Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5224 ???? Toxicon

At this moment, there was a gas in the heart of the trip, he struggled, broke freely, and jumped on his face.

Turned the fat and still, he retrosped his fat monk, squatting with fat and still collars, angry, "Where did you hide the red mother?"

Don't answer if you want to answer, he only feels dizziness after the brain, directly fell to the fat chest.

I have passed a indifferent voice behind him. "Hurry and pack it, we have to leave overnight!"

"Two brother, how to do this kid!" The fat monk climbed up from the ground, leaking a smile.

If you see the absolute thing to see, you will be surprised, there are two long words of people!

The two fat monk, the same, the character is different, the old two is indifferent, the third is like a smile, the face has been with a smile.

"Tied first, throw it in the room!"

"Good luck, can finally leave this temple."

I don't know when Li Yushan has resumed a consciousness. He heard two fat monk talks.

It turned out that these two Jiangyang thieves, in order to avoid the wannam of the official, escaped into this temple, killing the original host, and played a fake monk.

Nowadays, there is a lot of money from the king, ready to bring money to run.

"Two brother, you can really be embarrassed!"

"Hey, this king is not a good thing. If he is not his big brother, if he doesn't want to catch us, don't hide for more than ten years. Now he is dead, and he will lose it, he will have to finish your morning and evening. And I still have my poison, I can't live a few days. "

"Distinguo, you mean, I mean, I said that you have to marry the king is a trick." Chubby and gang smiled: "If he knows the gimmick of him, he has been originally served. Daughter, it is estimated that it will be crazy! "

"It is unfortunately, the gods are ancient or blame, after a few times, it is said to see this kid and promise, the result is coming back!"

The old second eyes are cold, recalling more than ten years ago, a woman who could not give birth to the temple, and finally gave it to the two brothers.

As a result, she really made her pregnant, and the two did not bear to kill, but when the child was born, it was found that they were not two people.

The brothers didn't kill the woman directly.

The woman is the mother of the red brother, and the original wife outside the king!

After the red lady was born, the two looked at it as a girl, and I wanted to raise a big sale, who would like to come to the birth of the temple outside a few months ago, stanked.

The brothers have a total of one more, and this will be inferior.

such a pity!

That little girl jumped, they had to make a dust woman from the Qinglou from the outside for money.

This is why the two is the cause of the emergency run.

"I blame this stinky boy, broken big, simply grasping him."

"No, I will stay here. If I don't have time, when I found it wrong, I will come here to find trouble, just leave this kid here to cope with the king! He is not a gun today. Team? That's all him. "The indifference and still fade, so the poisonous means, he said that the brows did not have Zou.

Li Yushan trembled his lips, the body could not move, but the angular angle is left tears.


A drop of tears falls on the ground, and his heart is in the blood.

This night, the temple has a fire.

The next day, the king really came to the temple to find trouble, and he can see the temple burning in the charcoal, and only after the two faces of the whole non-unrecognizable body, only fortunately.

Li Yushan looked at all in the distance, his body was mud, his face had a few scars on his body.

Although the fire was extinguished, the monk of the temple was complete, and no one went to reconstruct the temple, even the scene of the Buddha's Buddha was collapsed, no one depends.

Li Yushan turned and left, and went to the valley that Hongdami very like.

In this green valley, there was a grave, and the twists of the tombstones were engraved with red lady.

That night, Li Yushan killed two fathers and fathers, digging out the red lady in the vegetable garden, bringing her a temple that imprisoned her life.

Sitting in front of the grave, the vision of the vision, looking at the gloomy sky, the tears have already been dried, and I don't know how to face the future.


The spring rain said, it seems like Li Yushan tears.

His heart hates!

Hate the east, harm the red lady.

If he stepped out of the threshold at that time, he called the red bride who left, how good!

Two people were double-flying, he didn't think about it, but the moment he forgotten so before the threshold, it was unable to take this step.

Nowadays, outside the door, it is already two worlds!

Ren Rain is playing in the cheek, and Li Yushan is not moving.

The rain washed on his mud, washed with blood, but can't wash the scars in his heart.

From the valley, when he returned to the visit, he suddenly remembered, his master is a god!

In his eyes, the fairy is omnipotent, and he has heard of this legends.

I thought here, he rushed into the room and turned out the master left his letter, and the jade.

He worked his hands to get to Tianjun to get three heads in front of him.

After carding the card, look at the letter on the letter.

"It's all, with jade, I will go, I will meet again!"

At this moment, Li Yushan has once again impressed confidence. He carefully took the jade to the neck, and the jade hangs the moment of his chest. The letter has made a powder and disappeared in his hand.

A large group of information, also poured into his mind.

A new world appears in front of him.

He picked up the bag and went to the red lady to sit on a time. Finally, he leaked a smile, smiled and said: "I won't let you wait too long."

After finishing, I decided to leave, I walked out to my valley, I took a way to him.

Unfortunately, he has not realized his own promise, or she has waited for too long, and she has come to the world to collapse, the evolution of the universe.

According to the master, he walked in the east, and the concretion was cultivated all the way, became a cultivator.

I don't know how many years have been going to East, but he never forgot to go back.

Finally, when he ferded into fairy, his master appeared.

Sanshou real people, once a Tianyou Damai, often traveling to red dust, and can now find his deeds.

He will become a Tiandi after the Daman, and become his pro-disciple, and it has become the first child of Starbor Palace.

After a hundred years, Li Yushan mastered the heaven, the title "Trend"

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