Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 524 Fourth Floor

"My human ethnic group with the monster, is a dead enemy that does not die, the existence of the demon alliance, is to be able to compete with the monsters, and want to practice the second floor of this place in this field, then you have to practice humanity The group has contribution, go to the monster, to win the demon demon! "

"The second floor like the ground, you want to stay in it a day, you have to need a beautiful union of the six-order monster." The sound of the green fire rose. "

The sword is unbolded.

Killing the monster, with the demon demon of the demon, the sword is unparalleled.

But in the second layer just stayed in a day, I need a six-order demon demon dress, which is a bit exaggerated.

The six-order monsters, which is equivalent to the six-day strong power of the human ethnic group (top leader), that is, the god of the Demon League will kill a monster with six-high-end power, and only can be in that The second floor stays a day.

"In fact, it is not only this place in the heart. There are several other places in this holy place, and even the many treasures of the demon building cannot be purchased by Yuan Jing. It is needed, it is a demon dress!" The green fire continued.

"The second floor of the Vintage Palace, although the conditions of entering are strive, but some of the gods of the Demon League, occasionally enter a period of time, but the third floor ... That third layer of origin The strength of the force is much higher than the second layer, and the conditions entering are also greater. "

"Under normal circumstances, it is God's jun, and even if these gods can't be extravagant, they have been in the third floor, but only occasionally enter the cultivation, as for the fourth floor, The condition that enters the fourth layer is even more demanding. "

"The Demon League is one hundred and eight gods. These God will generally go to the fourth floor to cultivate a one or two days, and if they want to practice ten days, it is even if they have passed Many years or even decades of accumulation to hunt the monster, there is qualifications. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the head is somewhat.

Even if it is God, it will go to the fourth floor to cultivate a one or two every few years?

Then the golden jade in his hand?

"There is no double friend, the wind is giving you the trolley, you can go to the Fourth floor of the Foundation, you can go to the fourth floor of the fourth floor, ten days ..." Qing The fire sighed, "I can only say that your luck is really good."

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

Before he only knew that the Feng Yin Shen Bureau gave his jade simple, but there was any role in the end, he was not clear.

But now, he finally understood.

"The wind is god, I really gave me a good thing." The sword released a heavy ray.

When the green fire and the sword have come to the passage of the second layer.

"Unparalleled little friends, I am waiting for you, ten days, not long, you can get rid of rare." Qinglu Road.

"Of course." The sword nodded, and then went to the channel.

That channel strong guard was still stopped, but when the sword was unparalleled, she took out the jade emperor gave it to the jade, these guards exposed the color of the shock, obviously shocked the sword, no pair, there was such jade. Simply, then these receipts will be released.

Along the passage, the sword is not in the bottom of the heart, and after a long time, he finally came to the fourth floor of the Vintage Palace.

When the fourth floor, the sword is unparalleled, and it immediately induced the periphery of the vitious source.

The richness of the extreme origin, the sword has never seen anything from practice.

"It's so rich!"

"The power of the origin here, the outside world, at least 100 times, or even more than!"

The sword is unparalleled.

There is a place that is so rich, it is definitely a true cultivation of holy land.

The fourth layer is far from the first floor, but the existence of some slime flies, the sword is unparalleled to find a secret room, and enter the secret room.

The disk is sitting in the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, and directly starts to refresh,

In such a strong environment, the sword is unparalleled, the source is coming, that speed is much more than too much than in the outside world, and it is easy to easily.

As he has been in the first floor of the six-level building, nine hundred and ninety-nine kills of the ban, when he truly understands the mystery, less than six hundred kinds, and more than 300 kinds of killing metasto, he I didn't understand.

But now, with his enlightenment, he finds that many places who have plagued themselves have realized.

Very easy, very simple, almost water to the stream.

"This feeling is really wonderful."

The sword is unhappy, and the eyes have a strong surprise.

This is only a short while, and he will enlighten the ten kinds of mystery of the first ban. This speed is enough than that he is more than ten days in the outside world.

"I only have ten days, the opportunity is rare, I can't delay in my moment."

The sword is unparalleled, and the idea is moving, and the killing is separated.

Book with killing, just in this secret room, began to pay attention to.

As time, the sword is unparalleled to the world's own origin, the sense of killing the source, has also begun to increase at an amazing speed.

One shock, ten days have passed.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled with the killing is still separated from the plate.

At the moment, his own arm is, there is a new source of origin in that slowly condensed, plus the origin of the origin that has been condensed, and the world's own printed in the arm, has reached eight!

Yes, it is eight!

Insightly, in the near, the sword is uniform to condense the Sixth World's own printed in the Wuyi tribe, but the fourth floor of this place in this manner, he is connected to the time. Seventh, the eighth world origin is printed.

And, this is just the improvement of the world's source.

This is definitely an incredible improvement.

On the source of killing, the sword is unparalleled, and the arm is sitting there. On the arm, he also has an eight-way killing this origin and is condensed.

Killing this source, also condenses the eighth country imprint!

"World Source, Killing this source, all condensed eight posts." The sword has a thick varnish in the eyes.

The origin of the origin, representing the sentiment of the origin, because he has not broken through the relationship between the clouds, the original impromptu is limited to the cloud, but the power is limited, but the sword is unparalleled to two native applications will be greatly improved. .

The overall strength is also improved.

"Overth Dove of the origin, this is incredible in the stun, but I don't know if I have the opportunity to condense the ninth mark in the future?" The sword was unparalleled.

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