Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5316 5311 ?? Tianshi

There are people present, and there is no too much.

For this 13th place, it is also expected that everyone is worth winning, it is strange!

The Taoist of the Qing Dynasty, it will be defeated this.

Every one or two of the swords of the tide are only one or two, and the sword is successful. It is a sword of the generation of Nie Yuan.

Finally, it attracted the super emperor on the Zhongzhou Ancient Lands. He was a war with Nie Yuan, and finally just a flat hand.

Looking at the opponents of the other party, I gave the gold sword to each other.

The sword is unparalleled, it has gotten up, standing in the railings, sweating the Tai A Son on the ring.

Although there are many gaps with him on the source, many ancient swordsmanship, swords are unparalleled, and they also take the opportunity to watch.

Among them, the mystery, very fine, but unfortunately used the practitioners in the source of the practice, unable to send all.

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is dark: "It is ancient temple!"

Tai'an is indeed a rare sword top-level, which is very suitable for Taojun cultivation. If these people's origin, if in the outside world, I want to become the road is extremely difficult, but I can practice too sword, but I can strengthen this.

The sword is large, mixed.

The swords contained in each sword are very powerful, much more than the swords he have seen.

This is the sword trustee, people like swords, hearts like swords, and more winner.

Unfortunately, some defects are on the source.

The origin of the district, although powerful, strong than the origin of the original universe, and it can be too disadited.

Not suitable for the kewn.

If the Wan Dao geni, I am very fragrant in the four secrets.

Unfortunately, he did not see the relevant records so far.

"The first round, too sword!" Jiujian said.

Thirteen challengers have injured, not automatic admission, is being thrown offset, when they return to their position, the Shangqing Palace will send God to help them recover injuries.

This is, it encourages many people to challenge.

Of course, ordinary Dao Jun naturally will not go to the eye!

Soon, after ten rounds of challenges, there was a strong play.

"Tiantian Magic Gate, I wish you a hundred forks, challenge the thirteenth sword!"

The people come like a flood clock, reflecting bloated, face meat, is extremely strong, is the people in the magic gate.

Many people heard the Tianguo Gate, they were shake.

That is a super zone that is not absained in the Shang Qing Palace, which is the magic of the first three in the North.

I wish you a very strong moon in the contemporary sky, the future is also a magical giant, seeing him this kind of body, the average person really can't see him cultivating the sword.


From the second row, it is a huge body shape, and the body is naturally a complete realm. The body is also more than 8,000 times, which is the weakness of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and this person is eligible to challenge the thirteen too sword, and the challenge is the weakest person in the thirteen too.

This makes him a little surprised. Even if he looks very thorough, in addition to the death of the 12th sword, the rest is the same, the same order wants to see the other sources, it is too difficult, not everyone's mind is like him. Powerful.

Turn around, he looked at the young man who was white, the same as herself.

I understand it in my heart.

It was the first five-order emperor of the magic, informing the Bice, the strength of the strength, and challenge.

After the challenge of the first few rounds, the 13th Tai Ajian, there are few more strengths.

How can the emperor of the emperor, how can I see who is strong?

In the lake, the spatial origin of the Sword and the source, the space of the emperor, can also open these refused swords to see the essence.

I wish the eight fork, so many people move before.

After all, it is the peak of the same order.

This round, in addition to this magic road, there is a big Damadam that is comparable to the emperor, the background is generally not much attention.

In addition to these two, the remaining clear semi-steps.

Qiu Huang didn't catch a cold, and he got a few words with the Shang Qing Palace. The things about the Yuan Lian Palace were once again closed, and there was a look of the world.

However, in the dark, it is always no double tone to the sword.

"Kid, this is, you have to stay, that is, the original Sword of Shangqing Zu teacher, is not afraid that other people will take it first."

The sword is unparalleled, still staring at the thirteen too a sword, but the bottom is silently emotional: "Let's wait, the only one of the swords is the only one, it will be too Zhang Yang!"

He is not sure, in which the thirteen gold swords have different swords.

"Hey, if I tell you, this thirteen swords are different, do you start now!"


The only swordway is the most puretical killing, how can it be unsatisfactory?

"It's really different. The Shang Qing Zu teacher is Wan Jianliu, which is very similar to Wan Dao. It is not weak to the ultimate way!"

Wan Jianliu!

Sword is unparalleled.

Can Keen Road practicing?

"How do you know?" The sword had a curious voice of the sword.

Yang Yao's old man is rushing, then said: "You think that the Yuan Hao Palace is eating dry rice, even if it is not familiar with these ancients, is it not familiar with these strong six-order emperor?"

The ordinary sixth order is also released. The strength of the current Shangqing Palace is very general. When the first five-order episode, it was only the end of the nine sword.

It has also broken through the sixth order, just sitting on the owner's position, I didn't think about him, who I thought this was sixth order, and I was shocked by the Qing Dynasty!

Although it is not strong, it is also a six-order emperor.

In terms of war, it is a fight with the five-order peak.

For those who are really top six-order emperor, the Yuan Hou Palace has just established and started to study these people.

After all, there must be an inset in the future.

The four secrets, the morning and evening should be integrated, restore ancient glory, now a disc slit, there is no value, but it is still a burden.

The white tiger temple can't calm down, and the veterans will be thrown.

In the Elder House, there is a few very fierce six-order emperor, but it is not weak than the white tiger.

Just like U. , once the morders of the disciples, the strong inheritance, I am afraid it beyond their imagination, otherwise it may die in the mission of the ground.

Compared with the land, the sky is more secure.

At least the sixth-order emperors are very honest, and will not provoke a white tiger temple.

"Kid, your time is not much, take the opportunity to get good, maybe you can shoot, you will see you soon, you will send you a present!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the sound road: "Can you still do this? I will treat it as a big demonstration.

"Hey, what do you know, even if you can't see the ancestors, this Shangqing Palace is now the palace master, and it will give you the benefits to end with you."

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