is the first!"

The winds of the long wind, let the youth man who fall into the bottom of the valley is one of the shaped people!

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