"This rare trial, the most precious thing is these big fairy!" The sword is unparalleled with evil eye holes.

The body is killing, it is likely to be his predicament.

In this case, after he raises the road to the seven layers, it should have improved, maybe when he reaches the fourth layer, he will master other capabilities.

The millions of years of the Starry sky have made him feel a lot, although the killing of the original star is constantly, it is good to get a chance to get a breath.

Since I encountered Hui Qing, he is not intended to escape, and now it is a little time to stabilize your strength.

The sword is unparalleled, starting to stabilize its own strips.

With the Wars of Mo Long and others, the receipt is not only the treasure and record, but also the origin of swallowing, these origins can be comparable to the nine turn is completely complete, but it is still the local source Avenue of the second product.

Now he has to do it to absorb these origins as possible.

As for the ultimate sword, he has already entered the sixth floor, and now it doesn't matter, even if it is improved, he does not dare to use these origins of swallowing.

The only swordway is the only, not integrated, and it is even more chaotic.

Keyway is pure, and it is best to come!

The poorer is different, and the path of all the avenues is in the path, and he can engulf fusion.

As for the heart, it is impossible to order a way, it is a way to bundle with the sword, the stronger the sword, the stronger his heart.

Since the end of the ultimate Jun Road, his heart has changed, and there is also a sign of breakthroughs.

This is much more than the ordinary heart of the Buddha, if you have a chance, he must go to see the Bodhi tree.

If you can turn away, it is better.

However, this idea is just a flash in my mind.

This tree is derived in the queue, and even the treasures of the Buddha are eager to get the treasures, and he is able to say.

In the heart, he began to integrate the source and also divided a mental force to evolve the magic sword.

The sword is big, he knows a lot, especially the swords in the era of ancient times.

In the exuberant era of the big dome, I have had a thrilling and peerless sword, and I have successfully achieved the emperor in the sword. It is also a three-foot sword.

Among them, there is a three-foot sword array, but this array is not complete. The owner of the three-foot sword has not completely doubled the array, and it was suppressed by Zhenwu Yang.

There are six floors in the big array, the owners of the three-foot sword have been speech, and the three feet of the sword can measure the universe, with a total of 13 layers, just unfortunately, he was suppressed when he had created a sixth floor.

However, this six floors is enough to sword without double. As for the 13th floor of the emperor, he doesn't know that it is true, it is also possible that he has not said this, it is entirely in trouble.

After all, I have just created the sixth floor, I said that I can go to the 13th floor, the content of the universe, this rumor is too fake.

Thunder is moving, differentiates countless swords unparalleled vain, and begins to wear a sword array.

The name of this big array is very loud, but unfortunately it is falling.

"Irife!" The sword was unparalleled.

Insulting the world, seeing the cactus, enough!

Unfortunately, I can't kill the emperor, otherwise I will not have true Wuyang.

The top three floors of the epicchron, corresponds to Dagan, when the Jianxian is in the big Damadan, with this, the achievement of the Dao Jun is only the name and is very powerful.

It is important to know that every big Daman can become an emperor. The Jianxian is just a three-piece Jianxiang. When the nine turn is a big Damai, the strongest is the peak, but he can rely on this. This big array is definitely able to kill the terrorist array of ultimate large-scale derivatives.

The nine turn of the second product of Luo Hao is full, the strongest time can be comparable to the peak big Damai, although he still needs to be improved, but the three products of the Damadam will compare the ultimate peaks. .

The shocking and bright sword fairy, but the nine turn of the three-product source Avenue was full of Damani, comparable to the ultimate Dagan, and can also break out the priest of the Daojun. This is not simple.

Just went deep into the sword, the sword was unparalleled.

The first floor of the unhading, it is also entry, it is necessary to control the 36th sword. Every sword is not less than the nine turn. This is very simple for the sword. It is very difficult to say that 36 swords have some difficulties.

Today, the phantom sword has just created, can differentiate the nine swords, after this strength improvement, Jossom can differentiate out of the 18th sword, and then differentiate once, I am afraid that the Sword of the swords will be weak.

Fortunately, in his sword, the sword is far more than nine turn, now the sixth floor of the ultimate road, it is enough to compare the ninth floor of the second product, the strong, I am afraid that I have the peerless sword. The peak of the fairy is not too much.

The requirements can be achieved, and the rest is very simple. After all, it is not letting him create a array. Now it is only to master a sword array. It is naturally low, plus him, and he has mastered the ultimate way, but It is the master of the sword, and the sword array is like a fish.

One of the caves and three years.

The original star's death, reflecting the power of spending flowers, is a strong strength of swords and unparalleled strength, and makes time make sense.

The mountain is over.

The two nine turn rounded the big fairy, and there was no pair of double positions from the sword and the near outside.

One of the two has a top-level force, one is a big dermndant who is in the gods, and the weakness is weak.

"Yang crazy, I will send you here! Here, here is the deepest place in the mountain range, you can't encounter the strong big Dagan, with your record, but also It can be kept in the past 10,000, and you can still enlighten the origin of the disagreement. "The top Dagan persuaded.

It is naturally that the Yang Mak, this Yangfeng is named "Yang Feng", because of the battle and his madness, he got a poplar number.

But caravan is not a good thing in the original star.

His strength is not too strong in the top of the nine-turn, because of the cause of crazy, it is burned to the source, but it is a headache for many strong people.

After entering the original star, it is a lot of records with a group of friends, but he is too difficult to enter his strength, but he began to target some of the peak of the peak, but those who can be alone. In the peak of the mainland, there is no one to deal with it.

This is not, the whole team is almost killed by the peak Damai, so that the Yang Mak burned half of the source, only with them to escape the peak big Damai chasing.

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