Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5171?? Cruel rules

Gray-white original star, except that the mountain range is a bare continent, it is easy to be besieged.

The sword is unparalleled and Huiqing can meet, and the other forces are not allowed to have many people on this original star. Once they have a group, they will definitely kill those monators.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled with Little Shami, quickly hiding into the mountain range, hiding the breath here, first get the token to understand the rules.

Although they have become more abnormal, they can be ranked in all universe. This tens of millions of Dawns that entered the boy Temple are the strong, the minimum threshold is nine turn.

This is only one-fifth of the full universe. I believe how long it can't be used, and the big dean of other worlds will come.

Get the identity token, they will transfer their position again and come to a dark canyon.

The whole canyon is bare, except for some messy ancient wood branches, there are some deceased autopsies.

Hui Qing's body is falling on the sword without two, looking at the corpse, looking down the "good!"

Although these autopsies look very long, the original universe may have been extinct, but they can feel that these corpses should have not died.

The flesh and blood above was swallowed by some kind of exercise.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a simple cave.

For the highest trial, all original stars are likely to be opened up by a large energy, these deceased and dry lakes, the grass forest is all tied, and the original vibrant planet is created into the original star. .

It is not a blessing of the Buddha, and a small world is actually transformed into a Tara battlefield.

The two-person disk knees are sitting in the cave.

"Let's take a look at the rules!" The sword was unparalleled.

Since entering the Polysman, no matter how it goes first, if you can still get good, then it is fine.

Hold a white token, a trace of derivative injection, countless information instantly emerges in the mind.

The "maximum trial" of the Polyson Temple is five-square-domain boundaries, and each world has three or six original stars. There are millions of big margins without class.

"Five square domains?" The sword is unparalleled!

According to the big Danadian in the eastern domain, a domain industry is enough. Now there is a five-party domain world, that is, most of the universe of the universe has entered the Pestician Temple!

But is the Divoria Temple not in the wild?

"No!" The sword has no double reaction, and the Buddhist Temple is likely to appear in other big world.

No wonder the Temple of the Temple will be so fast on the highest trial of Dagan.

Subject to the five-party domain, then they can't encounter now, do not affect him at all.

The screening of Dagan is reduced more than the screening requirements of the Deman, and the Dano is the first thousand in every world, and the trial of the big Damadam has been demanded.

Each original star ranked 10,000 big Dami can give a giving of the god, the first thousand can accept the inheritance contained in the original star.

Then, a small ranked, appeared in the mind.

The first "Lei Wanhe" nine turns into the big Damadam, the record 330.

The second "Chang Lingxian" nine turn rounded the big Damadam, the record 110.


The ranking seventy six thousand nine thousand three hundred fifty eight "swords are unparalleled" record 0.

The record is divided.

Identity token 100 points.

The nine turn is full of 1000 points.

Jiu Tong Damai 100 points.

Note: You can get ten points of points,

Trial time for thirty years.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still ready to hide here waiting for the test, then go out, it seems to be good.

The trial of the Temple is very valued, and under the temptation of ten times rewards, this is forced that the nine-turn Damai is full of confession.

The nine turn is not a few rewards, but also to chase nine turns, or kill the same order.

In such a rule, the entire original star will really become a compartment.

"Unparalleled!" Hui Qing put away the identity token, and his eyes actually have a little hot.

"The nine turn is full!" The sword was a little trembling.

They are six to zoom in Daiyan. If it is really a full of nine turn, then it will get a hundred times award, a nine turn is a thousand records, hundreds of times is 100,000 records.

As long as you kill a few nine turn, they can raise the best in the best, and they will take the benefits.

After Hualing heard his words, he fell to hesitated.

"Good!" The sword has no double missing smile.

He can see that Xiaosha is very clear, but everyone has a secret, he doesn't have to ask.

One plan, first in the valley cloth, go out, one person to lure the nine turn to the big Daman to chase, then enlighten, as for the record, this is calculated by the Polyson Temple, who is much more, the more records.

At the same time, the original star has burst unprecedented war. The ranking of this original star is constantly changing, and the number of nine turn is full of fairy. It is not daring in the mainland. .

These nine-turn Dado fairy have killed red eyes, the first year of the beginning, the nine-turn Damai is almost all the objects of all the nine turn, the big Damadam, so that the Nine-turn Damadi of the back is started. The group can still survive.

However, there are also many powerful nine-turn big dermndants, and they can be completed.

For example, the "Years of Years" in the previous thousand is the nine-turn Damadi, he once killed the serious injury, and then killed several nine transverse Damai. The rankings exceeded a lot of nine turn rounded up.

In a blink of an eye, I have been in the past three years.

The big blend in the original intersection is not appearing, the ranking has also begun to curing, and the changing the battle is difficult, and it is not a strong battle. More is the fighting, and there is no one. It is all the true power of nine turn or a nine turn.

In the past three years, the sword is unparalleled and Huiqing, and it has finally arranged a powerful big array of power.

This is Hui Qing's unqualified large array of large array of large mountains, although it is a simplified version, it can be used as a defense of an emperor, even if it is a simplified version, the power is not enough, and it can be trapped. Most of the nine-turn big dermndants.

"Finally, the layout is completed, just now the nine turn is also a lot of records, we can start." The sword has no double eyes, and now the trial is over one tenth time, the rest Time said more, and there is a lot.

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