Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 517 Feng Yizhen

"Sound attack?" The sword was unparalleled.

He cultivated to the present, nor the first time I met the speech attack. He has had a preparation for this trick, let alone his current flesh is not more than the past, this lion's head monster's sound attack, fundamental impact he.

The sword is unparalleled, and when it is a punch, it is like a silent volcano, which is directly erupted at this moment.


On the hard work, it is obviously the absolute advantage of the sword, this lion's head monster is forced to retreat. On the way to the way, this lion-headed monster battle is long, the green tail, I don't know when to appear on the sword.

The tail is like a sharp knife with a sharp knife, and there is no double head scan.

"Is there this trick?"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a big hand to wave, very casual, the arm collides with the tail like the knife, ~~~ is like a metal collision sound.

The tail of the lion head monsters was also flying out by the sword, while the sword was unparalleled, just left some white prints.


There was a light smashing outside the battlefield. I saw a row of watching sites outside the fighting outside the fight. A long-haired shawl, wearing a green shirt, a handsome man is sitting at the positive terminal, before the sword is unparalleled. There are so many powerful people who come to the assessment, and they will kill these monsters in the fighting court, but this long-haired woman has always been a perseverance.

Until now, I saw the scene of the sword in the fighting field without a double, the scene of the beast war, and he exposed a strange color.

"Strong flesh!"

"Obviously, only the bullous door is cultivated to the sixth floor, but the strength of the flesh is better than those who make up the seventh floor, and even the eighth floor!"

Long hair shawl is secretly nod, and I watched the woman and asked with a woman. "Who is this person?"

"I will return to God, this person is called the sword and is unparalleled." The red woman replied, and the gods respectfully.

There is no way, this is, it has a great power in the Demon Alliance, which is called the peaks of the peaks in the most peaks of the peaks.

The wind is God, in the one hundred and eight gods, it is standing in the top. It is estimated that only the thirty-three supraces of the demon alliance are only in the human ethnic group.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Long-haired shawl men's wind gmst is slightly nodded, and it remembers the name of the sword.

"This sword is unparalleled, even if it is nothing to use, the strength of the flesh, it is enough to easily defeat the second lion head monster battle, the third level, the grasp of it is great." Feng Zhen Shen Jun said.

"I have passed the third level, and that is the ranks of the second level, this batch came to participate in the people who will be assessing, and the third level, only the golden is one person." The red woman is careful Say.

"Golden? He is different." Feng Yongnan shook his head, "I know this Jin Ling, he has been with his father, his father gave him a lot of practice, and even spent a great price Give him the strength of the flesh, so the third level is normal. "

"But this sword is unparalleled, from an ordinary tribe, no background, can reach this step in such a year, more than that Jinling can be too much, wait for him to become a god, to cultivate a sanctuary for a while, the strength should It will be flying, and after many years, I can say that my human group will come to a god. "

"God Jun?" The woman was surprised to see the sword of the squadron.

She didn't expect Feng Yizhen to evaluate the sword, but they were so high.

"Look at it." Feng Yongnan didn't say anything more, but continued to look down.

As the wind of the monarch, it is just the second turn of the lion head monster battle. It is not possible to let the sword are unparalleled. Just rely on the body, even the sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to defeat it. .

After defeating the second lion head monsters, it immediately followed the third level of war.

The third level of the battle, it is already comparable to the monsters of the eight-day monsters, the strength is strong, and the purple Zhongwang Hou, which is more than the sword, and the purple Zhongwang Hou, is still strong.

However, the current sword is unparalleled, cultivating the fingers, the body's strength is greatly improved, but it is no longer more than Shenzhou.

In the face of this third-level battle, the sword is unparalleled, and it has also erupts the spiritual power, which will defeat the third off the monsters.

The fourth off the monster battle, debut.

This fourth-off monster battle, the first criticism is the same as the magic war, the four arms, but the overall strength, but it has to be too much.

"The fourth level of the magical battle, strong power, there is a rare in the second level of God to match, and I don't know how long this sword is supported in his hand." Feng Yongnan always looks here.

The sword is unparalleled with the magic monsters.


The three killer swords have a decision, unsatisfactory mood, is ¿¿¿¿ 's second style.

Sword Yingsheng, turned into a sharp electric light, screaming, fierce thorn out.

And the four arms of the magic monsters waved crazy, one of them became a fist, and the sword was unparalleled.


A big sound, the three kill swords in the sword were being moved next to it, and the magic monster battle is directly straight to the front, then the other three arms are very horizontal. The sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled to retreat, and the three killing swords in his hands are also waving. It is adjacent to this, but it is still in one of the fists of the magic monsters.

When the sword is unparalleled, the breath is rolling up.

"Good power is strong than my strength." The sword flashed in a double flashing, "It seems to have some means."

boom! boom! boom!

The magic monk beast is turned on, and the heavy footsteps will be issued, followed by a jumper, and the swords are directly in the sword.

The sword has no double shape immediately, but in the back, it is a wave.

Hey ~~~ a huge blood river rolls, directly swept, and with this, the sword is unparalleled, and there is an invisible sword fluctuation to spread.

Huangquan Road plus hundreds of criteria, superimposed in two areas.

As for the flame field in the blood circulation, the power is too weak, and the sword is unparalleled. This is not much used in this flame area.

The field is oppressed, the shape of the magic monk is immediately limited, and the strength is sharply reduced.

It's tight, the sword is unparalleled, and the three kill sword is also a glamorous light.

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