Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 515, San Fort

Tianyu City City.

Stepping into Tianyu City, sword unparalleled and green two people walk together. Walking on this spacious street, walking around the surrounding major buildings, the kind of blowing is an ancient, gorgeous breath, each building construction is actually engraving works.

The people in the streets, the sea, and lively.

"People are really much." The sword can't help but defend.

"Although the human ethnic group only only occupies less than a wealth of the demon, it is a strong vast, the tribe, the number of tribes, the number of people is very amazing, and the whole human group is eight major times, it is a lot of tribes. The trading of trading items, the Tianyu City, one of the eight big cities, naturally lively. "Said the green fire.

The sword nodded, and just didn't take long time on the street, he noticed that he had the end of his own sight, an ancient Purple Castle with a hundred meters, the purple castle was too high, in this day of Yucheng Among many buildings, it is like a crane, which is incomparable.

"That is the Saint Fort, known as the demon castle, you want to become God, you have to go to the acceptance." Qinglu Road.

"Don't be too late, let's go now." The sword is unparalleled.

When the sword is unparalleled with green fire, it will go to the San Fort, and it is not long before the door of Sanburg.

The sword is unparalleled to the ladder, stepped into the hall of St. Fort.

"It's quiet." The sword is unparalleled.

This Holy Fort Hall is very empty, and there are very few people. Only dozens of people have, dozens of people are just a kind of feeling of being unsealed, and the people in the mountains are completely two concepts with the outside street.

"Ban to Sanburg, or God will, or it is to apply for God, and participate in the people who will assess the assessment," of course is uncomfortable. "

There is no double point of the sword, and I saw the counter application for the counter.

At the counter, there is a beautiful woman sitting inside. She is placed in a bottle of wine behind her shelf.

"Shadow, give me a bottle of lion liver wine." The green fire came to the counter and directly.

The beautiful woman looked up at the green fire, and then she took out a bottle of wine from the body, handed it to the green fire, and said: "10,000 yuan crystal."

"We are so familiar, it is still so expensive?" The green fire made a sentence, but still took out 10,000 yuan.

"Green fire, who is your side?" Bifa's beautiful female sword didn't look at it.

"This is a little brother who came out of my tribe. It is to participate in God will be assessable." The green fire immediately, "shadow, you will arrange it."

"Let's participate in God will be assessable?" Balfa girl nodded, asked: "What is your name, what happened?"

"The sword is unparalleled, from the mutual tribe." The sword is unparalleled.

The beautiful woman came out of a list, recorded the name of the sword, and the opening: "Your luck is good, just right there will be a round of gods, wait, I will arrange it right away."

"Thank you." The sword has no double road.

"Good luck, God will be held for ten days, just let you catch up." The green fire smiled.

The beautiful woman immediately arranged down, and only a moment, the beautiful woman was followed by a white-haired old man and came over.

This white-haired old man looked at the sword and unparalleled, and he didn't talk, but he had a strange light.

This homotic ray, the sword has no doubles, this is the means of the demon soul.

"There is no pair of small friends, this is all the acceptance of the god will experience, and it is also to prevent the demon ***. You don't care." The green fire explained next to it.

"I understand." The sword didn't have a bore.

The strange light in the eyes of the white hair continued to take a moment, and after seeing the sword where there was no react, this strange light gradually dissipated.

"Come with me." White haired old man said, the sleeve moved to the inner layer of the castle.

"Go, I am waiting for you outside." The fire also said.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has stepped into the inner layer of the castle.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled to the inner layer of the air, which is already waiting there.

These people have men with women, and the breath on the body is very strong. Seeing the sword is unparalleled. These people just have a sword where the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are removed.

"These people are accepting this god will be assessable." The sword was unparalleled.

Gathering people on this empty floor, plus him, has more than 30 people, and more than 30 people are very strong.

Especially the red-haired youth that stands on the edge of the air, this red-haired youth is like a demon, and the look is a few points, and it is close to the eyes. It is a feeling of being in the event.

"This person, should it be a boy?" The sword was unparalleled.

The human martial arts of the demon continent, as long as the seven areas, with the weak body strength, it is enough to become a god, and the eight is a leader, so in general, in general, come to participate in this God will be assessing, it is a lot of seven years, and it is difficult to see it.

At this time, the number of people came over with a traditional Chinese year.

This purple robe took a list in his hand, recorded these strong people who came to participate in God to assess the assessment, and appeared on the air, his eyes were ringing.

"Listen, your assessment is simple."

"In this castle, there is a huge funeral field. I have been walking forward along this channel. I will enter the fighting ground, and after going to the fighting place, I naturally have an opponent in front of you. And you have to do it, you will play your strength as much as possible. "

"As for whether you can pass the assessment, you will see how you are in the funeral field."

"That is to say, the better the performance in the fighting field, the possibility of being awarded to God is also bigger."

The Chinese Year of the Purple Robe said this, stopped, looking at the reactions of everyone in front.

A small turmoil appeared on the air, but it quickly calmed down, and the content of this is acceptable.

"By the way, with you, the wind of the Di League, one hundred and eight gods, is just in the castle, and it is seen around the fighting court, your performance, Feng Yongnan is watching This is a good opportunity. "The middle-aged year of the purple robe.

"Feng Yizhen Jun?"

"The big name is in the Di Ding Jun. He is in this castle? And will we look at our assessment?"

"Good guy, if it is good, let Feng Zhen God value, collect a disciple of disciples, then earn big."

Everyone who came to participate in God will become excited.

Even the red-haired youth that has been standing on the edge of the air, after listening to the name of the wind and god, the look is also a move.

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