Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5117 This is from

Hey!! call!


Oxon, dull crying, coming out of the void.

A road from the lookout of the ancient times, the sound is like a sharp narrow sharp blade, the gray quaint battle has already broken, and the rotten body is at this moment, re-replaces the breath of the ancient times.

The sword is not double-sided, the front of the Deman is wrapped in the fans of the five monks, and the soft light is very gentle, but it is very powerful, even touched the stock in his body. Because of killing.

"Hardestins, you can take out the machine, I have some protection, no need to worry."

The rough big monk, behind the golden light, although it is only three to the big Damai, behind the law, the law can match the sixth transverse Danadian, five people are bored, there is a unmatched the power.

"You are being sent to death!" The sword is unparalleled, and these monks have said like Yan Chang, stubborn, do not want to cooperate out, actually to fight against him, the bones, the big army, the big army Domain.

He is a big domain Deman, and he is hired to come to the big wreath of repairing the boundary, but it is aware that there will be an inforiative ancestor, and there is no connection between the endlessness.

Moreover, there is a really unbeatable existence under the bones.

It turned out to have burst of such a pound of derivative in the big waste, and the strength of the other party is not they can match.

"You wait for me to save my life, promise you, I will do it, no need to send my life."

The sword is unparalleled in the sword, and the sudden appearance of the delay is suddenly restored to the peak. At this moment, the combination is not better than their five.

In the void, suddenly came from!

"Really Wuyang! Zhenwuyang! Really Wuyang!"

A sound of snoring shouting, let the bones in the empty bones.

Then I stopped the body shape, all of which turned the first direction, kneeling.

"Welcome my master!"

"Welcome my master!"

"Welcome my master!"

In the instant of the corpse army, the sword was unparalleled, and the sound of the sound is now, now, all follow me! "

The five monks who were still intended to die, just slightly slightly, followed by the sword and unparalleled, and quickly entered the void.

Their speeds are very fast, and they are swaying.

On the way to escape, the rough big monk has already put away the law, and the eyebrows quickly asked: "I have to escape from the opposite direction, but I am the Buddha in front of me."

Little Shami grabs the sword unparalleled arm, and lifts the sword.

"I am waiting for this from the Buddhist world, but I cross the whole big shortage, of which the crisis is four, and the body of the corpse is obviously more than half."

Several people's capital is uneasy, they are not afraid of death, just afraid of death without value, even those who are all dead, can be worthy of people to survive, but if they follow the sword, there is no double, all die in the big waste, and It is an escape in the direction of Tongtian Buddhism. This is a great sin.

This is from the Tongtian Buddhist world, go to the distant big dirty, to degreasing the unsuccessful merits of the Deman, giving up thousands of roads, only for life, this is already carrying it with them.

Unconsciously, the sword is not biased, so that they can't hang on the face.

It can be recalled that the countless corpse army is clear, and their hearts are clear, no matter how much it is still survived.

The sword is unparalleled. When I launched a small sand, my face is full of back, and the speed is not reduced, and I will rush.

"Do you have no feelings, is it awake?"

Several songs were launched, they were all the heads of the three-way Damadian level, and the strength of the induced strength is strong, but the pressure is if there is no.

"No, the pressure is not the body of the corpse, nor the armor is strong."

There is no need for the white side, and the trepidations: "Two brothers, I feel that it is from the voids over the big domain, under the corpse."

Several people not only suck a cold, the presence of the horror that is awake, actually comparable to countless autopsy, which will be so powerful.

"So horrible pressure, there is already a big power, fortunately, fortunately there is a good guidance, or I will wait for this existence, I am afraid that I will be out of the moment."

When several monks went to watch the swords and unparalleled body shape, the hearts were all settled, and the other party was definitely a top monk in a big domain.


After a few people surprised, after a short silence, a bone of the big Damadam was suddenly turned to the neck, looking to a few people who were escaping, the dark scorpion turned into a scarlet.

In an instant, all the corpses of squatting have turned over.

A few girdle alert, the scorpion turns.

"Waiting for my Lord here, you wait until you go to the dog's walking dog, you must not let go."


There are countless corpse body stiff to rotate, and then the horror momentum will then break the whole void.

The crack of the boundary wall is also accelerating the expansion, although it cannot completely tear the entire body wall, but it also has become broken.

Countless corpse, the servant, and the sword is unparalleled.

The headed nine transverse derivatives, the head broke, leaving only a scarlet eye, with a few paled teeth.

"Demonstration, kill the thief!"


The general warfare, holding a handle of a spear, and the paint black blood is still residual.

Looking at the escaped, he touched his body, then he was heavy to throw a spear to sword unparalleled.

The horrible gray white spear, in the void, first shocked the mirror, and then broke a broken void mirror, just changed the crowd in front of everyone.

The sword is unparalleled, one hand is holding small sand, the body is stopped, and then stands in the empty. He in a single hand, and suddenly turned his head. He blocked his eyes, but he still saw the handle has arrived. The spear in front of me.

When there is no double god sword, I broke out, and a violent sword was burst, but it could not be the strength of the spear.

"Sale, I will help you!"

The rudeness first raised his hand, and the giant is in the golden light, and then the first in the empty shock.

This palm is full of power, and he knows when it is not preserved at this time.

First, I will follow it again, just a palm of my work, hundreds of millions of palm prints all over the entire void, then one by one overlap, thousands of palms, facing the spears.

"The Buddha is a thousand hand."

"This is a big one!"

At this moment, it broke out unprecedented momentum.

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