Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5403 5398 ??? Four Emperors

The Bai Jun Wang sees to see some distressed, countless thousands of things to instill, it is too wasteful, killing a fourth-order episode, lifting the hand, don't you do this?


In the end, Yan Changqing could not bear, and the origination began to collapse after extreme expansion.

The sword is unbolded.

The court has collapsed, he just thought about it, now the experiment seems to be, it is not Huawei, this trick can be plagued in others.

It is too much to support himself, you can support him casually.

This is an experiment on the source of the fourth-order episode. If you use this trick, he uses this trick, let the universe collapsed, then the strong in the universe will collapse.

This tricky extent, surpassing outsiders, because no one is so crazy!

The Miyongyi is also clear to the personality of the two.

A rush, a killing.

Not a small role, there is no role at this moment.

"You should have a grievances with the magic state!" Gong Miao said that the guess in his heart said directly.

Bai Jun Wang first stunned, then turned to look at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to fight the handle of the throne, it is not too unexpected, and admire: "Not smart!"

When I first met, he felt that this person is not simple, a third-order emperor, but watches a few four-level emperor, whether it is because the appearance is still means, it is not simple.


The sword is unparalleled, and the gods are in front of the uterine. The eyes are staring at the peerless face, and the Gong Miao is in the eyes of this point.

"You have those relationships with Magic, all said!"

The eyes of the candlelon triggered, guided the Palace to take all the things of the magic rival.

The sword is unparalleled to know everything is some disappointment, but when he heard the Turtle Island, there is still this highlight.

The big emperor Luosha is there!

"There is a six-order emperor, this is a bit trouble!" The sword has no doubles, and then look at the white Junwang speaks: "When can the body can come!"

Bai Jun Wang shook his head, "There is no reply to temporarily, but it should be fast!"

"Narcitation!" The sword was unparalleled.

Mono Monastery, Rosha is the disciple of Turtle Island, he is really unknown.

Turtle Island has the power of sixth-order peaks, only wait for Rosha himself, he wants to kill it is to find it.

However, after the Bai Jun Wang won the body of the body, it is not difficult to completely restore the peak, this is not a difficult thing, but now the white monarch is still not exact time.

"You, it is better to cooperate with the little woman. The four emperors of the Magic Region are now likely to be blocked. I am falling, you will be trapped here, even if you go out, it is difficult to come from the four emperors. Luochuan Live in your hands! "The Gong Miao is in hand, and I don't want to die.

The sword is unparalleled, the four emperors of the magic row!

Now, this bait is not enough. It can only catch a four emperor. If it is the Luochuan who wesks the outside world, it is possible to catch Luosha. The two is a brother, it should not come to save him. Only, the sword is unparalleled.

However, if the Turtle Island Lord personally comes, how to do it, the Bai Jun's current battle can fight the five-order emperor, it is not bad. If you don't say to capture the beast soldiers, I am afraid that life is difficult.

If it is other forces, he is not afraid.

There are a few disciples on the Turtle Island.

Luosha's strength is also a fourth-order peak. It may not be saved. Even if you can bring a few five-order emperor, the other party has a group of elite army.

He also needs some preparation, but the four emperors outside are a good chip.

"Forget it, come back next time!" The sword didn't have a pair of deep hand, directly grabbed the uterine jade neck, ready to understand her.

Standing next to the white martial arts leak out of the eyes, but the sword is unparalleled, it is determined, not objected, can only regret.

However, when the sword is unhappy, when I touched the Palace, my eyes were surprised.

He found a weak common point in the other party or in this source.

Related to the ultimate.

His ultimate swordway is now staying in the seventh floor, even the peak is not reached, I want to break through and I don't know what year, but the breakthrough of the road has a clear direction, and I have been in the black hole, and it is very fast.

The black hole is a full-time Jie, and the most confident Jamway has never been a breakthrough opportunity.

After entering the seventh level, the pure and extreme, but he lets fight.

The polar is spread, containing everything, there is no class.

The ultimate sword is a pure, pursuit of the avenue, from one way.

The two have this essential difference, and the sword is unparalleled to cultivate two opposes the hospital to so much is not easy.

Originally he is ready to take a step, it is impossible to give up the promotion of the road because the sword is stagnant, this is a very stupid approach, as long as it can improve, he will not give up any opportunity.

As for the sword, it is the same.

Now he sees the ultimate opportunity, where it contains the ultimate taste.

This is still the first time in the four secrets of the four major secrets.

In the four secrets, even a complete road could not be found, but now I met the ultimate source, which made him shocked!

The hand of the palace is slightly opened.

The palace that can't breathe exports, I found that the sword is unparalleled, I feel the opportunity, the trepidation: "The son wrapped around me, there must be a thank you, a treasure of tens of billions of gods, I am willing to send."

"Tensill?" The sword didn't shake his head. This is really not concerned about it. He just wants to know how the other 's home is cultivated.

However, this place is not a place to consider these things. They have to go out first, and they will not be late after going out.

After launching the iron clamp, the uterus will take a step back, and the chest will come to the chest. It is almost almost die of the sword, no longer dare to play any smart.

She also thought that the sword was unparalleled, she put down the heart, and she was busy and unparalleled.

"Bonology, I will open the inheritance in the main hall, just take a day, the treasure is all in two, just ask me a life!" I said that the Gong Miao directly worshiped directly.

Look at this meaning, obviously the sword is not double to give her a guarantee.

Bai Jun Wang is onside, did not say anything, he looked clearly, knowing that the sword is unparalleled, since the hometown, it is definitely for some reason.

Otherwise, the character of the sword is unparalleled and decisive must not be pity.

The sword didn't have a double eye, I went on the other party's mind, the cold: "Inheriting you can take, but you have to give me a light! Don't play smart, you can spare you."

After this promise, the uterus is not nonsense and starts to open the inheritance.

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