Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5201 ???? demon

The first floor of the Xianxun has been successfully cultivated. It can enhance the three times the sword array. The original nine phantom swords can threaten the peak of Dagan. Under Hu Qing, he will kill the Lu Luo.

Now, I have doubled three times, and he alone alone, alone, there should be no more difficulty.

However, he also gave himself a deadline, twenty years, 20 years must return to the mountain range, twenty years later, the trial is over, there will be three or four years, and when several Dao will definitely clear them.

Single ranking of this original star, it also proved what could not be left, they had to sprint the total ranking.

Of course, this is just a sword unparalleled guess.

There is no so-called hidden rule in the Temple of the Temple, no one knows, everyone wants to actively perform in front of the Polyson Temple.

The sword is unparalleled, slowly getting up, and the treasure to press the breath is running, and there is no breath on the body. In addition to his existence of the naked eye.

"This time you are lucky, I will give you a life."

Yang crazy seems to have understood what, the sluggish eyes flashed a shine.

"Right, adults enter the feathering continent, must join a certain organization, there is a large use."

The sword is unparalleled, join an organization?

He hasn't thought about this, with his strength in the feathering mainland, has already arrived, there is no need to team up, do not need to be referended again, but it is limited by others.

"Why!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Three years ago, in the west of the mainland, I don't know where to take a monk, it is very powerful. One person has a few top teams, but he did not kill anyone, just collect their identity The card, even the treasures have not taken. "

"This monk is called the demon, the strength is comparable, and the stronger the battle, the strength of the Taojun threshold, today's feathering mainland, even the peak big Damadam is beginning to hold the group, the one is too horrible. In the five-digit chassis, it will sweep, efficient, and strong. "

Yang crazy said, the sound is a little trembling.

Their brigade had seen the scene of the demon sweeping the peak of the peak, a long-lost heaven and earth, and a few large Damadam had several planted in his hand.

"Demon?" The sword was unpaired, and quickly took out the identity token.

Trial man: Hui Qing

Ranking: 16

The sword is unparalleled to suck a breath, but I can't believe it.

When he was separated from Hui Qing, Hui Qing's strength is almost comparable to the big Damadam of the extreme threshold. How did this turn?

Isn't he just broke through the nine turn?

Even the ultimate Tao's nine-turn Damadi, the most is the limit of the ultimate Damai, is there a full of nine turn!

The sword has no double adds a lip. He knows that there is a big secret on Huiqing. I didn't expect that he actually hidden so deep, just left him, he was so fierce.

This only three years ago, the top ten, Hui Qing's goal was afraid that the top ten and even in the hands of Taojun.

However, if he broke through the nine turn, I am afraid that it is difficult to fight for the first. If it is still nine to the big Daman, the opportunity is quite big, after all, you can get the battle and doubled.

"Where is he now?" The sword couldn't help but ask.

He is also a perennial practitioner with Huang, and Hu Qing's sudden outbreak is different from him step by step.

Although Hui Qing has been practiced for 30 million, he is not in front of the waters, and finally suddenly broke out in the array of ice clouds, step into the road, and directly compensated.

At that time, his road was still unstable. Now it seems to be completely mastered the ultimate way, and we will explode.

The sword is not the same, he has grinded more than 20,000 years in life and death, from weak and walk, step on the road, destroy the god dynasty, get the help of Xuan Yi, and finally enter the big domain, get a lot of emperors Give gift.

It is only necessary to become an ultimate Deman. This is the result of his hard work. After entering the rich, I am awakened, I entered the starry sky to repair hundreds of millions of years, master the way, and it is true to take the truth, all the way Constantly breaking through, less than ten years, there is the power of the peak Damai.

But all this is the foundation for more than 20,000 years, plus the special places such as the Starry Sky to practice hundreds of millions of years.

Nowadays, Huqing step two steps, it is straightforward than him, which makes him feel unacceptable.

It is said that Hui Qing has also entered the starry sky in a moment and practiced hundreds of millions of years.

This chance is very small. If Huqing enters the starry sky, then the code is also a way, but he did not feel any similar atmosphere from Huishi.

In addition to these, there is one left.

Hui Qing is the child of the Past Temple!

It is the Buddhist temple to cultivate Huqing in the dark, thinking that the sword is unparalleled.

Telling, his talent is also good, how do you not come to cultivate him?

It is also said that he can be awakened to master the way, because of the Polysman?

The sword is unparalleled into pensive.

He didn't know that he had already been killed by the true spirits of the Zhenshen Temple, and it did not invest in him without a long time.

The Temple is also more optimistic about Hui Qing. In all big Damai, Huqing's talent can enter the top ten, which is a few successors who are going to cultivate by the Polyson Temple.

And the sword is unparalleled with others, but these successors' mattrays!

Hui Qing is reluctant to kill, others can do this, for several successors, I am afraid to sacrifice the large-scale fairy of the whole universe.

After all, Dagan is not an emperor. In the past, the Dagani will be like a spring bamboo shoot in the rain, and they have risen.

The emperor may take a long time, but you can do it for the Polyson Temple.

After understanding the intention of the Polysman, the evil breath that the sword is unparalleled is uncomfortable.

It is just a true spirit, but he puts the spirit of the original universe to raise, the sword is unparalleled, this opportunity can also be relieved, it is mutual help.

If the sword is unparalleled, the true spirits are called, even if they have passed, there is no fall, he can also take the opportunity to bring the sword to the peripheral forces.

No matter what, don't lose.

The abacus is very good, but it is also necessary to see the sword.

In the next moment, the sword has no double shape reversal, the evil breath is black lightning around him, and the sound of is sent from time to time.

This breath, makes the stagnant Yang madness fear, and the body is not backward.

The sword is unparalleled through the rock, looks at the entire original star, and the figure has disappeared in the cave.

Yang crazy who stayed in place was also awake at this moment.

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