Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5129? Missing

Proud in the world, the knees are squatting, and the eyes are stagnant.

Just so quietly in the sword.

This scene made the items coming on the spot, what strength is the ancient dollar, he knows than anyone.

In the ancient times, it is the old name of the old name, but it is now slavery.

With the strength, he has a confidence to defeat the ancient yuan, can slave the nine to the big Damadan, don't say it is him, even if the emperor is unable to do.

Unless it is a legendary magical practice, it can do it.

"You are the illusion practitioner? Why will I be in my big dou." Xiang Bingyun can't help but open, if the other party is really a fantasy practice, then it should not be a big downtown.

The sword is unparalleled, and the god sword is, the eyes are cold, and the eye is slightly. "Why, is this square domain?

Although he was in his head because of him, he died in his hand, how can it give each other good face, now he accounts for upper wind.

However, the sword exhausted to accumulate Xuan Huang, I want to recover for time, since the other party is not urgent, he is not asked.

"Daoyou said, the rules of this big country is my master opening, dare to ask the Taoist who belongs to which party in the three thousand people?"

I used to look at the Ice Yun Yunyun in the ancient times, I also went to Tongtian Buddhism, and knowing where there are other practitioners, there are also big Damadames.

The sword is unparalleled, and the spread of a wire is spread.

What is the main thing in his now is to escape, as long as you go out, with his speed, you can quickly leave this way of empty, the bones, the big army, to protect the rehabilitation, not willing to leave too far because he leaves too far.

"You know is a lot, but ..." The sword stabilizes the other party without a double mouth, but the figure is then retreat.

Just spread, let him find that the void also hides other existence.

Sure enough, when he had just retired, a bloody flashed, a black robum is in his position.

When I was returned, I took the ancient dollar to take the ancient dollar.

The sword is unparalleled to the distance, snort, then order the ancient yuan, drag them.

I have a torn and empty, the body is constantly flashing, and it is escaping with Xiaosha Mi.

Originally, the bones can't stop him. Now he has jumps, they are more important.

I don't even need him to go out of the sword, and the endless sword is scattered, I will crush the bones.

"Secure, this person is somewhat embarrassing, I am chasing with dry, you go back to the temple."

Xie Bingnim nodded, they were deposited in the bones of hundreds of millions of years, of course, how important it was, the monks and swords were unparalleled, but the antity of ants, so that they will find the temple exist.

At the beginning, they didn't know what year, they could have recovered. Now they are waiting for hundreds of millions of years, returning to this world, this is their only opportunity, and the glory of the ancient times, I am unhaly.

These major events must never have any pools.

"Die, you can stop the ancient dollar, if necessary, it is."

Although the era of ancient times is brilliant, the Deman is countless, but the nine turn is a hegemony, still very rare, no critical moment, will not give up.

However, the current ancient dollar is unclear, has been slavered by the sword, even if he is saved, he is not so relieved to stay.

The dry figure moved, stopped the same ancient dollar.

"You are stupid, I dare to betray my Lord, give me a fall!" The dry mouth said so, but I still have a little shocked. I will give up, I will give up, I don't exotherm.

If you need her to sacrifice it, it will be so late.

The sword of the free battlefield is unparalleled, but the corpse is tattoo, it is like a locust, it is unreasonable, such as Tietong, let him kill more, still have countless corpse wars do not have to rush.

Now he understands that there is no consciousness of the ordinary corpse war, and only those who are comparable to the three, six-turn Damadian level, there is a sense of writing, knowing to avoid the front.

Although I will not take the initiative to die, but those three-turn-to-six-level big dermatoma, keep the distance release countless black chain, form a simple big array, block the sword unparalleled road.

"Damn!" The sword didn't help but angry. He turned his head to the rear. Xiang Bingyun's figure continued to approach. Once he was chased, he wanted to rush out, it would be difficult as it is.

The nine turn is full and the nine turn can be the length of the difference. Don't look at him, a sword, the ancient times, I really want to put this ice cloud, there is no mysterious gas, and I can't shake the nine turn, I'm all the big derivatives. Fairy.

Now, his heart is, can only deal with six transparency, or a nine-way derivative of mood disabilities.

"Heart practice, you can't escape, if you are a fortune, you can leave you!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword contains the heart of the sword, and the six-turn Damadam who hides the six-turn big Damadan after the big army.

Those six-turn large derived fairy is leading, the eyes are sluggish, and the straightforward fell.

"Be your spring and autumn dreams!" The binding feeling of the chain was behind the six-turn large-scale fairy, and the power fell instantly.

The sword is unparalleled, and the time does not have time, the time, the real outbreak.

Billions of years of the world of the heart, he mastered the complete path, the transformation of strength is more than just the improvement of the heart level.

"One thought!"

Tick! Tick!

The time in the void sounded rain drops, this voice is not very moving, but it can be lost in the ear.

Little Shami suddenly blindly, and he was too familiar with him. This is the voice of Tongtian Buddha knocking. He is also extremely high in Tongtian Buddhism. When the master took him to Tongtian Buddha Dao.

He heard this voice in the Tongtian Buddha.

This is the mental strength, and only the energy of the universe is in the peak of the universe can be issued.

Even the true Wuyang can't do it, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a starry, and he is the head of the stars.

Tongtian Buddha can make a mental force, then prove that he has spoked the mystery of this universe, and it is very large from the realm of the universe.

After all, the sword is unparalleled in the starry sky, and countless universers are not controlled. It can be able to control the universe of the universe, and less.

Even the legend of the universe is very small.

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