Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5147 Chapter Emperor

"Tao Gong, Liu Dudio, Fenghua." Zhenwuyang appeared in the emperor, but the opening is an abnormal domineering.

"The late generations come to meet several seniors."

It is said that it is a lot of water that is surrounded by a large group of emperors.

"East Dan, your derivation can be arranged." Zhenwu Yang turned his head and said.

Just said that I came to see, turning my head, letting East derived, the shameless of Yuyang, the first time I saw his emperor rushed to shame.

It is worthy to cover the existence of brilliant era of great ideas.

It was in that year, it's all right, and now I will cooperate with this person, and Donglin Emperor is sigh, I don't know if it is bad.

The Damadam is the East Di Dijun, and it is very famous in the surrounding domain. Once the Big Array is formed, the void block is unable to instantly.


"Pravel!" Dong Yan Dijun waved his hands up, and one side of a small world was down from the sky, and the voids of the entire big waters were suppressed by the array.

After the large array is arranged, the scruple in the heart of the true Wuyang dissipates, and the old guys who are at least in the ancient times can't run.

In addition to the deception of the deception, Tong Tian Buddha will take it out to Bao Qianbao.

The thousands of treasures are the names, which are composed of thousands of thousands to treasures, and the golden cultivation is surrounded by the whole seat.

The exterior of all the people in the exterior of all the people in the temple in the temple is clear, and the hands are not idle, and the power of the people's temple is now.


The DVR in the void, the huge array is accelerated, and the power of the Discrimination Temple is strong. However, the emperor can not play all, but also a little more resistant to the Past Temple. Emperor.

"Six crows, ready to do it!" The road gangshed, and the figure appeared outside the door of the Polysalerma, and the voids were on the sky.

The secret Chinese outside the Polyson Temple instantly lit, and the road was glared in the eyes, and the east derivism in the Danzhong Dynasty.

The body of the outside world around the Different Temple, blocks the most peripheral, and when a kind of power is coming, those unconsciously consciously turned into a powder, and the Temple of the Duoyu Road is

The mandrels waiting outside the temple have been successfully opened, and they suddenly opened their eyes.

They wait for it for a long time, this is the Lord's Sixth Calling them.

"Wait!" The sixth cavity turned, and the left hand was gently pressed, the bloody arm suddenly burst, this force took the power of hundreds of millions of Damai.


"Welcome my master!"

After the thirty-six-six-round Damy, the big Damai appeared in the sixth cavity, these nine-turn Dadoadian will be the corpse of hundreds of millions of Dagan as a flesh, and the endless Dynasty is finalized. The flesh and blood of the derivative.

Now they accurately say that they have exceeded the scope of Dagan, and each of them has the power of the emperor, but the avenue in the body is already silent when they are condensed, and now they are like living.

"Launched!" The six crow angered again.

The big array gradually, a figure of a body shape and the big temple, appeared outside the Difficult Hall.

This is exactly the Sixth, the dead spirit of the arrangement.

The array is that the Sixcut is got from the Diqi Temple. He is in ancient times, he has been pursuing the discrimination of the district. It has never cultivated until the rise of Zhenwuyang. He began to cultivate. In order to achieve perfect, he did not cherish hundreds of millions. Xiancheng died with him.

Now that recovery is also partial part of his body and fights him.

"Tao Gong, speed kill Dong Yan Dao Dao, other people compressed Tong Tian Buddha, the remaining will be given to me." The Sixth is leading the whole dead spirit, the human shape of the big array is also his own. face.


It is not due to the existence of the discrimination to the eighth floor. Although the void is blocked, he can be too much in the East Month, but it is only in the eyes of Dong Yan.

Big Array Block is two-way, Dong Yan himself cannot show instantaneous movements, only with the big array of biases and Taoism.

"I heard that you are the leaders of the big domain look, today I have to have a good time." Although Dong Yan did not arrive at the fourth order, there was a defense big array of defense at the previous four. The old guy in the steps, he is still more confident.

"The old man will also come to these all-in-one strong, see if you are strong, or my way is more winning."

Taoism is just the sound, and you will do it.

The leaders who have been looking at the ancient times have been in the era of the ancient times. It is the third-order episode. Nowadays, it will become the fourth-order episode, and they have gave the god of the disagreement. The strength has reached the true Wuyang of the era.

At the moment, the Emperor of the Emperor, he really did not put it in his eyes.

The handle appeared in the hand, just gently, hundreds of millions of white feathers surrounded the whole seat, then suddenly tightened.

The stress of the dust is like the palm of the giant, and is held in the East Di Dijun, and the big bulls will die.

Under huge pressure, the operation of the town's eyes accelerates.

"Not good, don't you have to stick this way." Dong Yan Dijun was shocked, even busy the sound to Tongtian Buddha "Taoizheng four-level strength, I can't resist, speed to save me."

Tongtian Folo Lord, Zhenwuyang, Donglin God, plus the wind, four four-level emperor.

The 16-seat guards will use the Difficulture Temple to suppress Tiandia Buddha. It is said that it is actually staring at him. The two sides don't take the best, waiting for others to divide the winners.

The most strongest six crows in the Past Temple, he might resist the three fourth-order episodes.

After all, it is the road to the streak. Although the wind is strong, but it is a new high-rise episode, but there is no strong strength, but it is strong to be strong in Wuyang.

As for the Emperor Donglin God, it is a large number of ordinary emperors. This level of war, the ordinary emperor can't insert the hand, but it has become a cumbersome, white and white waste.

Power in the road, plus the death of the Dynasty, the sixth rods have a four-order top level, and they will not be able to discuss any benefits from him.

"Really Wuyang, I originally thought that you and the ancient times, I will come to a big man, I didn't expect you to bring so many helpers, really let me down!"

On the one side of the streak!

Huge boxing is like the meteor, the madness of fried, and the other side of the true Wuyang he has been going backwards, grasping the weakest hit, here is his treasure, he will only go to the battle Strong, mobilizing the heavens, he is the road of the world, although it is only a medium world level, it can give him the power, and it is still able to let him fight the wind.

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