Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5271 5266 ??? Mo

Qiuhuangcheng outside.

Blood battle!

The strange thing is in the middle of the magic, and there are countless people on the wall.

The color of the sky is transformed into blood color this moment.

The unique sword, exudes endless power, with the unmatched breath.

On the wall, every big fairy is desperate.


A shink of a faint golden figure, he worked with a high crown, a majestic.

It is God Mo.

"Burning the body!"

Originally, the body of the body is three thousand times, and the source is burn with the body, so that his strength is straight.


The god of the world is swallowing the magic.

Thousands of swallowed magic were flying out, so hundreds of people behind him got a breath, but it was just a breathing, and the next moment was swallowing the magic sea.

Mo Yu Shen was re-caught in the magic sea, and the golden light was also covered under the black ocean.

The top ten generals, the first place is falling, and the emperor is Mo.

The stronger the combat power of him, the more attracting the crazy attack of the magic, and hundreds of thousands of Samsung devouled the magic siege, even if he broke out the power of Daojun, it was still consuming to death.

Originally followed by the hundreds of peaks of the peaks of the peak, seeing the tragicity in front of the eyes, all have all the stakes, desperately resisting, and want to drag to tear.


Blood claw torn, one shot of 10,000.

"Fast, come to stay here!" Torn the sky roaring.

The number of half-step princes are replaced, so it seems that someone has fallen here.

The corpse of the devourd magic monarch was swallowed by the sword array.

Although the people in the battlefield, the people can come to the end, it does not need to clean the battlefield at all. The whole battlefield is more clean than the original, just under Qiuhuang City, there have been many abysss.

The top ten generals have been finished, and the remaining peak big demonstracy is in powerless.

Samsung swallowed magic, equivalent to the top-level Dagan, plus the devourd Damani, strongly skyrocketing, some Samsung swallowed the magic, absorbed a big Di Xian, instant, became a four-star swallowing magic.

A peak Dadi, up to a few top-level Dagan, once more than the hundred Dawns, there is a false crisis.

Today, more than 10,000 major Damadam on the wall, everyone has averaged more than two hundred swallowed kings.

However, more than 10,000 people, only a few thousand peaks, and a large half of the top big Damadam, with the swallowing of the magic.

Can't resist at all.

Torn the sky and rescue, while observing the sword is unparalleled.

"Give your point! Candlelong Wings are exchanged by you, let you give you, you are here!"

Tear now is now very tangled. He even has a regret. If the "Candle Legend of the Candle Dragon" is sold to the sword, it is not a good situation.

Once the city breaks, they all break their own chance.

But send it to the treasure!

Tear a day!

He does not regret, after losing this to the treasure, his combat power has dropped at a level, and there is no way to stay, even if the sword is unparalleled, how!

How to pass through the ninth wave.

Finally, it is not cheaper!

Thinking of this, torn, it is the sword, there is no double waste, this matter has nothing to do with him, there is a matter of this, he will be able to say him in the first stage. He has nothing to say.

If you want him to make people, there is no door.

The tragic city wall is exceeded in the sword.

The devour the magical king of the ninth waves is much fierce than him.

Although the number is only ten times more than the eighth wave, but in the difficulty, it is not ten times, but hundreds of times or even thousands.

The eighth wave attacked, he can attract hundreds of thousands, the rest is not attacked him, and a brain attacks.

Of course, when he had the idea of ​​preservation strength, now, in the face of thousands of swallowing magic, he actually forced him to this point.

French world!

By collapse!

These swallowed magic will be like a mouse, and it is torn a ridicular giant crocodile.

One of two can't break, but millions of synergy, even if the mad armor on the sword is unparalleled, there is a filament crack.

This is true to the treasure!

The big Daman could not damage the innate to the treasure, even if the emperor should be damaged, but now it is broken by these mice.


The sword is unparalleled, no longer dare to pay, directly to the absorbed fairy, protect around the body, dispelled the swallowing magic.

He recruited the sword array, and the laughter was slaughtered in an instant.

When there is a sword array, 20,000 Dagan is difficult to resist, and the loss has always been very large, but the devour the magic is continuous.

Now I have no swordsmanship help, they can't resist it, and I will have the side of the neighborhood and leak the desperate color.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

Torn all over the sky, can't stop, Wang Yang's sea, he is an ancient sky, and it is impossible to swallow this black wave. You can only pass these swallowed magic from the side.

"Damn !!!"

In addition to him, there are other four major collars, and give up struggle.

They know, no hope.

19th waves swallowed magic, and they can't go to the ninth wave.

After it, they completely finished.

However, even if the juncture is broken, they also have to kill these swallowed magic.

"Everyone is assembled, hug, save!"

The remaining thousands of people gathered in one, and even began to evacuate the wall, slowly licking those swallowed magic.

This time, although it is to fail, but it is a baby, or can you get it first!

For those top-level Dagani, even the top-level Dagan, who is lucky to live, they will fight against the ninth wave, and now give up, they have been relieved.

If you are not tearing, you have been staring around, and many people in them have to run.

Tell the sky stare at these, and it is too good.

He really wants to throw these people into the magical king.

"Is a waste!"

The madness of swallows the magic king, the top of the city, and the city will break them without hope.

But the remaining swallowing magic will not disappear, but they have to kill.

Once failed, it is estimated that the sword is unparalleled. When they look at them, they will last.

They are also afraid!

But there is no way, unstoppable, can't stop!

It has been expected that these people will collapse, but the sword is unparalleled, these people can get rid of so fast, just a breathing, the defense line is broken.

Dead death, injury.

These people can't reach, he has long known, but I have never thought of such reliable.

He is not imagined now, how many other walls are guarded.

However, he doesn't know that other city walls are better than his current form.

Hui Qing is ended earlier with Wanxing.

The rest of the Nancheng wall, the blood month and the cold frost track will also be able to hold it.

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