Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 526 Dongying

The demon continent, the people of the human group has four major borders in the northwest of the southeast. There are also a military camp in these four major borders, and it is also called the southeast northwest four camps.

These four military camps are a huge stone blocking in the forefront of the human group. In the past few years, a large number of monsters have tried many times, but they have been killed in human territories, but they are all armed for these military camps.

One of the four major military camps, Dongying!

In Dongying, there are thousands of people, here, the six-odor (top lord) is just the most ordinary soldiers, and the captain of the tenth team, it is from God, as for the team captain, generally by two The level will be held.

Ten hundred people teams, form a lead, a leader, is the top secondary god.

On the other hand, it is the general (God), and the highest palace.

It is said that one of the four major military camps, there is no more than three directions of the Temple of Ten Temples.

The sword is unparalleled with green fire. He is all assigned to Dongying, and it is still the same.

Different, the sword is unparalleled because it is the relationship between the second-level god, and is appointed as the captain of this hundred people, and the fire, a first-class god will only be a team leader of a ten team, more than the sword. Low level.

At this moment, it is in one of the Current Military Camp.

"Fang Han leads, from now on, I hope that you can take care of you more." A red-haired man with a carrying knife sat in front of the crowd, while holding a wine bowl.

In this red-haired man, there is a mid-age man who is slightly fat, there is a smile on his face. "Jin Ling brothers are too polite, have your father, the whole Dongying, who dares to give face, after all, your father Golden Snake God Jun, is also one of the many generals of this Dongying. "

"If you rest assured, from today, if there is a good thing, if there is a good thing, I definitely be less than the Jinling Brothers."

"Haha, then thank you for the cold lead, come, I respect you a cup." The red hair smiled.

If the sword is unparalleled here, it will be recognized at a glance. This red-haired man is before he has contradictory in Tianyu City!

After this Jinling became a god, he immediately applied to the Demon Alliance to the military camp, and because his father was in Dongying's relationship, he was also dispatched to Dongying, and it was also in the seventh collar, any 100 people. Team captain.

As for the slightly fat middle-aged man, the leadership of the seventh collar is called Fang Han. It is the head of Jinling, but because of the relationship between Jinling's golden snake god, this party is cold in the face of Jinling, I don't dare. There is a slorbent.

Inside the account, Jinling is a cold and two people drink, while chatting, the two talks very much.

At this time, a sergeant walked into the account, respectfully said: "The leader of the leader of the union, and the captain of the tenth has arrived."

"Which two of the gods will be asked.

"That ten team captain called green fire, once also stayed in Dongying, just not in our collar, as for the team captain, called the sword is unparalleled, is a second-level god that is just awarded." The famous army replied.

"Oh?" Fang Han brows.

"The sword is unparalleled?" That Jinling's face was a sharp change, followed by his own eyes, and muttered: "Is him!"

"How, Golden Brothers do you know this?" Fang Han Dynasty Jinlings came over.

"Hey, why do you know, I have been remembering him, I didn't expect him to send this East Camp, and just following me, I was in the same collar." Jin Ling eyes smiled, but the corner of the mouth has a cold smile. .

This smile is like a blade.

"Look, I have some hatred with this sword." Fang Han smiled and smiled. He looked at the sergeant. He told: "You go first, tell the sword unparalleled, just say something to handle, let He is waiting for me outside. "

"Yes." The sergeant even left.

Inside the account, there is only the cold and the golden linger.

"Fang Chan leads, the sword is unparalleled ... I hope to lead you a lot of help." Jinling.

"Jinling brothers, there is no outsiders here, just say, what do you want him?" Fang Han's eyes smashed.

"What do you want him? Hey, I can't wait to die!" Golden Cold channel.

"Oh?" Fang Han brows, sinking for a while, said: "Let's have these sergeants in the human territory border, this is the blood on the knife, and if you don't leave God, you will lose your life, in this case , Want him to die, it is not difficult. "

"This way, in the future, he is in my hand, I will give him the task full of danger and may fall."

"No." Jinling is shaking his head, "those dangerous tasks, often accompanied by great benefits, if he is really dying in the task, I am afraid that he is not dead, but it has got the benefits, then I didn't get lost. "

"What do you mean by Jinling Brothers?" Fang Han frowned to see it.

"Hey, the sword is unparalleled to this East Camp. It is nothing more than wants to kill the beast. I will win the demon. But I don't want him to succeed, Fang Han leader, our first collar does not have a task, it is the town of Tianliang Mountain Is it? "Jin Ling asked.

"Tianlun Mountains?"

Fang Han's eyes, the bottom has also understood the meaning of Jinling, and immediately laughed. "Hey, Tianliang Mountain range is behind our Dongying, those monsters, only breaking through Dongying's layer defense, only There may be in the quiet mountain range, in general, only those who are more energetic demon *** may go there. "

"But the sunny mountain is in a vast, just a hundred people squad is that, even if it is the demon, it is difficult to find, it can be said that it is a place that is not pulling, I want to be there. Mixed a demon dress, it is expected at all. "

"Well, then arrange this, let this sword are unparalleled in Dongying, å å å !"

"That's it." Jinling was also smirk.

"Fang Han leads, then the next thing, please please, I will leave." Jinson said.

"If you rest assured, the enemy of Jinling brothers, that is the enemy of our cold, I will have a way to pack him." Fang Han smiled.

Jin Ling nodded and then went to the account.

Outside the account, the sword is unparalleled with you, waiting for it quietly.

"Fang Han leads to talk to people, we are waiting for a while." Said the green fire.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled, and it is also very patient.

However, he didn't have to wait for the green fire, but he walked one from the account.

Seeing this person, the sword is unparalleled with green fire nature.


PS: Announced the reader of this book, Jie Houfu _VIP total group: 317601474

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