Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5473 5468?

Then there is only one way.

It is in the magma under the bridge.

This is too risky.

The sword is unparalleled, and he wants to fool the other party to try, but the other party is not a fool, and it will never agree.

Requisites in rich insurance.


The sword is unparalleled, turning to the weeds on both sides of the trail, now he is understanding the role of these weeds.

This is to make him use the grass to be boat!

As for the flight to treasure, I don't want to use my knee.

"Things are such a thing, Dao Youxin is also good, don't believe it, I will go first!" The sword has not been doubled to speculate on the priority, saying it out, no for what, I have to cut the grass alone.

As for the face, he really didn't believe that the sword was unparalleled. When he watched the fool's eyes, he watched the sword and unparalleled. I only felt that the other party was crazy, and I didn't have it directly.

The sword is unparalleled, and all the grass is cut, then build a boat.

Soon, a long strainer is built, raising the straw boat, and the sword is not boring more and more convinced.

In the crowd, the things that the dead burn is done, and the ancient times may be burnt is not necessarily.

When I came to the shore, the sword was unparalleled, let the stray boat suspended, then went up.

Looking at those souls, swords are unparalleled with ancient language: "Go up!"

The voice is just falling, and these souls are really coming over, and they have embarked on the straw boat.

Although the straw boat is small, it also contains space, there is a result of shrinking an inch, and hundreds of tourists are not crowded.

This scene gazes more than enough, he is still somewhat uncertain, want to wait for the sword to see it.

After the sword is unparalleled, after storage all the soul, the mental movement is moved, the grass boat began to sink, and finally fell on the magma.

When the end of the shore looks down, when the big deceased, the blood of the blood is swallowed directly, splashing countless magma, then restores calm.

Followed by a cold, licking his chest, the bottom of your heart: "Fortunately, I didn't follow it."

Now on the bridge, there is no soul, and he doesn't know how it is good, and finally embark on the bridge again.

This time, he is very fast, it can be said that it is running, directly over the bridge, no stopping forward.


After walking, I walked for a quarter, I found that there is no change in the surroundings, and I look back in the back, the bridge is still there.

He has passed!

"Haha, I have passed!" It's a lot of laughter and a good mood.

The tiredness of the body is also sweeping.

As for the sword, he didn't have so much thought to think about others, and a person continued to play.

The more you go, the wider the road.

After a whole day, he did not encounter the second bridge, but a huge road.

Within the road, there is a altar and a law, there are many futons.

Looking at everything carefully, enter the way.

When passing through a thin knot, the power on him began to jitter.

It turned out that before he entered the ground, there was no power, and it could not feel tired.

After entering the road, glance on a look, a row of futon Lin Li, touched the hand and feel soft, there is nothing special.

But when he walked to the front, he found the strongest futon, and even one person was sitting!

"The sword is unparalleled!" Is full of excitement.

I heard someone called his name, the sword was also scared, turned to the rear.

"Complete Yan Dao You!" The sword is unparalleled and surprised!

Obviously, he had successful that he had been here, how is it finished? Is it true that he left, there was a soul on the bridge, and the color arrived here with his method?

Just when he would like to ask, the next sentence of finish made him stunned.

"Are you caught by a decelerated beast? How is it still alive!"

The sword has no double touching his chin, it is said to be existing, say: "Do you see me in the desert beast?"

After he enters the magma, those deceased will disappear!

All the way is unimpeded, after arriving at the other side, he was transferred to this road, and the realm of the soul flew in the road, and many treasures from the altar.

This time, the treasure is no longer comparable to the spatial god, but the cosmospantial stone.

There are 10,000 cosmic stones, which contain the universe.

Look at each other, I am afraid I just entered here.

Follow you to say your own experience, the sword is unparalleled!

So simple?

I went directly.

Then he is not a big loss, and the risk of falling is here.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, and after the color arrives here, what is the treasure is not available, it is equal to the first bridge.

The other party did not ask, he would not say how many treasures they have got, even if he asked him, he would not say.

Now, it is also very proud to say how turmoil has passed.

The sword is unparalleled and shakes his head, open the topic, and asked: "Hey, how is the trace in this space!"

He has never been able to have a lot of understanding for a complete space.

I only know that after the space is stable, there will be countless stars, then the star realm is the star.

Subsequently evolved that the black hole is the black hole, and then the top is the realm of the universe.

I only know about it, in which the details are not understood.

It's good to have a good mood, patiently give the sword unparalleled: "You should break through the emperor, don't know, the traks represent your own path."

"For example, you are the source of gold, cultivate to the ninth floor, after successful, master the source of space, then this time, your gold's source? Although the source of gold corresponds to the space, it will not evolve into space. It will leave a trace in the space in the space, the more road marks, which represent your source of your gold. "

"Just say that I am in the air, in my space, the most trajectory is the image, followed by the silent, master the space, normal, you can go to the entertainment We are all known to the Wan Dynasty, you should know that it is special, it is to practice all its own channels before the way! The more cultivation, the stronger after the road, but the ordinary north is not so cultivated, Otherwise it will be counterproductive. "

The sword is nothing and doing understand.

His road is a great Wan Dao. It is no wonder that he has swallowed so many sources, so many gravers in the space origin, these gravel is like a trace, but he has no way now, these gravers Instead, it is a cumbersome, it is necessary to refine and turn it into a trace.

"It turned out to be like this! Thank you for your friends." The sword was unparalleled.

He cultivated this place, seeing the might of the Mosa, seeing the space of the other party, contained a large number of traces, the whole space, and there are countless stars surround, and several black holes.

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