Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5360 5355 ??

The fourth-order episode, followed him to fight for thousands of years, 20 million gods.

The third-order episode followed him to fight for thousands of years, two million gods.

Second Order Emperor, 200,000 gods.

Daojun 10,000 gods.

These days, I really made him recruit a lot of people.

Taojun has already had three thousand people. In addition to the gods of the flowers, plus the unified to treasure, the light of these three thousand Daojun, spent seven or eight million gods.

The second order of the Emperor, recruited hundreds, plus the treasure, spent 50 million.

The third-order emperor, only received a few people.

The fourth-order emperor, it was an unexpected, and two were received.


After the sword is unhealthy, after placing these strong people in the military camp outside the imperial city, he began to prepare the array.

He needs a million people.

The biggest array of Empire, the Empire.

Just in the palace.

This day, heavy rain!

The sword is unparalleled, and it is coming to the royal gates.

"Ninth Hall!"

The emperor of the door is very enthusiastic.

The sword is unparalleled, nodded in indifference, and went from flying.

"You wait here, I will go in alone!"

"Yes!" Guard leader stood in the rain, respectfully led his life, with a group of people into the clip, there was a waiting trip, specializing in these guards.


Just stepped into the palace, the sword is unparalleled with a strong premonition. There is a pair of eyes just look at him.

This eye made him shocked!

But that feels quickly disappeared, let him feel in the heart.

The owner of the eyes, in the depths of the palace.

"Call!" The sword is unparalleled, and the memory of Xia Mang crown jade also has the impression of the eyes, but he is a child's child, and later did not pay attention.

A super emperor, is really not general.

In the primitive universe, the strongest emperor is almost the same as the family of Chaoyang, but the strongest four-level emperor, although the strength is stronger than the four secrets, but in the four major secrets, the top is only only Can be considered medium forces.

Super power, the need is a six-order Emperor, and there is no six-order emperor. It is not super forces.

And the peak forces need to be a number of six-order emperor, but also have the best in the town.

The peak of the Bai Jun Wang, the six hundred thousand times, the body is struggling.

First, Wu Zuo Fa, and then break the white.


Think of that combat power, sword is unparalleled.

Big summer should have no kindness.

Daxia's old ancestors have been in the temple, not in the palace.

Otherwise, he doesn't dare.

Although he is perfect, he is afraid of being stared at the sixth order emperor.

The owner of just the eyes should not be a six-order emperor, and the sword is not thinking.

The white Junwang hidden in his body, but the low voice "strange, this palace is awkward, you are careful."

"Is it impression?" The sword was unparalleled to hear this.

He really wants to exit.

Bai Jun Wang Zhi Xiao Xiao, then said: "Reassure, you are in this disguise, even the origin of the origin is thorough, the sixth order Emperor wants to find it is not so easy!"

This sentence is called the sword.

Indeed, his camouflage can talk about the first one.

Super products refining the body, even the origin of the origin is quenched, not only the flesh is not destroyed, but the body and the origin are not destroyed. Of course, it does not rule out that the people are inexplicted.

Slightly adjusted the breath, the sword is unparalleled with the character of Xia Mang, walking into the hometown.

He is a nine emperor, even if the background is very special, I want to see the emperor, it is not easy.

Most of the palace is going to see the cheap old lady.

Just arrived in the harem, there was a father-in-law to pick up, and he entered the yard of Xuanyuan's water.

The mother and child are in a long time, and the final sword is unbureed to not intend to mention the intention of the big array.

Just he forgot to consider it, most mothers won't let their sons fight on the battlefield.

Originally thought that the sword was unparalleled to go to the battlefield, mixed the battle, giving himself a borders.

She didn't expect that her silly son, actually came true.

I have been a fight against the emperor. This can be a bit.

Even if the Prince will fight so!

After discovering that the momentum was not pair, the sword was unparalleled, and it was mixed.

He is afraid that Xuanyuan Anhui will prevent him from forming a battle, not only does not give a diagnosis, but even if the treasure to improve the body is not bought.

That is too much.

"Yuer, you have to remember, the mother is such a son, you go to the battlefield, that is the things of Xia Mang, but here, you are my son."


The sword is unparalleled directly to the ground, respect the buckle "Baby," I have to remember the mother! "

"Well!" Xuanyuan was flashing in the god of Heaven.

After you finish this, I got up and talked about a time, accompanying Xuanyuan's water symbolic, I ate some figs, and I reported it.

Out of the hometown, next to it is the accommodation of the Eastern Palace.

Looking at the eunuch of the attraction, the sword has no double one turned from the mustard from the mustard.

"I am driving!"

The eunuch wearing blue floral pattern, when I was open: "Don't worry, do things under the nation, is the blessing of slaves."

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is a laugh.

A Danctic, what is not good to dry, come to the palace as the eunuch.

For this person who does not cherish his body, there is no good face in the sword, but in the palace, he can't show it.

There are several big eunuch strengths in the palace. It is the left right arm of the emperor. If he shows true feelings about these eunuchs, I am afraid that he is good to eat.

I met the two acquaintances of the prince and his two acquaintances when I follow the Emperor I left the palace.

"No quantity of Buddha! Huang!"

This time, didn't wait for the prince's temple to open first, he opened his mouth in advance: "I have seen the Prince, the national teacher!"

"It's all my own people. I don't have to travel at home." Prince Xuanyuanguan Jun Wen Wen Ya, talking.

There is no amount of Buddha, and I don't know if the strength is too fast. People float still, I am aversion to him, standing while carrying a proud skull, I don't look at him.

It is Hui Qing, just as before, everyone is a kind.

After approaching, the sword was unparalleled, and Hu Qing's followed by a little girl, he did not dare to explore anything else in the palace, and the little girl is just a crowd, and there is no difference with the antity.

"The Hall of the Taizi is said, here is the palace, the rules are self-discovered, there is something, just leave!" Xia Mang crown jade left this sentence, hurried away.

This makes the prince are somewhat surprised, the heart is secretly thinking, the absolute sword is unparalleled, it is likely to go to the old two thief boat, only to him so indifferent.

Although the relationship between ordinary two is general, it will not be sparsely!

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