Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 528, the nose

There are millions of miles in the sky, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is a big battlefield, which is more than 8 million.

Such a vast territory, a hundred people in the district is here, and the role is minimal.

A few days, the sword is unparalleled, although often patrols in the quiet mountains, but even a monster, a fairy is unable to see.

In this regard, the sword is quite helpless, and it is not expected to get a demon dress in this day, but start to improve the strength.

"I have now encountered bottlenecks in the world of origin, killing this source of the world, I want to break through the ninth, my origin is condensed in a short time, I am impossible, I can't improve, then I want to improve the sword! "The sword has an idea.

From this day, he except for some energy inspections, more time, he is alone in the quiet cultural sword.

Like the heart of the sword, he has great improvement space.

In the quiet mountain range, the wind is calm, in this town, the sword is unparalleled, the strong is quite idle, and those who stay in Dongying, the hundreds of people who often broke out with the monsters, it is completely two different. the concept of.

In this calm, blink, a month of time.

"After a month, I can finally leave this bird, I am not pulling." The green fire is unparalleled with the sword, and his face is excited.

This month, it is not only a green fire, but also those sergeants who have no double hundred people, one thing feels boring.

Today, this town is one month, it finally passed.

"No accident, you should have another hundred people to come to transfer to us." The sword is unparalleled. He stood quietly with the green fire.

However, for a long time, there is no hundreds of teams come, and the last arrival is just a regular sergeant who came to the conversation.

"The unprepared adult is hys, because the other small teams have been killed before, and the other small teams have no small losses, the people are not enough, so, this month is the sunny mountain range does not rotate, let you of the tenth hundred teams, continue to be guarded here "

After finishing, this sergeant did not pay attention to the reactions of the sword where the people were unparalleled, they left.

"why is it like this?"

Those sergeants of the tenth team immediately broke the pot.

"Don't change it? How come?" The green fire frowns, the face has also become iron green, "Dongying's rules, the hundred people in the rear of these guards, each month will be rotated once, how can it be not changed? "

"Is there any manpower?"

"Hey, what the dog is insufficient, this bird does not pull the place, there is no chance to fight with the demon **, the people who are insufficient, come to the guard, but just right."

The green fire is low: "According to me, it is clear that the cold is deliberate, and this is very likely, it is related to the gold!"

"Otherwise, we just arrived in Dongying. How can we not walk directly to this day, and the squad of the squad, the squad of the squad, is less than ten days here."

"Golden?" The sword was unparalleled, "" I really have this possible. "

He stayed here for a month, I also learned some of the Dongying. I knew that the father of the golden snake God, an army of Dongying.

As a general, the power is very strong, and the Jinling is the only son of Jin Zombie, who will not give him face?

"Musou brothers, what are you going to do?" The green fire is not double.

In this month, he has a lot of relationship with swords, and the title has changed. He called the sword unparalleled as a pair of friends, but it is already a unparalleled brother.

"Waiting for a month." The sword was unparalleled.

"It's still not able to determine if the cold is really targeting me, this month, I endure, if it is not rotated next month ..."

The sword has no difference in the cold.

He never provokes, but it is not afraid.

After all, the cold is a leader. It is his direct boss. If you want to give him a little next to Ma Wei, he can accept it, but if the other party is purely for his trouble, the sword is unparalleled will never polite.

"That's good, wait a month." The green fire also looks back.

The sword is unparalleled with a lot of effort, and the sergeants will appease the sergeants, and the 100th team of sergeants can only continue to wait a month in this day.

A sway, it was a month, and it was a day of rotation.

However, this time, don't say that there are other hundred people come to take over, there is no one to come to the people.

It is necessary to fall in the sunset, and many of the hundreds of sergeants of the tenth team have a poor feelings.

"This is two months, there is no other one of the teams to get to us, even the people who even have no, what is going on?"

"If you go, I am bored, I would rather go to the eight big cities, or go to the holy place to be guarded, but even when some errands, I don't want to stay in this bird, two months, I can't even see a ghost. "

"I have heard that our captain, sinned in Dongying, so the leader will send him to this day, it is obvious to him."

"Is this? Who is the captain?"

"I heard that we are in the child of Dongying."

"Breast, a group of miscellatous, actually public enrollment!"

Many sergeants are very angry.

On a hill, the sword is unparalleled with hands, standing there, looking at the beginning of the sunset completely disappearing at the end of the horizon.

"At least last month, there is no one to pass the sentence, but this month, there is no one in the conversation." The sword is unparalleled.

"Wong Double Brothers." The green fire came over, "It has been two months, the brothers in our rips are not flat, I am in touch with other small teams, but there is no role."

"I understand." The sword has no double nodded.

"Go personally? Are you alone?" The green fire watched the sword.

"Don't worry, I have a person." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well, let me go." After the green fire said, he left directly and went to the sergeants who appease.

And the sword is unique from one person standing in the temple of this hill. It is muttered in the mouth: "Fang Han, Jinling ... I used to endure you for a month, I didn't expect you to face his nose, the tiger did not send, it is really I am a sick cat! "


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