Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5279 5274 ?? Mountain

"Canada Devil!"

What is these people!

The Temple of the Disagree, hate these swallowed demon, and swallow these devils as a stone stone.

Say these things, how to have a locust, that is all!

"Is this a group?" The sword was not confused.

It seems that it is not like a personal life.

When Zhu Qi's figure passed through the Eternal Tower, he just glanced, and the swallowing magic of the Eternal Tower, all calm.


The sword is unparalleled, and those who swallow the magic body are dissipated, turned into fog and returned to the top of the mountain.

At this time, they are going to the top of the mountain, and the Wan Gong Road will come to the top of the mountain.

The scenery of the mountain is a little surprised, not so good!


A heavy lock chain sound, from the stone column on the top of the mountain.

"Not yet appeared!" Zhu Qi sound is cold.


A burly person is a beast, gone from the stone column.

Its hands, feet, waist, neck are chained, even in his chest, there is a huge barb, and die, you will hook its bones.

"Zhu Qi!"


From Zhu Qikou, the sword is unparalleled, and the name of the beast is called "Mountain Jun".

More critical is that this mountain monarch is actually a swallowing magic.

"Demonstration, send people to the town of the pillars to sharpen the flesh!" Zhu Qi's voice as always.

The in the mountains, slightly shaking slightly.

"Why, have you given to me this prisoner report?"

The sword is unparalleled, and this existence is correct, how can I report to the other party.

If he is in the outside world, when he looks at Zhu Qi, it will definitely shock!

Because of this indifferent woman, it was in tears.

So that the sword is unparalleled, the line of sight is also blurred.

"It seems that there is still hidden love!" The sword is unhealthy, the heart is in the heart.

The eyes of the mountain will still be fierce, the scarlet scorpion turns, and there is no scruple to stare at Zhu Qi's eyes. The sword is unparalleled to see the true, so it is like two people.

"Then come in!"

The mountain will be flipped, and behind the chain is pulled out from the town of the town, a small door frame is leaking.

"How many years have no one, now some people come, the next day, it is not lonely."

Zhu Qi is a little trembling, and the radio is straight to the mountain, and the sword who will swallow the hand will be swallowed.

The mountain will be seen, the brow is a Zou, but there is no more to say anything, and it is reused and blocked the gap on the town.

Then, the eyes were closely closed, and they did not carefully stand in front of Zhu Qi in front.



The shape of the sword is unparalleled, and a streamer falling into the bottom of the town magic column.


The double foot is heavy, the sword is unparalleled, the battle has been leaking, and always protects himself.

Now he has not resumed strength, there is really danger, but can not resist resistance.

After stabilizing the body, he glanced around a circle, and found that Zhu Qi did not follow.

In the pillar of the town, it is not a hole.

The ground here is very flat, and it can even be said to be unusually smooth, and hard.

I just had a heavy smashing, and I didn't leave a trace.

Everything around it seems empty, only a nine-story tower is placed in front of him, and it is about a hundred feet.

In addition to the tower, there is a huge stove.

The sword is unparalleled to the edge of the fire, and he looked around and found that there was no one.

Don't this be ready to let him die alone?

At the bottom of the stove, there is a natural embarrassment, the fire dragon is burning.

"Cosmic Bronze Furnace!"

The sword is unparalleled to see a few ancient words that are raised above. This is the text of the gods, and the sword is unparalleled.

Qiu Huang's old man, I haven't said that this is the cosmic bronze furnace.


Just sitting in the sword without double preparation, when the strength was restored, the copper furnace had an out of his black smoke.

This scenery is unparalleled, and several old ages in Qiuhuang City are very similar.

Black fog is condensed and finally turned into human form.

Just is different from Qiuhuang and others, this black fomizing figure is young.

Yao Guang black A, Jian Yugu, the flange of the five officials, plus two , appears very British Wu.

The sword has no double, and the head is worship!

"The older sword is unparalleled, see the predecessor."

The middle-aged brothers of the brifice nodded, and then the body was floating to the door of the tower.

"How much is you understanding this trial tower!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the upper and lowers will have the trial tower, saying: "There is not much knowledge of the younger generation, just learned the superior flesh from Qiu Huang, need nine refining, it should be embarked on this trial The ninth floor of the tower! "

The black armor has nodded, and after a while, he replied: "Also almost!"

"The trial tower once is not cast for the body, and the cosmic copper furnace is not."

Sword is unparalleled!

"The trial tower is to temper the flesh, the cosmic copper furnace is the real refining, the treasure you are exchanged, will also be used in the cosmic copper furnace."

After two, the sword was unparalleled, and the two were overlay the horror.

In the cosmic copper furnace, there is a universe source, plus an unsteady, and a gas flame is enough to let the nine turn fall.

There is no daberism, enter it, even if the Taoun strong, he can't hold a fragrant.

And the nine refining, the first refining, there is a time, and later need to refine more than 10,000 years later.

"I see you still have injured, when I am ready, I can call me at any time."

The sword is unparalleled and asked: "Seniors, I don't know how to speed up here?"

"Reassured, when you enter here, the flow rate has been bounted to 200,000 times."

The brigade has just fallen, and the body shape is returned to the cosmic copper furnace.

In the courier of the entire town, there is no one in the sword.

Now that he has to do, first recover injuries, then improve the body.

Every injury is injured every time, the source will be better than once.

This is a unique characteristic, I don't know how much he can improve this time.

The knee is sitting on a space and starting working.


A huge starlight appears around, and the sword is unparalleled. It seems like a knee in the stars.

"This loss of this source is not so much." The sword rushed to rush, saying is serious, that is, it has not been there, there is no such serious loss.

Various treasures, being raised, drifting into the body, eventually entering the source air column.


The source gas column.

The priest is unparalleled, and the small one is self-made, mobilizing countless treasures, began to repair this source.

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