Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5245 5241????

He reacted him, almost made someone else.

But now he will take a step, it is not yet, but the reputation will definitely not listen.

"Forget it, there are two waves, the coach's position is in the key third wave!" Torn the heart comforted, but the surface is a cold, turn around.

There are many strong people onlookers, no one dares to speak, can only follow the sky.

Those half-step jun, none of the dark, torn, Jun, is just a bag, it is afraid.

Instead, these people have no one hate the sword and unparalleled.

This is a strong!

The strong is not convinced, but the heart is worn.

These people say that swords are unparalleled, but they feel that this is normal, they have that strength will also swallow.

Here is the temple, who doesn't want to fight first?

Who doesn't want to get the best inheritance!


This word should not appear in this world, weak meat food is the only truth, others are virtual.

After these people returned, the sword was unparalleled, and the knee was sitting on the wall and closed his eyes.

Just, the 100,000 swallowed the magic, like him, the Tao in their body is to swallow the source, these origins help with him very much, no infrared to swallow the big dermation.

So big, the sword is unparalleled?

He has already thought about it, and the next wave of him has to swallow, even if he will fall down the universe, expose all the card, he also swallowed.


The angle sounds, the second wave of swallowing the magic will hit again.

This time is a million swallowing magic, and these people have not been anxious, and hundreds of thousands they can't recognize it. Millions have no way to kill.

Tear Trendo, this time, he kept the strong style of his air, one proud city, looked at the other strong people who rushed from the side, nodded.

When turning to look at the sword, the sword is unparalleled, snorted, with disdainful expressions, but the eyes are jealous.


A heavy breath is coming, millions of swallowing magic, doubled than the last decorment, more powerful, this makes people who are in the forefront, but now is now Get the best time to go to the treasure, there is no much touching.

Just when these big Dawns and those who swallowed magic were not enough, the sword was unparalleled.

This time he didn't have a sword, and the heart movement moved slightly.

The fifth floor of the ultimate sword "" Heart "!"

This beat has been familiar with it. It is not a sense of superuniture, but the heart is just a move, a huge heart sword is wrapped in this round of millions.


A word spit out!

The swords in millions of miles will rise, and hundreds of thousands of swords are falling. When the death of the magic will rush to those big deanical fans, they suddenly stopped their shape.

Those Damadi also stunned, looking up, countless swords of sword palpitated, and every sword light is enough to kill the top large-scale.

Dealing with these nine turn layers.

! ! !

Like cutting leeks, sword light has been cutting the whole game, one million swallowing magic, one will not stay.

Not only is it to kill, but it will be swallowed by one by one, and there is no breath on the battlefield on the battlefield.

The grass is removed, and everyone in this move looks.

Torn Tiandao has not come to the air, and the battlefield will returned to death.

He is unacceptable, the first wave is also awkward, and it is easy to hit the killing of the field, but this is the second wave, and it is full of millions to swallow the magic.

Even if the half-step drama is not to grasp it!

His face is also black than the last time.

Even him has decided, next time he is blocked, it is waiting for the magic.

This time, after the big dermplant retired, there was no .

If the last time is the level of Daojun, then there is a half-step dragon in this time.

They are now doubting that the sword is unparalleled in hidden strength, guessing that he has long been the strength of the emperor, but it is only hidden, and now it is exposed.

"No wonder is to pay for life and death, he is afraid that there is already a half-step drader, otherwise the last battle, he does not dare to make the demon in front of so many ways."

"The eight nine is not left ten, we still leave him away, no more provocation."

The previous one said that I want to give the sword unparalleled Damai at this time, I am hiding in the wall of the wall, I am afraid that the sword is unparalleled to see him not pleading, and he is seriously injured at this time.

At that time, he will lose money.

"Dear, prepare the third wave!"

"Well, the front two waves are unparalleled, the strength is strong, you can kill, this third wave is going to shoot!"

"Haha, you too don't want to face, I see the third wave of you, we can also come."

There is less than the last qi, but it will change.

This is the respect for strength. The first time they feel that they can be provoked, and they are really afraid of the second time.

Even tear Trendo is now not allowed. If he has convinced, he has confidence, but now the strength of swords is unparalleled, it is too powerful.

Even if he breaks the seal, use the treasure to make the strength briefly burst, and there is no confidence to deal with the sword.

"Can you evil, how can he be so strong?"

The surface of the tear of the sky is calm, but the heart is burning in anger.

The ridicity of the sword is unparalleled, very similar to his secret treasure, two treasures are definitely associated.

If it is able to get, maybe he has hope to be a half-step.

Today, I hope too embarrassment.

Not willing!

Torn in the heart.

The treasure in his body, let him become a Dao Jun from the peak, once unfolded all seals, the strength can be soaring again, and there are few people in the Daojun.

If he gets the ridiculous secret treasure in the sword, he can also jump again.

I hope it is now desirable.


Maybe he is still eyeing by the sword, it is now a prey, and the heart has a killing, it must be killed.

Boutham City is not bullying.

Now I can only take a step, but the leader, he will not give up, even if the ban on the body in advance, he also wants to compete, increase 50%, this is too tempting.

The first two waves but only one thousand to treasure, the third wave is 100,000 to the treasure, as long as he can kill 60%, you can capture the position of the coach.

Torn the sky, the heart is dark: "Wait!"

This time, Tornojun leaped from the city wall, waiting in the city in the city, this scene made the big demonstrative on the city wall.

What about the good fortune?

A tray is on the wall, can't move, and the breath is clear.

A hungry wolf is general, coveted with your own saliva.

Those half-step Jun's heart can't bear it.

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