Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5121? Stone ax

In the endless star, the sword is not on the dull star, and he doesn't feel the loss of time here.

Maybe there may be hundreds of millions of years, maybe just a moment.

"Oh, I don't know how the outside world is, maybe I have fallen!"

In his own cage, the sword is not a double brow, in this silent starry sky, he exhausted the way, it could not open.

And he also found that he is invincible in this star air.

With the guidance of causality, he can even induce the big downtown and in this starry oven.

It is only very far away. He keeps the flight shuttle, don't know how long, but you still have to find any domains, you can only follow the induction of causality, keep going.

Until after this star stopped, he found out that it flew, and he did not come to this starry sky.

Drugs don't know how long the stars have been, until this star has lived.

"Hey! Ha!"

A giant running in the earth, the stars of the original bleak chaotic, gradually clear, leaking out the original appearance under the giant.

The sword sitting in a mountain is unparalleled for all this is very new. I know that he has flying unconsciously and didn't find life or planet, but this star giant has given the first life.

The giant life of this body is a unique special life in the world. His whole body has got this star gift, and the talents are extremely high. It has been cultivated to the supreme realm.

However, he is empty with the power of the body and the body, but the feelings of the road are not as good as an ordinary small monk.

The turbidity between the heavens and the earth is dispersed, and the giant also found the existence of swords, and he tied up to the sword.

The sword that has already been stepped into the ultimate limit, just glanced at it, he didn't pay attention to him.

The huge boxing came, no longer arrived in front of the sword, there is no disappearance, the giant also retreats, but he is not afraid, still not afraid of death.

Just a few years, the giant is not a way to take the sword. There is no way to go to the towering forest.

Swords in the sword are somewhat lost, then close again.

He is in the heart of Bodhi, since he entered here, this shortwood flew out from the eyebrow.

The secret text on the short wood, he is miserable, I don't know where to come, just curious, I have been holding it in my hand, or to enlighten the secret, let him be calm.

Otherwise, unlimited loneliness, I am afraid he will give him a crazy.

Tophums in the forest.

The giant holds the stone ax in his hand, grinned.

This is what he just born, accompanied by the treasure of the world, from the treasure of chaos, but he obviously did not know the use, just absolute ax, went to cut the tree, and forget it in the forest after the felling giant tree.

After so many years, he remembered, there is this hand's ax, then return to the forest to find it.

At this time, after getting the ax, I will return to the sword where there is a trouble.

boom! boom!

The footsteps of the giant are like thunder, and the land is bombarded.

Sitting on the top of the mountain is unparalleled, and there is an interest to say: "Big bonus, you dare to come!"

The giant is shirtless, and there are several bark on the lower body.

It may be that the last time I saw the sword unparalleled clothes. This time he also got a few bark simple wrapped up the body.

"Learning is quite like." The sword was unhappy and slowed down, and his eyes had a few bark on a few eyes.

The giant haman of Qianzhang is a bit angry, raising the ax, and worsen to the sword.

The giant ax slipped with the sword without a double brow, and he couldn't encounter him.

And Giant Han did not have a teacher guided, and a trick is very cumbersome.


This sword is unparalleled, and then caught this ax in the huge, then suddenly, huge impact, and pass the ax to the ax.


The axle is broken, and the giant havere is outside the battle.


A golden blood is sprayed from the mouth, and the giant Han touched a mouth, from the new station.

The sword of the huge ax is unparalleled, and gently throw an ax to giant.

Looking at the ax falling at the foot, the giant eyes flashed.

This axle is born with him. At this time, there have been countless cracks, and a crack is like a secret article.

The giant man is careful, and the messy long hair is hanging, and there are several leaves.

After picking up the ax, he glared at the sword without double. He left and left, and he ran toward the towering forest.

The sword is unparalleled, whispered: "Is this angry?"

Take the truth, no longer have to find a sword, and learn the sword unparalleled alone, sit in the forest.

I don't know how many years, the endless turbidity, and again fall again, and the whole land will make it turbid again.

However, these turbidity can't be made to the sword unparalleled. In these years, he still can't break through his own cage, even if he wants to fly again, you can make him hope.

This star has lives, although the giant is now not ignorant, but you can't know a fresh life companion.

"This big silly, too small, really don't come to me."

The sword is unparalleled to play the short wood in his hand.

boom! boom! boom!

A burst of angry, from the forest, the giant arms waved the surrounding turbidity, but he was damaged by his ax, or it took this turbidity to disperse this turbidity.

Standing on a tree, the sword is unparalleled to look at this scene. Some funny, and then make the ax.

The giant sent a madness to scatter turbidity, and did not find his ax later.

Reduce the ax, the sword is unparalleled to take me, this ax is not a treasure, but this star is in gestation, and the power is still not small.

Holding an ax, slightly injecting a trace of tragent, the crack of the ax one by one, only a lot of threads appeared on the original smooth ax.

The ax has been repaired, but the ax is completely broken, and it is a bit difficult to fix it.

Now that he is not on the body, don't know what to find something for a moment.

There is no sword who has no hair, just thinking about going to other planets or the domain world quietly, see if you can justify the treasure, come to restore the ax, after all, it is just a treasure that congenitally gestacious, and it is difficult to repair.

Just as the sword is unparalleled, the other hand holds the Bodhi heart, slightly shaking, actually integrating with an ax.

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