Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5275 5270? Ancient secret recipe


An ancient animal secret recipe, appeared in the sword.

"This one, you can hear!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the dead is staring at ancient secret recipe.

After half a day, then shook his head!

"Senior, this ,,,,!"

"can not read it!"

Ancient text, he can understand, but this far secret recipe, it seems that it is not ancient text, which is likely to be a special text of a group.

The rune above, he is not aware.

If you know one or two, he can also push the performance.

Qiu Huang took the brain, I am embarrassed: "Haha, I am old confused, this is the text of the gods, you certainly don't know, those big fools have already disappeared in the stars."

Giant god!

Once is also a super ethnic group in the stars, more than one period, in the long-distance river in time and space, the brilliant time is very short, like a meteor slipping, a moment of power.

On the shadow of the yellow, it slowly dispersed dark yellow halo.

The sword is unparalleled according to Qiuhuang's label, so soon, the gods of the gods are soon, and this far-off secret method is soon to understand.

"Let death and then live!"

After the sword is unparalleled, the breathing is a bit urgency.

This secret is too crazy.

Broken the original body, re-cast the new body.

In this case, I didn't master it, and the body was really broken, and I couldn't condense.

No wonder it is lost!

"Your kid is also lucky, I have hit my old man, if you can't get this secret method," Qiuhuang is sitting on the throne and face.

The sword is unparalleled, and I just want to thank Qiuhuang interrupt.

"You are a small child, don't misunderstand, this ancient secret recipe, can not send you in white, you must first vow to pass by, then pay me a million to the treasure point."

Qiu Huang then said: "Although I am very optimistic, it is a Buddhist temple, everything must be fair. If it is outside, I really give it to you."

"This is nature, the seniors can take this secret, and the younger generation is very grateful to the seniors." The sword is unparalleled.


He has long wanted to improve. This time I took the opportunity to restore the body, but it was still ancient secret recipe. This is not within the exchange of Baodi!

Just two million to treasure, not only restored the body, but also enhanced the body, this sale can not be lost.

"Okay, you don't have to thank me too much, have a good mood, give you some benefits, countless."

After you understand this formulation, the sword is unparalleled, this is not a good benefit.

The secret recipe of the gods!

Although he did not know much, he can know according to the formula, the strongest place of this ethnic group is the body.

From some of the above summary, the gods who have just born, there are thousands of sodes, which can be comparable to some weak special life.

For example, the sword is unparalleled.

Once the adulthood, there is a five thousand dawn, which can be comparable to the powerful special life in the universe.

Only in adulthood, it can have such a powerful body, but also a group of special life.

This is terrible.

In the giant god, there are some horror, there are hundreds of people with hundreds of people.

The sword is unparalleled, the more it feels incredible.

Direct exchange directly.

"Seniors, my source!" The sword has no double source, a brilliant gas column showing undoubtedly.

Qiu Huang brows one Zou!

"You this source, it looks not hurt!"

In his opinion, the sword has not finished the big Damadi, with such a huge source, itself is beyond the limit.

Although I feel that it is weak than before, I really can't see it. I don't know how to fix it for a time.

He has a universe in self-explosion, and his mental power has not been able to spread, it has been injured seriously.

Especially the ultimate sword, now don't say a breakthrough, the sword is unstable.

Seeing Qiuhuang doubts, he understood it, his own way, they can't see it, obviously not to see himself, let him point to point, it is better to redeem some of the original treasure, to repair.

"The swords of the late generation, this time I was injured, I have been broken." The sword is unparalleled to open the topic, know that I just said wrong.

"Well! It's a difference, I said that how do you say that your origin is weak than before!" Qiu Huang nodded, waved out countless treasures, continued: "This source, I know very much, you Look at the pick! "

"Wu Daohua."

"The source of God."

"Emperor's luck."


The treasure is going to the sword and the eyes are looking at it, and I didn't find the treasure to restore the path.

"Take the other side of the flower!"

50,000 to the treasure point.

Blooms in the long-distance treasure of the long river!

The emperor is crazy.

The tributary flowers can only be exchanged in the pollen in the other side, not the full beach flower.

At another look, the sword is unparalleled: "pollen? Is it redeemed?"

This is also too screaming, and the top of the floral or non-redemption will only be exchanged.

But its role is also the greatest.

The legendary beach flower is the magical temple floating in the long river of time and space. A flower opened, causing countless emperors to kill, a flower, and a few top emperors will be born.

A complete babes can be born in a sixth order.

The sword is still less likely to understand the meaning of the sixth order, but there is a little clear, and there is no six-order emperor of the entire primitive universe.

He didn't even heard of the existence of sixth order episodes.

The strongest is just the five-order ultimate emperor.

The other side of this boss will appear outside the Difficulties, I am afraid it is terrible to be terrible.

After all, the Buddhist Temple is unfair, when opened, although the original universe is shocked, but I have never heard of the strong people who have other universes to the original universe.

"The other side of the flower!" Even Qiu Huang is also moved, and the eyes of the gods have become heavy. "This is the other side of the boss, it should be the only one in the Division! This is the existence of the existence, she and Zhu Yiden The main feelings are excellent, giving the Zhu Yixian before falling. "

Qiuhuang's eyes have a recall.

The peerless existence of the one sword broke into the city, the sixth stepped is full, only half a step from the real peak, but unfortunately the final fall.

The sword is unparalleled, and finally a bit bite, directly exchanged twenty-side pollen.

One of the other polls, the ghost knows how many pollen, ordinary flowers, the pollen above is too much.

"You don't have to redeem the wrong, the pollen of the other side, is stronger than you think, so cherish." Qiu Huang fingers, a dark red wooden box, flying to the sword.

Open the box, floating twenty nail size pollen, colorless and tasteless.

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