Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5237 5233? Qiuhuangcheng


The sword is unparalleled in the blood.

The tenth year of the Triple Triple Trial, and the tenth year of today's new era.

The original star trial opens the second phase.

The summons in the meditation have made them don't have so much, and can only be assembled towards the local place.

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is heavy, and the center of the feather is high. It is serious: "You also have you still have it?"

Huqing nodded at the same time.

"Let's take a look, what kind of tricks are playing again."


The three men burst the speed and quickly rushed toward the guidelines.

On the road, a peak-to-peak or ultimate large-scale fairy is not approaching the position.

The sword is very close to the location, just a time of the distance, and he saw the magnificent city pool that emerged.

At this point, many strong people have gathered.

When they arrived, they caused all the attention. After all, the current Huiqing is one of the most powerful people, and everyone has already re-divided the level.

Hui Qing is not much better, and the second break army is strong, the record is first, and it has been secretly called half-step.

Wan Star is also the same, before the Wanxing Road Jun, now is Wanxing Tian Emperor.

Two strong people, the original star is the unique existence.

Then the sword is unparalleled with the strong, but seeing the Chaoyang is now unparalleled with the sword, they also divided the Chaoyang to the Taoist level.

"This breath?" The sword is unparalleled with a heavy heart.

This is a heavy dead gas in the wild, he is very familiar.

The three people came to the door of Jucou, looking at the fog surrounded by the city.

"Qiuhuang City!"

The sword has no bisector on the city gate, whispering.

The font is naturally ancient text, but the original star universe still records this text, as a big demonstrans, the sword is unparalleled is just a look, and you can experience ancient language.

Just these three words, give him a feeling too old, and even a feeling of watching time and space.

Only three words exudated, it is moving in the heart.

The emperor has no such a sharp momentum!

"There is no double brother, you can not see, these three words of the power beyond our cognition, of which the rules are chaotic, disturbed the mind!"

Hui Qing just looked at it, and he didn't look at it, and he quickly reminded the sword.

Like Hui Qing, there are too many things that have been parked in these three ancient words, and it is indeed, I am afraid that only the emperor can understand the rules contained.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and has already arrived at the fourth level, this interference can not affect him.

"Nothing, we will go in anyway!" The sword is unparalleled.

Since the city suddenly appeared here, then it would be in touch with them, and the Temple can't get a city pool to let them watch!

"You look at the city wall!" The season, Chaoyang can't help but exclaim.

Refers to the traces of the grooves in the city wall!

The sword is unparalleled, and when you see the gully, you can't see the gully, the corner is vibrating.

"Is the sword!"

At this time, there are more and more big Damai, and it is also the first to go to the city gate to watch, and they will study the swords traces of those gully.

The sword is more than the next knee, carefully feels that the thick sword mark is even in the depths of the traces, and there is still a silky sword.

Although these swords are very inconspicuous, they can also be carefully seen as the swords of the swords.

A silk, a thumb.

The sword is very common, but even if it is now desolation, these swords are still in a way.

The sword is unparalleled to suck one breath.

According to his strength, a sword has come out, it may not be able to stay in Qiuhuang City, let alone let every sword contain it.

He is very capable with the sword, it is not a star half.

"The emperor is so strong?" The sword is unparalleled to suspect life.

He also saw a lot of emperor, and some understanding of the emperor.

However, the road contained in the swords of the swords, it is too powerful. If he is now the ultimate path is just a grass, then the sword is like a whole forest.

I thought I didn't think that I was not a half-step, and I also touched the emperor level, but now I still seem too much.

Or, this emperor is much stronger than the emperor he has ever seen.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is more close to the sword with a false arm. It is more close to the sword.

In addition to Qiuhuangcheng, there are rigmatics that they can't get close to these big demonstratures.

The ultimate sword has arrived at the sixth floor, or the heart is related to the heart of the sword, although the two fighting avenues, power is stronger, but he wants to get rid of the external power to invade, and create the purest sword.

The role of heart efforts is to assist, can you now?

The fifth level of the ultimate swordway, the world, the sixth floor heart test.

Now his sword is too bad, not pure enough, he needs to be super away from yourself, get rid of the leadership, and reclaim the swords!

"That Sword!"

So he is very eager to watch the difference between the emperor's Junjun, which contains what it is, to give him a level of Jun's level.


The mental power has just entered the gully, and he has been strong.

This force comes from that silk.

The sword is unhealthy, the whole body is concentrated, and it has turned into a smart small hand, constantly grabbing the sword.

Sticking and dying, dying.

The sword is unparalleled to use the soul to arrest the sword. This is too important to him.

There are countless strong people in Linyi City wall, this has already benefited a lot, if it is able to capture a little emperor, it is a big champion.

"It's still a bit."

The virtual arms of thought, only a wire distance.

But the distance of this, no matter how he increases the strength of his mind, you can't capture the sword.

The mobilization of the whole body, so that the sword is unparalleled and sweat.

Huqing and Ji Yang also noticed that he was moving, and if you want to ask, I am afraid to interfere with swords, I can only stand next to him, do not let others interfere.

The sword is not in the heart of the body, and the double should be closed.

"It's evil, this kind of distance is not possible to cross!" The sword is unparalleled, giving him hope, let him not do.

The more you feel the feelings of the sword, the more you want to get it.

This sword will give him the feeling that he thinks the purest way, as long as it can capture it, then use his mental force to swallow up, you can get the swords contained in the pure sword.

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