Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5106? Repair Border

Yu Chang left.

After the arrogance of the sword, he left.

Only a sword is unparalleled, on this fairy road, a big border.

He stood in place and felt endless emotions, while thinking about the meaning of Yu Chang.

"This is a big defect, can you have a Division close, and walk in it?"

"The so-called Tongtian Buddhist world outside the water is what exists."

"And those guys actually take a part of their own trials for a part of it?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the big monk seen in the Salmon Cave, and there is some news in the discussion of the airblock.

Those who have not been in the Saffow Caves, and it is indeed coming from the Tiantian Buddha.

Also, after the event of the Salmon Cave, the sword is unparalleled to those monks, especially a few big Damadan, without any good feelings.

But only the empty wheel monk, the sword is unparalleled to him.

That of the blood sea, he got a lot.

All in all, the Tongtian Buddhism outside the wildfield, there is no good feeling for swords.

After the general clarity of some conclusions, the sword was unparalleled to go out.

The unpretched, there is no border, everything is as if it is covered with dust, there is no a day, there is no big day star.

Yes, just a dark gray.

Yushang said there is no mistake, even if it is a big Damai to come here, it will eventually be lost.

However, there is no abnormality in the sword, and his heart's mind has already been increasingly integrated into a terrible level.

The waters are concerned about him, but it is still a good place for cultivation.

The foot of the fairy road, the sword is unparalleled to look at the border of the border in front of the second, so soon, I will soon understand that Yu Chang wants him to fix anything.

In the center of this vast boundary wall barrier, there is a gap, only one line.

Just like being torn out of the external force, the boundary wall bar is no longer complete.

This gap, seems to have only one line, but when the sword is really unparalleled, when you look at the crack, you know what is deep in the world!

The whole border wall bar is really too vast, so even if only the line is only broken, it cannot make up the crack.

The sword is unparalleled in this crack, which is not a big head.

This crack is really too vast, I am afraid that I will not be able to fill it entirely in 10 million worlds!

Today's sword is unparalleled. If you want to move a regular day in the big domain, it is not difficult.

But it is difficult, here is a big shortage, and it is ridiculous.

There is no sky domain, and there is no delay can be added, and it can only rely on itself to slow recovery.

In this way, repair this boundary wall bar is not very difficult!

Since there is no heavenly place to use, the sword has no double turn to the fairy road under the feet.

The end of this border is the same as the fairy bones, which are all piled up with the bones of the Demai, and now I want to fix it, I can only fill the fairy bones in the fumite.

It is said that he suddenly releases its own delay after the gap between the sword is unparalleled in the cracks of the boundary barrier.

This big, I don't know how many millions of times have no delay.

So when the sword is unparalleled, the whole endless void, and the waters have exploded vortex.

The thick dust was adsorbed by eddy currents, but in the void, it hovered in the void, so that everything tremble.

The thunderstorm in the rough dragon is hidden in the vortex, and it is possible to tear the empty space at any time.

Here, there is no heaven or order, everything is confusing, the original state.

Then, the next department, thousands of thunders like the giant dragon, and the swords that have been emitted with the slightest force.


"Boom !!"

Even the fairy bones trembled, and the fairy bones made into pieces became a powder.

As soon as the sword of the self-contained sword is unparalleled, it is awkwardly in the heart.

These Tianlei can't make too much influence on the sword with unscrupulous fairy, but it still makes his wolf to the extreme.

Waiting until the lightning is getting off, he is quite a wolf to go out from the heart.

"No, do you even release the delay, you have to be?" The sword is unparalleled.

He decided to try again.

The sharp delay is once again flowed in the meridian and escapes.

This time, did not pilot the void.

The sword is unparalleled soon, and the previous opact is a accident.

However, this big man is indeed unable to condense derived derivatives, which is completely ridiculous.

After I want to understand, the sword is unparalleled directly to restore the boundary overlock.

Because this big ruined is not born in the sky, he can only start the fairy road, use the stacked corpse bone to fill the gap between the boundary barriers.

The invisible sword quietly condenses, the sword is unparalleled to the void, then a sword.

"Booming ..."

The fairy road has been cleared, and then in the cutting of the invisible sword, the center of the fumite road is cut out.

Then, the sword is unparalleled, and the shape is also falling on the fairy road.

He suddenly became a feet, in an instant, the fairy road is deeply shocked, a square road block of a gods, rumbled directly from the ground.

The sword is unfolded, and it is directly holding the hill-like road block, stacking the center of the boundary wall barrier.

Although the road is huge than the hill mountain, it is like a dust in the crack of the border.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and the silence begins with the next step.

In this way, in this ignorant, I don't know how to cut the fumite road, and I will cut the sizes like the hill-like road, and the gap between the boundary barriers.

Among the borders, there is no concept of years, everything is in the original state of chaos.

The big Damai, the unbearable, will be lost in this.

Only a figure is firmly doing your own things, constantly fixing the gaps of the boundary.


"Big companion, you said that there is no difference in it now? I heard that the sky is very serious."

The cloud smoke, the peaceful lying in the clouds is quite mysterious in the cloud smoke.

In a warm seat, Xiao Jun leaned on the window, some of the gods looking at the cloud sea.

I standed behind him and looked up at him and looked at him. "In the Hall, you have passed."

Xiaowu came back to God, and the side face looked at him. "How, I can't even say this now?"

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