Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5184 ???? Luo Hao's end

"There is no buddy, we will join hands today, and share the record together!" Luo Hao positive.

Mohi tooth standing in the distance, this time, it is actually planted in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, don't blame, I don't remind you, the other emperors in the Lu Luotian are rushing here, you cooperate with Luohao to deal with me, will only let them sit in the interests of the fish." Although there is Fathuring, it may avoid this war.

In case of this big chatroon, he will be injured, and there will be very troublesome of several other emperors to deal with the big Rune.

The sword is unparalleled, and a look I don't believe in the appearance, the cold voice said: "Less waste, do it!"

"Huiqing, mobilizing the array, the shackles of Luo Hao, this person has a lot." The sword is unparalleled.


Luo Hao is light, lost his sense of bound, and the heart is even big. The first one is rushing to God, the sword is unparalleled and Huiqing naturally keeps together.

Three people siege!

Luo Hao not only reducing strength in the big array, but because the strength of the big array has also improved.

Some of this, the strength can be comparable to the peak of the peak, and one can be entangled.

The crescent edge, once again rolled the chest of Mo Yu, I didn't wait for him to react, Hui Qing is a traveler behind him, and hits Mo.

The sword has no double blues, this is the main killing, the body is flashed, and the eyes are bloody, and the number of swords is connected. Although this long sword is just ordinary to the treasure, it can have the ultimate sword, it is still Ability to threaten Mo Yu Shi.


Under the siege of the three, Mo Yu Mo did not expect, he didn't expect this big array not only to suppress his strength, the array control can also divide the big array power, let the strength of the sword have unparalleled people. .

This complicated big array is not found in each three or five years, and this array is generally not found, and there is a mailing in his leadership, then his father spent a big price. When the French Jun was arranged, he also learned that the emperor stage, basically not passing, only to buy ready-made.

For example, an emperor refining a method of law, as long as the world-class array, it can be casually collapsed, and that kind of array is very large, the price is also very expensive.

Some powerful emperors, please don't buy a Master of Master, you will buy a movable array, put it in your own path, and suppress the delay.

If the array in the canyon is movable, it is simple to arrange it.

Mo Hao's body brow is jumped, and it is said that it is a paragraph of this monks! "

As long as you kill the array, the big array will naturally collapse.

In the eyes, the murder flashed and immediately started counterattack.

The sword is unparalleled, and the mind is noticeable, and I am busy with the sound: "Hu Qing, retreat!"

A huge eight square map showed that it was originally suppressed, and the strength was instantly skyrocketing and killing Huqing.

Luo Hao saw this, naturally understood, the big array is Hu Qing arranged. At this time, if he is doing it, he will give up.


"You are dead, the treasures are all mine!" Luo Hao is angry, the power of the source will once again, and the sharp blade will turn rapidly. It is not good at Luo Hao, who is close to the battle, directly in Hui Tin, with Mo .


"Looking for death!" Mo Yu Mi did not dare to make big, and he was strong in his heart.

Originally, I still want to stay in Luo Hao, now it seems that it doesn't need to stay.


The secret treasure of the eyebrow flask, the whole of the body of Mo is skyrocketing, this is a breath, and the whole quadruple array is shaking.

Sealing is released!

An old breath, from Mo Yu Shen's body out of the body, the power is climbing, surpassing the peak big Deman, straight down the limit.

I have a little bit of a lot of Luo Hao, I have never been there later, I can only shout "unparalleled brother, let me help me!"

The sword is unparalleled to stand in the distance and look at all this.

"Mo Hao Shen has already used the top card, this Luohao doesn't have to stay!"

There is no pity in the eyes of Hui Qingming, just nodded gently.

I haven't thought that there is some discomfort in Huaqing, I didn't expect it to change the killing of it, say that giving up.

This has been different from him, and the sword is unparalleled in the heart. This time, it will be separated from Huqing. The secret on this person is absolutely not smaller than him. The two are the strong road, sooner I have to go on the opposite side and have a better separation.

The Temple of Person, the highest trial, the original star!

The sword is unparalleled, the emergence of the district is not only the original universe secretly promoted.

The original star is just the first step, and there will be more trials. I don't know when to leave the Polyson Temple.

Behind this, there must be some kind of connection, maybe those emperors know.

Maybe even the emperor doesn't know!

The relationship between the Diva Temple is too big, Hu Qing is after the death of the Division, step into the road, broke out of super power.

He had to doubt, this person is not a major energy to reincarnate.

The sword is unpaired, and since the big downtown, the entire original universe changed the bloody rain, from the fairy bone road to the corpse army, then suddenly mastered the heart, consciously entered the starry sky, and then opened the latter .

Will this do this will contact?

"If the mysterious family is just fine!" This secret article of the universe, this old guy is most understanding.

Unfortunately, since then, the sword is unparalleled forget how many years have not seen it.

From the perspective of his current eye, the strength of Xuan Yi is still a mystery. It can shuttle the universe, turn around, and not afraid of the existence of Wuyang, starting is a five-order emperor.

Such a strong old guy is indeed not to keep this little guy throughout the day, but I don't know if the Temple is born. The old man will not come together.

The thunder is gradually disappeared in the mind.

Now how to count these two people, thinking about it is not.

Mo Yu's sudden outbreak, let Luo Hao can't do it, just three tricks, so that Luohao's body began to break.

The sword is unparalleled with Huiqing, they don't have any meaning to help, this makes Luo Hao very desperate!

These two people are not afraid of he is dead, do you go to deal with them?

"Mo Yu Emperor, I work with you, let me live!" Luo Hao couldn't stand it, this time he can feel the killing of Mo Yu, he began to be afraid.

It is not easy to practice all the way, he doesn't want to fall.

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