Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5362 5357? Huge Wealth

Although it is the ancestor, the rule is a rule.

"The family is long, the matter is not acoustic, so as not to pollute the reputation of Xuanyuan!" A few old ancestors considered.

Xuanyuan Dashi black face, standing in the door of Baolu, turned to look at the eldest son Xuanyuan An City, anger: "This home, how do you see."

Xuanyuan Ancheng standing on the side, low-headed heads and dare not refute.

Xuanyuan Dashang is the top pillar of the family, saying that the family can dare to let Xuanyuan Dashang to manage trivial matters, the usual family operation is a handhare of Xuanyuan Ancheng.

Nowadays, there is a problem, naturally it is to find him account.

"Open the door!" Xuanyuan Datuan snorted.

Xuanyuan City quickly opened the door to the room.

At the moment, the door opened, Xuanyuan Dashed, the endless destruction of the disruptive, and instantly swept the entire secret room.

This room, there is a method of pressing, although Xuanyuan Dashi is a five-order episode, but it is impossible to damage the room, but the treasure inside can be blind.

The congenial best to Bao is damaged.

That superimposed Gods Mountain is more instantaneous.

Nowadays, there are some kind of singularity, these treasures, the dedicated appliances are stored, and just that hit is not able to destroy those appliances.

Even if this is the case, this palm of Xuanyuan is also destroyed more than 100 billion property.

For him, there is no more than $ 100 billion.

The fire fox palace has hundreds of millions of revenues for a year, he can divide 30%, a hundred years is 3 billion.

The thief that can be mixed is a big thing, do not grab the other party, or destroy the other party, it is not a shame.

In the face of Xuanyuan Dashang's anger, the sword in it was also scared.

Just the power of terror, in such a small space, if he is not a ten-story super-flesh, he is afraid that he will die for a hundred times.

Just, his flesh is consumed ten times, and finally agglomerate, but the body of the body is almost consumed.

Nowadays, it is a dust, floating towards the outside world, and dust is accompanied by the powerful breath in the smoke, and it is not aware of the outside person.

Xuanyuan An City and several old ancestors, quickly entered the room, and did not find anything.

In such a huge breath, they even have no sense of breath, let alone people who have hidden.

"This will not be fallen!" Some people doubt.

Xuanyuan An City is careful, after a circle, the eye hole contracted into a point, the voice is low, saying: "Either the other party runs, or he is still here."

"Is it still here?"


How can I run, if I can escape the six-order big array, I still care about this treasure.

If it is just running the other party, it is impossible. However, there is a five-order emperor to go to the road. Just a hit, even the fourth-order episode should be seriously injured!

Is it really still here!

Regardless, it is not suitable for a long time.

"Father, I didn't find anything!" Xuanyuan An City is like a dead ash.

Xuanyuan Dasheng has a momentum, knowing that today is planted with head, the tone is restored to the plain saying: "I gave you the martial mustard to store God, is it here!"

"Yes!" Xuanyuan An City eyes closed again, and suddenly thought of what, when he was.

Xuanyuan Dashen hooks, and said: "Go! Be a heart!"

How many old ancestors have been clear, and they also understand.

It seems that it was stared at the last time I gave the third day.

I don't care if people run without running.

Because they have already identified who this person is?


The last name guess, but why they can't think of it, it is the hand of Xia Mang crown.

Dust floating.

Eventually contaminated on a fairy fairy.

When the other party traveled to a bustling street, the sword was not going to the side of the people, and it turned several times like this, and finally recovered in a unmanned aerial lane.

At the outside of the alley, Xia Mang crown jade is waiting.

After getting the mustard, it dispels.

The body is consumed, and the origin is also broken, there is a flesh, the congenital best to treasure is more ablation.

After getting the mustard, the sword was unparalleled.

This mustard is very common, he has long been viewed, otherwise it will not be so bold.

After putting the gods into your own mustard, knead the urosse.

Grasped the plate on the thumb, the sword has no double leakage.

Whole eighty billion god.

He has never seen so many gods.

But it doesn't mean that his price is small.

The light is the accessory of the candlelon, and each piece is more than 800 billion.

When Qiuhuang City met the candlelong wings, it was simply sent to him, especially the prevention of eternal tobao.

In order to now, he understands that the imitation of the eternal tobao is also divided into level.

At the beginning, the "eight part Yunlong" is the best imitation.

Put it in the outside world worth billion grati, which can just be only one million to treasure.

It's not so much in other treasures.

Fortunately, he met the candlelongy Wo, now in the four secrets, a candlelong Wo, I am afraid it can improve the power of the space from the space, but also enhance the feelings of the space, it is estimated that no one will Sell.

The origin is the weakest point in the four major secrets, and all treasures to enhance the source are very expensive.

This time he wants to buy the original treasure, it is a five lines of thousands of things. It is very refined. The simple point is that the size is eating, and this is very huge.

I originally bought those treasures, but just try it.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of millions of gods, but you can try to blemar.

Canadal power, don't you want to swallow?

This time you can swallow an enough.

Specialize in the origin of the emperor, especially the space, buy billions of swallowing, see how many can be swallowed in the road.

I am afraid that all of the roads are so good.

After returning to Wangfu, it began to increase the trick to enroll.

I don't hesitate to spend heavy gold, picking some emperors from the Tianlun, as long as I follow him, I can exempt the prison.

Although I didn't give these emperors, I just gave them a set of best-to-treasures, but the gods who took them were more than 100 million.

Fortunately, I have been enriching the second-order emperor and the third-order emperor.

It's a difference between the fourth order.

10,000 Jun, seventy-two second-order episodes, thirty-six third-order emperors are already full.

The fourth-order emperor is still two.

Outside Huangcheng, the North Army Camp.

It belongs to a small military camp that belongs to the sword.

"His Royal Highness, the seven people are now in Lushan County, as long as the price of the temple will come!"

The sword has no double leaks.

Among the fourth-order episodes of him, one is a slutty of the mirror in the chaos, a lot of people who know, he let him find some of the four-level emperor.

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