Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5397 5392 ?? Vortex Sea

Most of the buildings on the island are very similar to the red coral, and should be reconsidered behind.

I got down the boat, and the strong man looked at the sword. There was a unparalleled one. I just pushed him to feel the strength of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no such thing in the heart, and the golden island is on the island.

There is a map surrounding the Spring Island, he has to get a map.

The emperor levels in the nearby waters have a lot of monsters, even the four-level emperor's monster is often out.

If Dao Jun is a single action, it is generally turned around the island. If you want to enter the sea, you have to lead the emperor, and the emperor eats meat.

With the experience on the boat, he decided to change a good look.

Sometimes, the strength is too weak.

When I walked into a narrow alley, when I came out again, he was already an emperor who had a breath of the emperor.

There is also a lot of changes in appearance, which turns from long hair into a short hair of shoulders.

A White Robe in the Golden Penh robe inlaid, with a distinguished emperor.

When I got on the street again, many people had avoided, no one dared to talk about it before.

Take a circle, he came to the biggest business name of the entire red island.

Here is a "Star Course" in a huge power of the West Sea.

It is a huge force, in fact, it is generally, it is not possible to even even a small forces in Heaven, it is estimated that there are no one for the fourth-order emperor.

Enter the company, the emperor's breath is undoubted.

A young woman, I am busy forwarding.

"This predecessor, is you going to sell or buy a treasure?" The girl is also extracted, the appearance is taking, the temperament is excellent, the strength is not weak.

Otherwise, you can not be in this level of business.

It is said that the weakest is the island.

The sword has no double-faced, swept the hall, saying that "said the call from your treasurer."

It is not interested in something placed above.

Mainly to buy a map of the sea and some intelligence, these things are not suitable for being placed.

Let a little girl introduce him and ask what.

After a while, a flower old man came out of the back hall, looking forward to the sword unparalleled, leaking a smile.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled is the third-order episode, and the third-order episode of the peak level is not common in the Spring Island.

The old man is only a third-order level, and most is the top force.

See the sword is unparalleled.

"I don't know what kind of treasure is going to add!" The old man is embarrassed to make a word.

Two people arrived in the back hall.

The sword is unfair, it is directly on the seat.

Gently drink a broth, open the mouth: "Map, as well as the surrounding information."

Map, natural is a map of the surrounding sea, and intelligence is some great forces and some strong people or the monster in the sea area.

The old man, also known that the intelligence and map of the sword unparalleled, and the map is not ordinary. I took out my sincerity, and I used it directly to say that I took it out in the local map.

The sword is unparalleled, which is a very fine and widely wide range of maps.

The area recorded in this map exceeds the higher world, very vast.

Emperor will take hundreds of years.

Among them, there are many markers in the monster, and the sword is not satisfied.

Take over a mustard on the table, slowly push it to the old man, faint: "Here is 500,000 gods."

After hearing the old man, the eyes were bright, but they shook their heads.

The sword is unparalleled, and the 50,000 is not enough?

He is not a higher god, just don't want to doubt your identity, take out 50,000, and the ordinary third-order emperor is only millions of worth.

"Not enough?" The sword was unparalleled.

The old man is laughing: "Daoyou is the first time to come to our Star Course, this map will give you a lot of friends."

"Free, I am not willing to owe the causality!" The sword didn't shook his head, and took a mustard again, then said: "There is still 500,000, and the information near the nearby waters will be taken to me. "

The sword is unparalleled, there is no intention to finish with each other.

They are all emperors, they have a strong style, naturally, they will not think that the priests are general. After the sword is unparalleled, the old people have not said anything, and the jade shackles that record the surrounding information will be sent to the sword, only one Mold.

"Intelligence plus map, 500,000 can be."

The sword is unparalleled. Since you don't want there, I will come back.

I then thank my business directly.

The flower old people looked at the sword unparalleled back, turned to the upstairs respectful: "Miss, the man seems to be too indifferent!"

"Harbing, the third-order episode can not help me!" The sound came upstairs, and there was tired and lonely.

The sword is not double this side, and how long it is not on the island. After bought some treasures, I will leave the Spring Island.

Like this islands, there are a lot in the West Sea, just some island is small and less.

There are people who remember the sword, and no one is noticeable.

Those intelligence that sweeping an excerpt, the sword is unparalleled to the eddy current sea.

There is a map to clarify the direction and location, and the intelligence is the key.

The eddy sea, the formation period, I didn't know how many era, there was a vortex in the depths of the sea, the legend was because the crafts of the crafts, but there were five-level emperor to go deep into the beast. I found that there is no huge behemoth. Just naturally formed.

The sword is unparalleled, it is there.

There is no one in the eddy current, and there is no one. After all, it is suitable for him to hunt the sea demon.

And there are many kinds of monsters hidden in the eddy current, which can be calculated.

If he is in Heaven, he has such a blood sacrifice, even if he cooperates, he has to be killed by the enemy.

Although he is now good, he can't take a grasp of Heaven and south.

Plus the polarity breakthrough, thoroughly depressed the evil thoughts of swallowing, and now he is not so killing, unless someone stops his way!

For example, now.

The sword is unparalleled in the sky, looking at the seven people in front of the road.

"Daoyou this is to go to the vortex waters!" The people took the lead with a smile, and a human animal was harmless.

Seven third-order emperors?

The sword is unparalleled. According to the information, the eddy currents will be more special, and there will be no emperor to come together!

How can he be so unlucky, and he encounters seven third-order episodes.

The sword is unparalleled, and I want to try to test, the Bai Jun king's voice reminded: "These people have a weird, it should be the people of the demon."

Seven emperors, looked at the sword, no pairs, no opening, and some impatient.

"Your voice is home!" Said, the arm extends Baizhang toward the sword without double is a palm.

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