"Seniors, I have been decided, the flesh is related to my own battle, the people of the people will fight, improve the combat, and not dragging."

After every killing, he has to fight, it has a significant improvement, otherwise it will be taken at any time.

Wanxing and Huang's war have exceeded him.

This ranking, Huiqing beyond him, Wanxing also biting dead.

If there is no universe, he can't ran out so high.

Real fighting is ranking, now Huqing and Wanxing are much stronger than him. His strength has a half-step episode, and it is also comparable to the emperor, but it is not enough.

In just decades, the previous halfway emperor is now comparable to the emperor. The previous Taojun has a half-step dragon force, and even some potential powerful, from the Daojun Yue Become the Emperor Powerful.

This is just the second phase.

When the sword is unparalleled, it is comparable to the nine turn, to the current battle, progress is very fast, and Hui Qing can be comparable to him.

I can't do the first!

What he wants is the first, and even more than everyone, the different gaps of the road should also be reflected.

After mastering the pole, he should be more than ten times more than the same level, but now in the same order, Huqing is strong than him.

Qi Chaoyang has no inheritance, and it can become a Dao Jun with its own path.

Once the realm is satisfactory, it can also improve again, plus the inheritance in the future, he will have the power of the Emperor.


The world, it is the strength of the opportunity, but it is not the potential.

Huiqing, he can be seen, it is also a chance of hundreds of thousands of thousands of thousands of people, and swords are unparalleled, they don't dare to gamble.

He is more willing to go to work with strength.

"Seniors, super-flesh, I also need to redeem the treasures to increase the infrastructure!"

In the conversation with Qiu Huang, he learned the true difficulty of superior flesh temperament.

In the purgatory, struggle.

Each of the blood of the flesh, every piece of meat, is made into one.

At that time, his whole flesh is not dead.

"Wan Yeong?"

Sword is unparalleled, isn't it a hundred years?

"Kid, super-food, nine, nine-refined super-flesh, the fastest need for seven thousand years, slow need for tens of thousands of years, I see your foundation is not bad, saying that it is already short enough."

Qiuhuang said, while placing a lot of treasures.

There are many treasures that are needed for super-food, it can not be made.

It is better to refine the body, the time is short, the consumption is small, and it doesn't need to have a long time, expensive, expensive, and consume.

"That is there, the time and space of the long!" The sword didn't say a double opening.

"Of course, there is a whole boy, in fact, it is a time and space house. We here, the outside world is thousands of years. If the time flow is like the outside world, the controls of the Temple must be crazy."

The sword is unparalleled, the boy is one year, the outside world, such a big time and space house, he still heard it.

The flow rate he wants is slow, and the flow rate of the Diva Temple is 10,000 times, and there is a lot of simplicity of time and space.

As long as one of a hundred times of time and space housing, use the time of the Temple of the Temple, it can be brought by 10,000 times, and the two are equal to hundreds of times.

It has been seen that the sword is unparalleled, Qiuhuang comfort is: "Even if it is 100,000 years, there is also a time-free house to help you get it, it will never affect your next trial."

"Right, this time you have a break time, the latter trial will subvert the once mode, which was previously screening, next to tempering."

Qiu Huang said with him to guess, but also a sigh of relief.

If it is not unlimited, he is really confident that the 19th level.

After all needed treasures, even the time and space housing, the sword is unparalleled to take the token, watching the remaining to the treasure point, can't help but stand up.

Almost one thousand four million to treasure, there are more than two million people.

Restore strength, and repair the treasure of this source, spend three million, the remaining more than 800 million, all flowers on the superior population.

The treasure of the ultra-fine nine refining, he exchanged, according to Qiu Huang, the sixth refining is successful, and it can not be returned to him after it.

If you can't hold it six times, then it means that there is a failure, and it will not be able to retreat.

And the superior flesh, you need to go to other space, and someone will pick him up.

Bring a heavy treasure, out of the treasure hall, this is still going to go to the treasure hall to see the old man, now there is no time.

It is to see Wanxing and come out from the treasure hall.

It is estimated that he is also known to have a month of idle geographic, before, take the initiative to talk to the sword.

"Wanxing, what is the power of eternal to treasure!" The sword is unparalleled.

Although it is imitation, what can be said, it is also a gentleness of the imitation, and even the emperor is not.

He is of course curious, not just that he is curious, it is estimated that everyone is curious.

Wan Xing Tianmi, there is a strong breath between the eyebrows, and holds a lot of gold in the hands of eight silver dragons.

The superior Yintong, Yinlong, from time to time, is undoubtedly.

"It is indeed a rare treasure!"

I am boast on the face, but my heart is very regret, how is it not a sword!

Wanxing's luck is indeed a good outline, and the sword is unparalleled. He is printed.

The emperor of him cultivated, and it is also very energetic.

All this is God, or is intentionally.

"It's all the treasures that can increase the treasures,"

The eyes of Wan Xingtian Emperor, and I have collected Eight Fang Yunlong.

He said there is no problem, but others will hear that they will definitely feel in their hearts.

The sword is not double down.

It will be the ultimate way, or the world is one of the world.

After all, the source is the mainstream. If the Buddha is cultivated, there are them.

These three roads, Wanxing's one does not account for, he has already gone to the limit, and then go down, it will take this source, and will improve to perfect.

But the second product is transmitted, even if it is perfect, it will be weak in the ultimate way.

He is now the only way out, which is to embark on the body route.

Can domineering route, the inheritance of needs is now not available, and can only use treasures to smash the body multiple.

Wanxing has that strength to smash, but this is not a way.

Thousand times, ok.

There is that heritage, you can think about it, it is not that simple, and you can't do it.

Two people talked a few words and separated.

The sword is not concealed, directly said, to cultivate the superfined flesh.

In particular, I heard that he spent more than 800 million, and it was also surprised to repair the flesh, and increasing how much the strength of the flesh was also amazed.

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