Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 543 War Golden Snake

"This sword!"

"It's so glaring!"

Many sergeants around the battlefield shocked this sword, but the sword shadow was too glaring, so many people can't help but close their eyes.

The golden snake God saw this sword, and his eyes were also shrinking.

The sword is unparalleled, and the odds are already on the gods, even if it is better than him, it is estimated that it is not much.

The only thing that is lacking is.

Swords and shadows, but the golden snake gods are simple and easy to avoid from this sword.

Jian Yings took the power of the world. The void brushed from the golden snake God, and the spin was directly toward the ground.

Boom ~~ !

I only heard a bursting, and the ground that was smashed by Sword Ying, it was directly opened a huge sword mark. The sword marks were gentle, and they wanted to see the bottom, it is like heaven and earth gap.

On the ground where this sword mark is located, it is originally a numerous monster body. As the sword is swim, the monsters are all intense, the swordsmanship is crushed into the taste of the powder. .

Under this sword, at least there is a hundred monster bodies completely disappear.

"too horrible!"

"This is really the power that God will meet?"

"too strong!"

Those sergeants who watch the war in the surroundings see this, one is excited, and it is also full of enthusiasm in the eyes of swords.

Originally, in their view, the Jin Sni will personally shot, the sword is unparalleled, there should be no room for struggling, but they really appear in their scenes, but they are shocking.

The sword is unparalleled with the Golden Snake God, and it is a frontal hand.

But under this hand, it did not fall in the wind.

"The god of the gods, is it just this level?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the emarkage is ringing in this day. Subsequently, he saw that the sword had no double, the 18th golden sword soul vain, and his eyes were high.


The sword has no double-shaped and stepping. The moment of stepping, a unparalleled sword is spent, and these swords have formed substances, just like a small sword with a smell, breaking at a stunning speed. Void, go to the golden snake god.

"I ridicily." Golden Snake God's sword was unparalleled, low Shen said: "The means of God is, is it your antity?"

The voice is falling, this golden snake goddess is blinking, and a horrible power is condensed on the bend.

This scene makes everyone can't help but keep your breath.

They all know that this Golden Snake God is moving.

But this golden snake god is still in the future and shot ...


A blast is smart from the void, followed by a thin black dress, appeared in the middle of the sword unparalleled and the golden snake god.

Booming ~~~ A shared breath is also emitted from the old man, and it is also the breath of God.

"Is him?" The sword was unparalleled, and the look was moved, and the old man had already recognized it.

Before the camp, he and the cold hand with the party, that is, the old man is finally understood, and the old man seems to have some toward him.

"Golden Snake, what are you doing?" The old black old man appeared, and immediately saw the golden snake God.

Before the front battlefield, he cited the killing of the golden snake god, worried about what happened, this specially followed, and suddenly saw the scene of Jin Sni Shen Jun and the sword.

"Sun", you have to block me? "Golden Snake God is scarlet, staring at the old man.

The old man is also a goddess of the Xijun, one of the one-hundred and eight gods of the Diming League, he can feel the killing of the golden snake God.

"What happened?" Xun Xian Shenjun frowned, "Golden Snake, you are also a gods, if there is no special reason, it will be willing to take it, then it is too much attention to the identity?"

"What is the reason? Oh, he killed Ling, this reason, can be enough?" Jin Zi Shen Jun rushed.

"Ling Er?" The Xunxiang god is a slight change, and he naturally knows that the Ling Dun said by the Jin Snake God is the gold.

At the same time, he also knows that this golden snake god will be a love for Jinling.

Jin Zombi is a long time, live to now, his loved ones have already died, even his tribe, it is also destroyed, you can say that he only has his son Gold Ling. This kind of loved one can imagine the importance of Jinling to the Golden Snake God.

The outside world is rumored that the golden snake God is extremely short, but this shortage is actually aimed at his son.

Now, Jin is dead, this golden snake is not mad.

"Golden snake, your son should be killed by the monster? What is the relationship with this sword?" Sunset God's sorrow.

"I said that there is a relationship, Xi Xi, let the opening!" Golden Snake God has an angry.

The same is God, this Jin Snake God is also quite polite to the Xi Xun Jun, but now he wants to revenge in Jinling, but he is blocked by the Xunxiao Shenjun, which is of course violent.

"Golden Snake." Xun Xian Shen Jun still wants to say.

"Roll!" Golden Snake God roared directly, "no longer rolling, I swear, I will immediately apply for death, I will die, I will die!"

"Life and death war?" Xunxiang gods, the face has become ugly.

It is at this time ...

"What happens, even if you can't make a life-death battle?" A soft voice sounded, followed by a strong warmth.

The emergence of this warmth makes the situation of the original sword to alleviate, and many sergeants present in the scene, and they also feel the heart, and the heart seems to be calm.

In the eyes of everyone, a beautiful figure slowly came.

She has a beautiful face, the body shape is even bumpy, her face with a fascinating smile, she bathes in the sun, like the goddess, the strong warmth, it is emitted from her of.

When I saw the coming, the Xunxiao Shen Jun immediately went to say a good fortune, "see the Lord of the Moon Temple."

Although Jin Snake God is in an aircraft, it can be seen that the appearance of people is still respectful: "The Temple of the Moon!"

"Temple Lord?"

Many of the sergeants present, including swords and unparalleled are all, and immediately immediately.

The temple is the main thing ... The demon alliance is high, and it is also a super power over the clouds.

The whole demon league, a total of thirty-three temples, is the highest force of the human ethnic group of the demon spirit.

In front of you, this person is one of the thirty-three temples. The Temple of the Moon, I am in the town Dongying, I am in the Today's Mons. .

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