Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5099, the fifth ninety-five? Tong Tong

The sword is unparalleled naturally, there is no too much, he just wants this, then take it out as soon as possible.

This black robe incident, I can't take care of him. Once you are in the sky, I am afraid that it is not optimistic.

Once the son is somewhat, it will inevitably make him more passive.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is to fade your existence.

"Hey, talk nonsense!" The son enacted him, it seems extremely unhappy.

And the truth, Xianjun launched the sword and unparalleled words, showed a look that the lookout of the look.

Then he said, "He is destroyed here, I am afraid that even the six-turn Damai can't do so, I am very curious, how did you do it?"

"Is the evil be surpassing the existence of six-turn big Deman?"

The shortness of the throwing is a key to the matter directly.

In fact, the black robe is far more than six to the large Danadian, and even the existence of nine turn, but once the black robe is the existence of the Jiu Tuan, I am afraid that anyone knows that things are not simple.

The sword is unparalleled, and then, "there is this possibility, but the time he has appeared is too fast, and it is too rushed, and he can't detect his true breath."

Really, Xianjun continues, "In this case, the evil should be to come to some kind to treasure, who is you carrying that treasure?"

He smiled slightly, "I really want to forget, here is the artist's sky, which contains to treasure, but there is more extent that I can't imagine."

Zhen Xianjun reveals a meant meaning, "Oh, is it, then I ask, how do you survive from the evil?"

The sword is unparalleled. "The evil is unhealthy, it seems to be just to find something, it will cause such destruction to the sky, so we have survived the arrival of Xianjun."

I didn't ask if I didn't leak, and there was no important information.

This makes the truth, Xianjun, and the things will never be so simple, otherwise the territory will not be shocked, even the emperor is alarmed.

The emperor sent them to the big Maidi, that is, the reason why it is necessary to thoroughly, and the beginning of the person will be thrown into the sea.

But now, everything seems to be hidden, there is no clue.

"The sword is unparalleled!" True Xianjun has an anger, "Do you know the consequences of not reporting?"

The sword is unparalleled to know that he has been anger. It can only be helpless. "Xianjun, the development of things is true, if you don't believe, I can't help."

Really, the fairy will step forward, "Don't you be afraid of being thrown into the sea?"

"Is there such a good thing?" He secretly muttered, but immediately opened, "though although there is some twists and turns, it is a big thing. If Xianjun does not believe, you can figure it out."

The atmosphere is stiff, and ten veteran are unparalleled to the sword, trying to find a breakout point.

In the end, it is still true, and he looks at the son to correct, "His Royal Highness, the sword said, can you true?"

The sword has no double in the heart, and it quickly calm down.

And the son is correct, but it seems that he is hesitating. In the end, he looked up to see the true , "Zhen Yu Xianjun, indeed it."

"It is indeed true? His His Royal Highness, is it easy to hide?" True Xianjun anger, then reached out and lifted the time, and the time of the one-hundred days of the chain of the chain of the chain, and there was a bundle with the master correction.

The son corrects is a boy, but he lows to the heavenly order chain of the bundle in the waist, "Zhenyi Xianjun, how do you dare ?!"

"This is the life of the emperor, let anyone have to implement, the emperor can't exceed the exception!" He said Shen Sheng, obviously not afraid.

"The Emperor will go!" The son is correct as humiliating.

But the real is obviously not the feeling of his feelings, but it is tighter to the heaven chain.

At the scene, a disciple of Xu Tuo, including the artisan, enjoyed the treatment of the heavenly chain chain.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, almost tied to the scorpion, only one head is outdooted.

"Bundle me, but this is a bit exaggerated ..."

"Special circumstances, special treatment." Zhenyi Xianjun looked at him and said.

At this time, the monk Xu Tuo opened the mouth, "I am going to bring me to us?"

"Bring all the way to the heavens, handed over to the emperor."

"Day, heaven ?!" All disciples are all in the face.

As the heavens in the whole big domain center, it is impossible for them, it is impossible to imagine, you must know that they can't even be repaired.

At the moment, it is actually able to visit the heavens, which makes all disciples, I don't know what this excitement is still fear.

Nan Xuan wants to cry, the so-called Tianding is a lot of prisoners, which will defiberly exist in a prisoner, which will inevitably be fierce.

Then more than 60 shapes, under the binding of the heavenly order chain, will be sent to the heavens.

However, at this time, the real , ,,,,,,

The remaining nine veteran is also condensed at this moment.

Become a void, rolling and windy.

A dark purple fog, such as silk, I don't know where to get it again, and even again!

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled.

If you can recover, you will have a rumor, and the black robe has recovered three times, and he will recover again.

This is a thing that is absolutely imagined, and it is also more proven, he is a body that is not dead, even the peak big Daman can't completely kill him!

The sword is unparalleled, this is a black robes that come out from the heavens, what is the existence? Is there anything that existed really just guarded the sky?

What secrets have been recorded in the heavenly character bones, so that the black robe does not hesitate to kill all the cousins?

Along with dark purple fog, the shackles of the black robe have appeared again.

Not only the sword is unparalleled, including Nanxuan and the Shenmin Xu Tuo feels from the heart.

Endless recovery, all are in the peak state, even the peak big Damai can't completely extinct guys, will it really exist?

At this moment, ten Yuan Lao Xianjun found that the breath of the black robe is all lighter.

Then, I really saw the sword that was burst into the scorpion by the heavenly order chain. "The sword is unparalleled, you and see this kind of evil in your mouth?"

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