Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5429 5424????

When the Buddha is in the fourth-order episode, it can compare the five-order episode, and Hui Qing's success is that the ultimate emperor, the final emperor of the fifth-order, is not a problem, and the at least is a six-order peak.

It is still in the distance of Turtle Island, and I saw the emperor of the Mono Mono, and the sword was unparalleled.

"There is a big chance here, kill in me!"



It's dry!

But I haven't waited until they rushed, and Situ south followed the Buddha to stop them.

Tongtian Buddha is smiling, angry: "Who dares to step forward!"

Situ Nason's breath is also rising, although the business is not there, but their fighting power can not be underestimated, the Turtle Island is really unlikely.

When necessary, the real shot of the Tunyang and the red water.

They are all inheritors.

"Dear, there is no more overbearing! For a small guy, give up the chance?"

Turtle Island Lord has not found that people are related to the inheritor.

I feel that these inheritors are crazy, and they will not grab the opportunity to see others.

Situ South Cold Talk: "Turtle Island Lord, this person is the inheritor of the tomb mountain, but only Dao Jun, if anyone dares to destroy his charm, the tomb mountain, the veteran palace, the temple will not let you go, You have to think about it. "

Turtles standing in the same place, is ugly, frowning.

Can this be scared of him!

He is really scared. I didn't expect that these people also brought it in the jun. Such a big opportunity to give a Daojun, which is very outrageous.

With a number of disciples and others, Turtle Island is not afraid of folding, it is light: "Since it is Dao Jun, then, what is good, I have to see if he wants to break through! "

"Good!" Tongtian Buddha pushed a breath.

Hui Qing is in the same way, this is a big thing, for a Daojun, the right is to cross life, and even across space.

Don't say fight, even if it is a wavy, it is possible to break the heavens.

Therefore, you can don't fight, you will have a good battle, really delayed Huqing's own way, no one, this is on the tomb mountain, the ultimate road can be ranked in the top three against Tiandaojun.

And it will cultivate the ultimate path to a happy level.

It is necessary to know that the ultimate path is to be satisfactory, how large is difficult, once success, more than those non-satisfactory, more than one level.

On the tomb mountain, most of the ultimate Taoism is about the seventh floor, and a few is the eighth floor, and only a few people are successful.

In the end, it is possible to have the ultimate tag of the gesture.

This is the most exciting seedlings on the tomb mountain, even more important than they.

Although some are not convinced, no one dares to say anything.

After the Turtle Island is retreat, it is somewhat uncomfortable. This time he is not lost, but there is no one for the treasure.

The eyes turned and turned into the sword.

Today, the strength of the three-party, the biggest loss is actually a Quege and the veteran palace.

The business is a fidelity, comparable to them.

And Qi Shi, not only lost a peak emperor and a top six-order, but more importantly, the Bai Junwang is gone.

The sword is unparalleled, waiting for the white monarch to restore the peak, sweep everything, the treasure machine here is all his, but now it is planned to fall soup, but it has become the weakest party.

There is only one six-level top emperor around you, and there is no role in the remaining five-order peak emperor.

On the other side of the old palace, there is still three six-order emperor, and all the peaks are all peaks, not the peak can also hit the four-story half-order peak emperor.

Situ South, even a unique, no one is his opponent.

Zhenwuyang, red water, Tongtian Buddha three people can also compare the six-order peak power, this is coming, the remaining five-order Emperor will not count.

Turtle Island is also a seven eight six-order episodes, including three in the peak level, the remaining weakness is also a six-order top.

The remaining five-order emperor is not as good as the sword.

However, these are not important.

Now Turtle Island is staring at him, this time I am afraid that I have not talking so much.

"Islander!" The sword is unparalleled.

I have to bow now!

No one protects him, he is here to fall here.

The main color of Turtle is the same, low Shen said: "Let's talk about it, what happened just now."

Situ South and Zhenwuyang also looked over, obviously to ask about what happened.

It is related to the owner of the universe, there is no time to ask, now stopped, there is nothing dangerous, naturally ask someone.

The sword is unparalleled, knowing what you don't say, he is not good today.

"Seniors, I just happened, I didn't know, we have done according to the plan, suddenly, I know there, and die is still our people!" The sword is unparalleled, it is true. Yourself.

If it is dead, it is afraid he is playing in several six-order emperor.

Situ south is gloomy, cold channel: "What plan, what organization, one, come!"

It may be habit in Tianjie, and the opening is a series of discs.

The sword is unparalleled, and I looked at it. I was old, and I licked the pot.

His surface is just a five-level emperor, can't say too much, can only say that he has just participated, and the rest will give a high child.

The others also look at it, and the sword is very special, but the strength is generally.

"In the West Sea Zizhu Lin Lin, this time I explored this place with a few friends, I don't want to have this matter, the people who fall, the greed of the greed is lost, and I don't know anything else."

The long words of Zi Mountain are very vague.

It's not as good as the sword.

Obviously it can't be passed.

The sword is unhappy, starting the situation on the field.

The general probability of the ultimate emperor is falling, then the remaining battle is dispatched, or the veteran palace is more better than the inheritor.

He now draws a lot of Turtle Islanders.

In fact, it is not a draw, but it is dependent.

The sword is unparalleled in the sword: "Islander, now the veteran palace and the inheritor, we can't fight, otherwise it is cheaper, the front of them is already occupied by the other side, we don't do something, I have no chance to do all the opportunities for all the opportunities! "

"Kid, you want to use the old man?" Turtle Island is not stupid.

He said yes, now we are really suitable, but the sword is unparalleled here, there is a six-order top emperor, there is no chip.

A six-order top emperor, there is no big problem.

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