Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5281 5276? ???

After thoroughly repairing the injury.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is true.

Slowly open the eyes, in the dark golden scorpion, a silky pupil or scarlet, which exudes an evil atmosphere.

Since breaking through the fifth floor, the pressure of the stress is again hit.

However, the power of the heart, still presses the evil atmosphere.

After standing up, the sword is unparalleled, and the red imprint of the eyebrows, the red mark begins to break out.

The third eye, "The eyes of the candle dragon" completely broke, and it was running to the limit.


The sword is unparalleled, the foot is smooth, the moment is boiling, and a huge disc will appear.

The above tag is a totem of candlelon.

! ! !

A warrow candle dragon is instantly from the bottom of the foot, and the dragon's voice is in the world.



The flat totem of the foot is chemically created, and the candlelon is thoroughly used for living.

It's just a pity that can't be superimposed, otherwise don't know much more than now.

A stallurized airweight, starting from him.

The body is constantly increasing.

Three thousand times of basic gods have been raised to five thousand times.

"7 thousand times!"

"8 thousand times!"

"Nine thousand ........"

"Nine thousand nine hundred ninety eight!"

"10,000 times!"

Originally light red air flames have now become a scarlet.

The madness is destroyed, and it has been dyed into dark red dragonfly.

Ten Doubled, he is reached.

It is to keep it now, keep this status for 10,000 years.

According to Qiuhuang and the black armor, every trial is completed, it can be trimmed, which also gave him a breath.

Just arrived, he still had to keep hundreds or even thousands of years.


The sword is unparalleled, and the body is completely upright, his body shape is about nine foot.

"Seniors, the younger generation is ready, you can open the trial tower."

His voice just fell, the cosmic copper furnace rose a movie again.

Some of the eyes are more complicated to look at the sword and the unparalleled road: "Wan Doubled the body, some reluctant, I wish you good luck."

Middle-aged man, deep finger, a little.

The trial tower issued a burst of humming, then the first floor of the tower was a dazzling ray.

"go in!"

The sword is unparalleled again, then the body is shaped, and it is not dragged, and the first floor of the trial tower is directly taken.

Black Ah is moving with swords and unparalleled into the trial tower, the horror color in the eye is all released.

When the sword is unparalleled, he found the breath of the sword without double body, especially the Sword of the source, and the breath is stronger.

"Who is he?" The black armor is full of puzzle "" If it is the original body of the master, the true spirit should find it! "

After he hesitated, he returned to the cosmic copper furnace, but he was just a plan.

The sword is unparalleled into the trial tower, but he doesn't know, he is seen in it.

Others are in the true spirit, he is not the same, he is seen by a magic land.


After leaving the trial tower, he discovered that this hole is simply with the genus of the genre in the imagination.

It turned out to be a paradise.

A quiet valley.

Living in life, cattle, sheep, horses, and so on.


After the sword is unparalleled into the ground, it has not been in an urgent response, and it is found that the identity token is sent to a message.

"Ten years, all livestock all livestock will be eaten."

"This!" The sword is unparalleled to make a token, and the eyes are glaring.

All eat light?

This will not be too simple.

If you just eat, he can swallow.

When he mobilized the delay, he found that he could not mobilize the delay, and even the things that must be more than the things.

In addition to the strong flesh, he is very different from the mortal.

Since falling into the grass outside the valley, he even has no ability to fly.

I will look at the geese of the slide above the sky.

The sword is unparalleled!

Which one is trying, he spent so many treasure, actually let him learn the mortal hunting.

Half a day, he still can't start.

This line, he really did not have some experience.

Until his stomach began to scream, he realized the sense of hunger.

A armor, heavy, and he began to take off the armor.

There is only one body in the body, and it is also very comfortable. It is also very fierce event. It has probably has a high level.

There are still some differences to mortals.

Until, he saw a good wild boar, crazy hit a fruit tree, waiting for the fruit to fall, then went to the fruit to eat.

The sword has no soreryl.

I looked around and took a stone and began to get the first prey "wild boar".

About a fragrant time, the fruit tree, only the sword is unparalleled, or stand against the tree.

The wild boar is the only river in the valley that is slow and leisurely.

The sword is unparalleled with the stomach that is hit, this feeling is more uncomfortable than him.

Into hit when I am.

The sword is unparalleled, and a few wild boars can't see the fruit. Just wipe it on the body, just put it in the mouth, I almost sprayed it.

A sour taste of a taste is unbearable, let him spit out.

No wonder the wild boar can't see it, this fruit is not familiar.

The sword is unparalleled, and he feels a little bit, he feels that he has just hit the ribs by the wild boar.

Fortunately, he is more than the mortal, otherwise it has just been explained in the wild pig.

The river that burst into the left and left rivers, first washed a face, let the brain awake a lot, then drank the river in the river.

He stopped after a little satiety.

Putting flat on the grass, turned around, he saw the actually in his upstream river water.

The water just swallowed in the mouth, suddenly didn't taste.

The sky is gradually dim.

The sunny mountain valley during the day, but the wolf is four.

If it is before, there is nothing, but now the sword is unparalleled, it is not as good as a wild boar, he is really awkward.

When he had not been completely dark, he climbed the fruit tree of the neck.

Sleeple sleep overnight, his eyes have some depression.

In the morning, he took the brigade to the river to drink water, but this time he learned smart and ran to the top.

Although he is not very calling, it can be so uncomfortable at least in his heart, at least a day, he also a lot of ripe fruits on the tree, with a little confidence.

Dealing with wild boars, it is not allowed.

In addition to the wild boar, there is a stupid scream on the mountain, this threat is small, he can start from a stupid.

After the plan is finalized, the sword is unparalleled to explore towards the trees on the hill.

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