Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5199 ??? Daojun

This body has a very strong life of the body. Although he has not seen their body, he also heard that the nine turn is full, the body of the special life covers the sky, the biggest, but there is still a hundred thousand miles Size, like a red water, the kind of emperor, there should be millions, and even hundreds of millions.

However, the feathering continent can be too large, even if a nine turn is full of big Damadam, a flashed millions, but also two consecutive times to cross the feathering continent.

A feathered is so big, the body of the existence can't imagine.

What exempted from the body will have such a big body, or the existence is a strong man who surpasses the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled and waiting for the Yang crazy to answer, but the result is not good.

"Don't know!" Yang crazy did not have a feeling of emotion.

It is not too strange, as if they want to engage in the origin of the feathers, only through strength, enter the core of the blessings, who is qualified to know whose feathers are, how powerful.

However, if you want to enter the core, it's too difficult to get the difficulty. I am afraid that I will enter the Polyson Temple in the first few people!

The more you want, the farther, the sword is unparalleled, and swayed.

"Forget it, let's talk about the situation in the mainland!"

This time, the alarm of the brain is very rapid, apparently these things deeply imprint in his mind.

The sword is unparalleled, he is never thought of, a small feathering continent has happened so many rare and quirky things.

In particular, he heard that the six emperors of the Da Luo were falling four in one day.

There are also two unfamiliar names, and the two people are suddenly ranked as they have ranked one hundred.

The key is that these two people can not be found in the feathering continent. They all think this is the problem of the people of the Discrimpious Temple. They have an angry temple in the only holy mountain in the feathering continent, come out to explain the explanation.

They fight hard, and the result of the previous one has suddenly appear two strangers, and these two people can not find these two people.

The strong people in the feathering continent will be hundreds of thousands, so at a big place, I don't see the head all day, every one is very familiar, they all think this is very out.

Some people are crazy, there are three turns to enter the original star, and the walking of the four emperors of the Lu Luo teamed up, and I got the four-digit worker identity token, in order to enter the previous 100.

The rumors of such a dramatic, actually have a trust, most of the people who believe in the top-level strong, under the situation of the survival of the fittest, it is difficult to enter the first thousand, hold the mentality of trying a trial, enter the mountain range want Find the three turn, the result has passed for a year, and I haven't found anything, and finally I have returned. After all, it is precious.

"Say the strong distribution of the feathering continent." The sword is unparalleled, and the more he wants is not gossip, but the information of the strong.

This kind of diligence is a bit more speechless, and the sword is unparalleled.

He didn't know that there were many powers that fight for a thousand thousands. They didn't work before entering, they can only do some daytime, discuss these talks every day.

"Strong!" Yang crazy face changed, the strong people of the whole feathering continent were told.

Feathering continent, there are five invincible powerful people.

Each of them can be sealed as "Daojun" in the outside world.

The feathering mainland is also divided into five areas, and the rest of the strong can span, but these five invincible strong people can not move at will, this is the rules set by them.

The five people can only hunt in their respective areas.

The hunting ground in the central area of ​​the feathering continent is a chassis that belongs to the "Place Moon Road".

The northern field is the second "broken army".

The third "cold frost track" in the South Market

The fourth "Torn Taojun" in the eastern region

The fifth "Wanxing Road Jun" in the Western Region

The five-person ranking gap is not large, often changed, but the status has never changed, and the early war casts their prestige.

In the outside world, their strength is very known, but in the original star, it is a person who has become a popular person.

Their ranking is actually hooks with the means, the blood months can be ranked first, because he is a special life, the talent is a bloody, which can double the speed, and the prey in his life can escape.

This is also the reason why he can sit in steadily.

The least ranked "Wanxing Road Jun" in the five people is the Dars of Xingro, which is extremely high, and is the chief emperor of the starry.

Xing Luo, Daro, Tian Luo, these three worlds are actually a forces, this is also a few emperors in the Da Luo, but unfortunately, this Wanxing Road is not interested in them, but the few big Luo The jungery is a tiger skin, and it is rampant in the Western region.

Three high-level worlds, with the Tiangoji as honor, name "Da Luotian"

Luo Tian is extremely united in the outside world. Even if you enter the Different Temple, the emperor will not kill themselves.

Wanxing Road is extremely high. It is not to see several emperors in the Lu Luo. He pursues is the ultimate. It is the strength that he is unable to refrain. Now he can participate in the origin of the people, let The strength is once again improved, and it is hope to reach half-step.

There is a half-step strength, then go to the road, will also enhance the chances of coex, the most important thing is to get the experience of the people in the Polyson Temple, or a certain approach.

The big Si Domain is in the era of ancient times, and there are ten emperors at once, this is evidence, and there is something that is very good in helping the temple.

These shocking glasses, each of them has a lot of ambitions, and their achievements are not limited to the third-order episode, and their goals are four-order and five-order.

If there is no heart of this kind of strong, it is better to choose a four-piece origin to go, it is also the weakest emperor.

In addition to these directions, there is an exclusive strong, and each of them can escape from the hand in the hands of the road, not afraid of the threat of Dao Jun, and slaughter other big dermatoma.

These strong people are rushed to twenty.

On a feathering continent.

If the strength of the first echelon is Dao Jun, then the second echelon is the fifteen ultimate large Damadam in the top twenty, and each of them is touching the threshold, the strength is only one step.

Those who are tall are high, but they will not leave their own areas, but the limit of these Touching the threshold is not so much, they can go to any area to slaughter.

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