Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5357 5352? One hundred million

This is also what the sword is unparalleled.

"There is still the rest of the library!" Xuanyuan said after the mustard.

"There is still more than 10 billion, enough to maintain the family!"


Xuanyuan Datuan turned over to take out his own mustard.

"There is still billions here, put them in the family inventory!"

The operation of a big family, the monette needs of the million, only one billion is too stretched.

Xuanyuan An City, as the eldest son has been managing the entire family, the father is the five-order episode, and it is impossible to manage the little things of those with garlic all.

"Father, this!" Xuanyuan An City saw that his father took out his own private property, still some movement.

One person picks up the entire family, it's too tired, he wants to share, but only do things within some minutes.

Xuanyuan Dashed a smile, comfortable: "My own treasure is enough, this time I mainly give the old two old three to the treasure, and prepare some auxiliary treasures to the old four."

Indeed, his treasures are eternal to treasure, and the general auction is not, and the price is high, he is from the Kui organization.

The conversation quickly entered the end, the hair of the sword was unparalleled, and the breeze was in a breath, it was posted on the boss of the boss.

A fourth-order episode, but there are billions of gods, but also make the swords have no digression.

After a lot of people scattered, Xuan Yuan'an sang relieved him to the room of Xuanyuan Dashang.

! !

The sword is unparalleled, and it turns a few goals, and there is a gentle voice in it. "Come in!"

Into the room, Xuanyuan Dashed in the main position of the guest hall, drinking tea alone, next to the sword, no double.

"Migong!" Xia Mang crown jade cordially greet.

Subsequently sat next to it.

"Yuner, is that the fire fox palace is okay?" Xuanyuan Dasheng rushed to the theme.

The sword is unparalleled can only be stupid, "Well, not bad, there will be a lot in the fighting bearer that day, with respect to the court, but spent a lot of gods!"

"Hey, you are a boy!" Xuanyuan Dashed a smile, since he did not want to say, he also knew the rules, then did not ask.

However, the reminder is still a lot, all of which are unparalleled by the sword.

Xuanyuan Dashi is very gratified to look at the sword. He used to feel that the grandson of his own is not as him, but it is the same as him.

And Xia Mang crown jade is still a deep enough, this time he is completely understanding of this grandchildren.

The two seem to have nothing to say, but in fact, the secret is passed on a lot of useful information.

At least it is now known to be a group of people.

Talking about the final, Xuanyuan said: "Little guy, remember, you have someone behind you, some things can't give yourself so much pressure, that is, the abyss, fill up!"

This sentence is obviously reminding the sword unparalleled, and cannot be trapped in the tissue.

He is a big queen, and there is no need to be too big.

The sword is unparalleled to talk about it. When I stopped, I came to Xuanyuan Dashang, and I went a big gift. I respect: "Sun Chur," Sun Chur, "Suner," Yu Yu, ""

"Your child is a family, hurry up!" Xuanyuan Dashed smiled and gentle.

The sword is unparalleled, but the whisper said: "Please ask the grandfather to help Sun Chier, if it doesn't help, Sun Chier will not get up!"

Xuanyuan Dasheng heard this, the face changed, thinking that there was no double with a sword, need him to help, the whole person is solemn, seriously: "Talk" "Tell!"

"Borrowing money!" The sword was unparalleled on the ground, buried between the knees.

Xuanyuan Dashed smiled, said: "I still think about why, for some gods?"

"Yes!" The sword is unparalleled, which is also honest and directly said that the original committee.

"You really want to go to the battlefield?"

This time Xuanyuan Dashed out of surprising colors.

"Migrant, don't go to the battlefield, I can't get a cumulative battle. I will go when I arrive, even the Hall of the Prince will go, they all go, I certainly won't stay in the emperor!" The sword is unparalleled.

Xuanyuan Dasheng heard this, smiled: "Good! With you this sentence, I will support you!"

Xia Mang crown jade is the emperor, and later the worst will be mixed into a prince, and will help them Xuanyuan.

But now, he joined the tissue, and the status is not general, maybe it is possible to have the position, the future can be said to be a future, now a money investment is nothing.

"Say, how much!" Xuanyuan Dashed is very atmospheric.

A Dao Jun, how much will God?

Millions of things, for his five-level emperor, nothing.

However, Xia Mang crown jade opened, but it was shocked him.

"One billion!"

The sword is unparalleled, and then worship again.

The Xuanyuan Dashed, the Xuanyuan Dashed, and a billion is nothing to do, but there is a big family behind him, and what he does it.

A hundred million, many fourth-order episodes can't come out!

This kid is really dare.

As a long, he has long learned to refuse or neutralize, slightly tightly adjusted the attitude opening: "Yuer, you have to remember, the outer object does not help yourself, everything is still looking it it!"

"Migrant, I want to break through the treasure of the body, my current body is too weak, entering the emperor, I want to break through the body of the body." Xia Mang crown, the body, the body is equal to him, eight thousand Double, arrived at 10,000, the body is simple, 20 million is enough, but it is a bit difficult to break through a bit of difficult, and the treasure you need is over 100 million God.

Xuanyuan Datai said: "You have a flesh, I have a lot of things, don't have to make too much power, so as not to have too much pressure on the flesh."

"Migong, you see!" Xia Mang crown jade, the flesh was destroyed, followed by the speed visible at the naked eye.

This is the limit of the above-product flesh.

Xuanyuan Dashen did not expect this grandson. Unconsciously, it turned out to be a full flesh, or tied.

There is also a motivation in my heart, perhaps this grandson can really board the high.

But a billion, it's too embarrassing, it is not turned.

Can be finally given.

The sword is unparalleled with mustard, and the heart is stirring.

Today, I went to Xuanyuan. He first came from several cousins, less than 100,000, more than one hundred million, and the size borrowed.

It is also the most exciting, and I have given two millions for half a day.

The rest have given five million.

He knows that the big head is in Xuanyuan Dashang.

Mainly, he said the purpose of this battle, as well as some important reasons, so that Xuanyuan Dashang is looking at, or it will not really give him a billion.

"The sky is getting late, the mother is still waiting for me, Sun Chur will tell the first time!" Xia Mang crown again took a gift again and slowly returned to the door.

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