Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5306 5301 ??

Causality is loop, it is hidden.

Curing, evil, causal.

He can occupy it, causing a good saying that the mountain will help him, there is no requirement, and the first Xuan Yi, the old respects they also help him, and there is no need.

However, the strength of the robbery is constantly breeding, and it must be eradicated before the road.

As for evil!

This is related to his strength. Once the road is broken through the seventh floor, after mastering the power of all things, he can get rid of the evil fruit of the force of the force.

All the three have a solution, but it is difficult.

The sword is unparalleled and shaking, not thinking so much, when it is going back.

From the three-purpose mouth of Yang, he also learned the four secrets, the heart was incomparable, and did not expect that there is still an ancient mainland, the end of the trial, and after entering the core, it is necessary to swear.

"Seniors, these four big secrets, how many strong people in the end!" The sword didn't help but ask.

According to the three martial arts, the four secrets are extremely wide, enough to compare the half of the universe, and the time, the time of the cosm is born, the strong inheritance has the oldest inheritance, with a variety of genius.

The birth of the born, I am afraid that I have to be strong than the original star universe.

He also read the gods of the universe, the original cosmic light is that there are tens of thousands of emperors. Although the five-order episode has went to the long river, if it returned, there were dozens of people.

This is still not missing.

The old man heard this, obviously stunned.

After entering the veteran hometown, he has not come to the strong record of the white tiger temple, but according to the obeys of his four secrets.

The light of the north of the sky is much stronger than the original universe.

There may be gaps on the quantity, but in quality, absolute domain.

The original universe has countless big Damadam, this is more than the Ningjing even more than the entire heaven.

However, in the emperor, there is a weak, and the sixth-order emperor of the name of the old man is called, there are several.

The original universe can be a six-order epidermount!

Of course, the original universe has an ultimate emperor, and there is no ultimate emperor of the entire bodies.

Yes, it is estimated that it is also sleeping in the gods.

An ultimate emperor, it is important than the number of six-order emperor!

Especially the ultimate emperor, it has already been touched to the peak, leaping the sixth order is only a time problem, the true spirit is personally going to open.

The war is not anxious, the important cosmic secret law, with its own origin.

Once this is a breakthrough, it is a time problem.

Listening to the explanation of the old sheep, the sword nodded, this Ammy Temple is much stronger than he imagined, but he also has a question.

In the temple, there are so many strong people, and it is necessary to recruit inheritors from the original universe.

In his opinion, it is good to recruit an ultimate emperor.

I am too wasteful.


Sheep three listened to the sword unparalleled, laughed!

"Little guy, it is also difficult for you, some things, you don't understand the future now, remember, you will never be more than congenital, while the practitioners in the Diva Temple are late."

In the fog, the sword is not listening, I really didn't understand, but the last sentence, he remembered his heart.

Your own flesh is the strongest after the day, is it really not those congenital spirit?

Maybe it's not good now, but it can be not necessarily.

The innate beast god is strong enough, not being killed by the disagreement, refining into treasures.

Who dares to say that the disagreement is not strong.

Two people talked for a while, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe, headed high tube, and parsing yellow, from spatial cracks.

The moment that came out, the sword was unparalleled, and the whole body could not move.

"You are the sword is unparalleled?"

It is Wu Zuo, just sent to Samon.

"The late generation, swords have no doubles have seen their predecessors!" The sword is unparalleled.

Wu Zuo collapsed, this person is telling, he wants to return to the original star, he does not dare to bully.

Now the whole of the people's temples, the most important thing is these inheritors, although he is somewhat not convincing, you can't make it.

It is flat, that day, I have just been honest, now I am honest.

And when I sent the mountain, I entered the second jail, the mountain monarch also took him with more than the little guy on the Magical Mountain.

Although the two have a good time, the five magic owners have also become unlimited, and the five are at the heart, once one.

Give the mountain, it is to give other four faces.

He knows that in addition to the mountain king, the heart is sent to jail, the remaining one, but in the blessing of the temple, especially the wind, there are thousands of magic, now all the red people around you .

"Don't be so nervous, the original star trial is still two days, you are going to go back now, or watch it on this Yuanyang Lake."

The sword has no double one can stay in a look, some are afraid.

On the side of the sheep patted his shoulders, made a eye, said: "I don't thank you, Wu Zuo brother!"

"Thank you, Wu Z."

"Don't thank me, these two days will trouble the sheep old brother with swords and swords. This Yuanyang Lake. When I walk, I will send you back."

The voice is just falling, and a water tank has a thick snake, and Wu Zuo stands on the snake, and read the sword is unparalleled, especially after seeing the light green plate on the thumb of the sword, the eye hole shrinks into a point. I don't dare to ask, I disappeared in the original place.

The sword of the straight body is unparalleled, and it has a different color in the eyes.

He can feel that his air transport seems to change, and the mountain will help him because it is the same class.

Wu Zuo is very careless to him, it should be the board.

The overflow of this board, I am afraid that it is still reflected in it now, I still have a little small to see it.

Just then, I have seen the people who have seen my disagreement, I recognized the light green plates in his hand, and it was the thing of the disagreement, so it would take care of him, but also stayed here.

The sheep standing next to it is also a bit surprised. It is usually proud of U., this is actually so flat, but also makes the sword.

The true spirit seems to have no special explanation!

Just say that the sword is unparalleled completely back to the original world.

Maybe it is Zhuo too carefully, and the sheep has secretly guess.

"Senior, just in the U.Sone, what is the people?"

Seeing that it is completely far away, the sword is unparalleled.

The strength of just that is very powerful, at least than the emperor he has seen, is strong, and it is not more than the mountain.

"He?" Yang Sanye took the color of recall, slowly opening: "He is the disciple of the disciple sitting down, and the only disciple is still alive, six-order energy!"

Discriminate disciple?

The sword is unparalleled!

I can't meet the board on his thumb, I know that even the old man is, I don't know this treasure.

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