Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5108? Former enemy

It seems to be in order to confirm the worries in the sword, and the fairy road suddenly trembles.

With this tremor, a sound from the era of ancient times, with the meaning of the dead.

"Kill - kill !!"

A sentence shouted to pass out of the road, so that the entire fairy road began to turn.

The sword is unparalleled, and he can feel the terrible existence of this place.

Along with this shouting, it seems like countless Damai's bloody battle on the battlefield, and the last drop is blood.

The whole border is like a battlefield, returning to the ancient times.

The fairy road under the foot is shaking, as if these fairy bones will wake up at any time, everything is unable to say.

"Kill - kill !!!"

In the next moment, under the abyss, the black smoke was strong than any time before, almost reached the extent to which the void.

After the sword is unparalleled, the brow is tightened, this big unsatisfactory breath, is an unusual fairy to release.

There will be a major disaster in this fairy road.

It seems that as he thinks, it is enough to cover the black smoke of the void, a pair of true eyes of the big day, quietly appear.

Ming smoke and the true eye.

Along with this pair of true appearance, the sword is unparalleled.

The four eyes were relatively, and the black smoke was either the black smoke in the black smoke.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is almost a long-awaited, and the hand-held sword is handed over, and the black fog arrows come through the black fog.

"I am still alive ... I am still alive!"

Among the black smoke, there is a dead ridiculous voice, which seems to be depressed in the endless years of the endless years.

"Really Wuyang, I am still alive, I am still alive!"

Black smoke belt frank, the uppermost fairy bones of the fairy bones began to break into a powder.

The sword has no double successfully, he has already felt a ridiculous feeling from this black smoke, plus it in his mouth, can conclude it is a era with Zhenwuyang!

And Zhenwuyang is a time, and it is possible to call the real Wuyang name, and it is only possible to be hostile forces.

It can run through the long river, and still is still dead, and who is not the powerful?

After you want to know these, the sword is unparalleled without a hesitation. After all, once the loss, once the loss is, it can be true.

However, there is something wrong with him, and the black smoke that seizes the void suddenly gathered. It turned out to be a heavy hammer that is enough to cover the sky.

He is shocked in his heart, naturally feeling the terrible power, and hurry and avoid it.

"Boom !!"

The heavy hammer that is condensed by the black mist is over the road, causing a giant earth.

Those fairy bones that have hundreds of millions of decay have not been able to withstand such a heavy pressure, and instantly have a pothole in one party.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the mountain river will leave the fumite road with the shrinking mountain river.

But the fairy road is really too vast, almost the same as the big waters.

With his departure, the heavy hammer of black smoke is again changed again, and it has turned into thousands of lock chains, madly critadped.

"! !!"

The chain of each black smoke can be easily broken.

It is unparalleled, and it is difficult to pull away from the sky, and a chain of a slap is stopped from the sky.

His brow wrinkled, the invisible sword quietly held in his hand, directly blooming thousands of swords!

Every sword is, all out of the unparalleled big potential, and the chain.

The two collided, and there was only a moment of light and dark, and then all dissipated.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is turned to see the void.

In the empty, the black smoke is already gathered together and swim slowly.

Along with the continuous dissolution of the black smoke, a pair of true eyes hidden in it is finally completely condensed.

That is a body that is high, even if it is hidden under the black smoke, it is also difficult to cover the grand.

It is unbearable, and it can't even see that it is a war armor, because it is too broken, so that it does not cover the body of 10 million.

With the dissipation of the black smoke, the body of Ten Thousands of body stood above the cilage.

He shaped a broken battle armor, with a big ear, a hair, a pair of true eyes, like a blood, navigation, no real.

In his hand, hold a handle that has broken half of the broken sword.

Along with his appearance, the voids will reproduce the violent vortex, such as the trendy thunder, from the vortex, and wrap around the armor shape.

"I am still alive, I will not alive in white, I have to destroy everything, accompany me!"

The war armor has a sword, a pair of true eyes to the blood.

He has died countless years, but he woke up again and woke up in the wild.

Everything that is familiar has changed to the bones, and the convenience is ridiculous.

The first time he woke up, only the sword was unparalleled, and naturally, the sword was unparalleled as a hatred.

"The eagle dog under true Wuyang ?!" The armor figured, and the hands were broken down.

The sword is unparalleled and retired, and the eyes are lighter. "I have no relationship with Zhenwuyang, you have been wrong."

"I will never be mistaken, I can feel his breath on your body, you must have thousands of relationships with Zhenwu Yang!" The armic figure roared, "Since I live, then I am so happy. Everything I have to destroy! "

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a bad way, then there is no one hesitated to break the delay in the fairy to the peak.

"Boom -"

There is no extension in the big man in this unable to birth, and it has once again pushed the void.

A vortex is gathered, and the breath is suppressed.

The armor is standing above the fairy road, and the body of the thousands of feet is full of power, and the passers will go to the extreme.

Then he holds a sword, and the sink is unparalleled to the sword.

The void cannot withstand this sword, which starts to be broken, with unparalleled weight drop.

The sword has no double eyeliner, and suddenly the fairy road under the feet, with him, Millions of swords at this moment, instantly rising.

Purely, lingering the odd golden fencing, blinking the void.

There is no double sword and the residual sword collide with the sword, and there is no sound wave directly.

The fairy bones were even opened, and they broke into the powder in the void.

And the sword is unparalleled in the border crack, those road blocks like Shenshan, are all cultivated to fly ash ...

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