Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5471 5465? Lost

The original god will.

It's better than God, and then it is God.

The fighting power of the messee, there is a hierarchy, the strength of this magic, I am afraid that it is strong than Wu Zuo Lanjun.

Also, the four major temples can be comparable.

This kind of person is invincible in the four secrets.

The sword is unparalleled.

"You are very good, I have heard of you from Wu Zuo," The magic sound will be light.

The sword is unparalleled, and he didn't expect himself to be famous, not only the five-level emperor of the primitive universe, nothing to know, even the magic sound god will also know him.

The magic sound god will raise his hand, a light drop, the underground dark red ground began to collapse, and finally turned into a plungry rocky purgatory.

"Enter here, just the first step, this purgatory has three bridges, everything looks at you!"

The sword is unparallled at the foot of the purgatory, the heart of the heart shook, the opening reply: "Yes!"

Although it feels great danger, there is also a big firing with a large manner.

His figure began to sink, from above, it was a purgatory, but it was a scene of the scene.

After he entered the purgatory, the ground returned to the dark red, which seems to have never changed.

The magic sound will slowly open the scorpion, look around the space, look at the sword is unparalleled, the heart is dark: "The darling of the times? Is it so powerful?"

He has just recovered, and the strength has also returned to the peak.

The figures that have fallen, recover again, although the strength is restored, but this life does not want the universe.

Not sweet!

If so, it is better to fall.

Now he is alive, but the true spirit has been selected from the past time line, take out the flesh to put the soul, is he really him?

Thinking of this, the magic sound god will slowly close your eyes.

The sword after entering the purgatory, there is a clay trail, there is nothing special, there is no resistance, there is no benefit of walking in the past, and it is dark, and he can only follow this road, it is possible Lost.

"It is a bit mean, it should be a special space, not a hole!"

Special space is still very different from the cave.

I have been going on this road, and the sword is unparalleled to finally go to the first bridge.

The bridge is a hot magma, and the bridge is not a soul.

These souls are fluttering, and they are very similar to the Emperor, but the strength is strong, all of them are the emperor level, they have unconsciously wandering, only walking on the bridge, there are hundreds of souls.

Although the strength of these souls is good, it can be a third-order emperor, this is not looking for!

The sword is not one step, and the thousands of swords behind will break the soul on the bridge.


At the moment of the soul, the entire bridge began to break, the sword didn't look at it, but only after retreating, but the bridge disappeared?

"this is?"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Is it related to the soul?" He dark.

If so, at least give him a chance, such as what is returned to the starting point, how to do it if you have no way.

I can't fly over!

The powerful trusting force, he estimated that it has not fly over, I am afraid it falls to the following rock.

Those magma do not hurt him, the deceased in the magma, can be the six-order episode of the price of the price, he fell to only a dead road.

"This is what!" The sword didn't touch the head.

I looked at the magma below, I retired one step, and I can't talk about anything.

He will be imagined into a wasteland, and he will be recognized and mixed.

During the four weeks, the whole body weed, there was no.

This purgatory, what is refining!

Some helpless him can only go in rear.

According to the original road, this is a hundred years.

When I came, I only got a time, but I went back to a hundred years, and the key is not coming to the place.

He regretted in the middle, returning, walked to the bridge, but found that you can't walk, you can only go to the head.

A hundred years, thousands of years, thousands of years.

The sword has no hope, and finally began to give up, even shouted the name of the magic, I want to go out.

In this ghost, there is no one who shouts the sky.

Slowly, he began to feel tired, walked and walked without human form, his body was squatting, and the death he saw on the bridge.

It's so unconsciously, and the consciousness began to gradually.

He didn't know how long he had gone, and the power of the body did not have a supplement that had been consumed. It was good to be in the flesh.

I don't know how long it has, and I suddenly had a figure.

That figure is illusion, and there is a skeleton behind the figure, it should be left behind.

Without the body with the body, people left the soul.

As for the source, I haven't been there.

The moment of seeing the figure, the sword is unparalleled to see hope.

In the mustard, the spring water broke out, instantly replenished the body, and then the eyes began to change the brightness, and the pace of the feet also became fast.

He walked normally, and he ran directly.

He didn't shoot this time, but rushed to the front of the figure, I would like to wake the other party.

He now understands, the soul on the bridge, I am afraid it is the practitioner who came here, killing the soul, the bridge disappeared, although he all don't understand why, but this is related to the practice.

Now it is difficult to see a practitioner, why is he not excited.

After seeing the face of the other party, the sword is unparalleled. This is not a "finished"! "

The other party is more miserable than him, the consciousness has weakened to have no sense, no matter how he calls it.

The sword is unparalleled to raise hands is two big ear scislights, but unfortunately the other party is the state of the soul, can't get it at all.

Finally, he can only endure, take out the countless gods to give each other.

A stylus is gathered, and the eyes of the face begins to appear, and the consciousness is gradually returning.

When the other party wakes up, it will look at the people in front of him.

"The sword is unparalleled!" Finished with the sword unparalleled. When the sword was unparalleled, the source was recognized, he saw the sword was unparalleled.

Subsequently recalved that the various types entered here were reacted. With the help of the gods, the power of the gods was condensed, and the source also reached the peak.

After the recovery, the finishes quickly remove a clean robe from the mustard.

"Thank you this time!"

The sword is unparalleled: "When this is not saying this, the Taoist is also because the bridge is like this?"

If this is this, then the soul on the bridge is not letting them kill, but to save.

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