Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5293 5288????

The wind and rain is sitting on the throne, and the face is red.

When the anger: "Good! Since you don't want to gamble, then I will wait, now you can go out."

In this way, those who oppose it, it is difficult to leak out again.

This group of four-order swallowing magic label, they really got out, and they had to be screened.

"The wind and rain dominate, we are still considering, give me a little time."

"To the right, after all, it is a cost source, even if it is cultivated, it has several era!"

Many people follow it with good words.

But the wind and rain, as a magic, and it will be the kind of ease of cumbersome people.

The majesty face, slight movement, cold voice open: "I will give you three time for you, if you don't decrease, I will send you people."

There is room for a variety of volunteers.

After all, some people are waiting to return, she can't dare to neglect.

Hurry and unify, test true and false.

If it is fake, it is not going back.

After all, the scarlet halves swallowed the magic owner, the strength is too strong, although it can't shake Eternal Tower, you can attack the fourth-order episode once.

The attack of the means, a breathing is tens of thousands, they can't hold it.

At this time, there must be a decision.

Can't drag down.

Without the benefits, there is no solution to a solution, it is a waste of time.

"I will wait!"

In the end, these people still compromise, go out is a death, stay, can't fight.

The surface of the red water is not moving, but the heart is leaking a brisk laugh.

He also agreed!

A cost source, for his special life, it is nothing.

He is to sing against the wind and rain!

This is a positive.

If you bet, the wind and rain will become the vision, when he can stand out of the overall situation.

The original universe, the five top peak forces, in addition to the Eternal Tower, the strength of several other forces is that.

Otherwise, you will not pull him when you are growing.

These peak power, deal with those three-level emperor, or some little forces, really encounter four-step peak, no one will give them face.

The wind and rain are not.

Once you refund to the middle of the mountain, Eternal Tower has lost its importance. At that time, no one will go to her, but will let her lose prestige.

After all, it is a cost source that she advocates.

This is the source of the emperor!

Still, how many years is to practice.

If it is still okay, when is it now, here is the boy, with a big treasure.

It is equivalent to weakening 30% of the war.

The wind and rain don't want to put them out and because of this reason.

If it fails, their collective strength is weakened, and these people in the red potators have the opportunity.

All this is a bureau.

I can only say that Cholla now accounts for the wind. Once there is a true thing, then the prestige of wind and rain will completely rise to the vertices, but for the red water, there is nothing.

He is a singleer, and he can continue to go to the mountain.

And it can't fall a bad reputation. After all, there is no loss.

Such a calculation, the decision risk of wind and rain, the most beneficial.

The risk of red water is the least, and the benefits are equivalent.

Containing others, suppressing wind and rain.

He didn't catch a cold in the Magic Mountain.

This road is very difficult, and there is no other person in the benefits.

So he will make it right with the wind and rain.

This other people may not see, but the true Wuyang and Tongtian Buddha are in the heart.

After knowing that everything is a bureau, it is firmly standing on the wind and rain.

I haven't spoken from the beginning.

After all of the people have decisive, the wind and rain are big, and I have an eternal tower.

Everything is going smooth!

The mountain will be ready to swallow these emperors, but there is the existence of Eternal Tower, and the wind and rain are all hiding.

He also has no way, can only hold the half mountain waist.

The two sides can't stalemate.

How much this source can now be changed, it is not lost.

These people can count on the top of the mountain, and anyway is not the rice of his house.

However, all of him is doing, that is, in the Zhu Xue Temple, his relationship with Zhu Qi, did not stop him.

If it is a trial of the big Deman, it can be made by him.

The Shanjun holds a group of natives and nodded.

With the sword, there is no double diameter, left this place, directly reached the top of the mountain.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been attacked, and it is illusion into a human flesh.

"Little guy, what do you know is the real reverse!"

The Samon of the Mountain, raising the hand of dozens of four-level emperor, pinched into a group.

"I want this group of this source, reverse push to the body strength, even reversal into a blood meat." Said the mountains.


This is the real against the sky!

In the past, he saw the sky, but only shouting the slogan.

Up to a small world, reverse some rules.

In the universe, you want to do reversal to practice the route is true against the sky.


The sword is unparalleled again to be transmitted to the town's magic column.

On the cosmic copper furnace, the Mountain Jun's fidelity appears.

"This opportunity, if you grasp, you can nine refining!"

"What? Nine refining?"

The sword is unparalleled!

Originally, the mountain monarch wants to take the opportunity to extort the emperor, in exchange for some emperor's source to swallow him. Who can think of it, the mountain will reverse the source.

During a group of blood, helping him to complete the nine refining flesh.


A big group of origin, was put into the cosmic copper furnace by the mountain.

This time the mountain king personally manipulated the cosmic copper furnace.

Only the time of fragrant, the cosmic copper furnace opened again.

"Remember, you can't make great ideas after entering it. After all, it is the flesh of the emperor, even if you are a super-flesh, it is difficult to fuse."

The mountain monarch specially said.

The sword has no double focused, and the big unity is not asked!

This opportunity, no inheritance of Huiqing.

He will definitely, integrate the flesh and blood of the emperor, not only to the bottom of the flesh, but also enhanced a lot of gods.

All this has to look at this flesh and blood.

Emperor's blood, should not be so bad!

The sword has no double heart.

If it is in the treasure house, so many emperor flesh, can be divided into 10,000 copies, a minimum of hundreds of thousands of treasure.


This is the most powerful treasure in addition to the beast God soldiers.

After entering the cosmic copper furnace, the sword is unpredictable.

Emperor's blood, just as he is a meat ball.

Hanging in his head, countless blood vessels linked to his whole body, not stopping the blood.

The outside is extremely precious emperor's blood, which is like a blood post.

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