Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5475, 5470? Blood

This is the blood magic!

The blood devil of one of the five major magic of the ancient.

The same character as the mountain.

The sword has no double shape, but not only moves, and the body is directly projected to the ultimate, ready to play life.

As for the front, I didn't dare to go forward.

It's just that it is now returned by the nine blood.

The horror and fear of the eyes, they did not find this with such a place to follow all the way. I am afraid that when I encounter my blood from the beginning, I will encounter this stuff.

"What to do!" The sword did not dare to breathe, the sound said.

I can't go at all in front, and I will go to death.

Go back, you have to face this nine-headed blood.

One time was stalemating here.

Although I can't feel the athlete's breath, I may be with the people who have the same name. He wants to use his fingers to know that it is not an opponent.

"Kill it out?" Heave himself to have an unsure!

He was also scared, I don't know how it is good.

It's not a sword that there is no sword, there is a lot of swords. If you don't know what this monster is in front of you, you may quietly follow them for so long, I have not been discovered, and the strength is definitely beyond two people.

I want to kill out, I am not likely.

The sword is unparalleled, the hover is slowly close to the wall, and the wall is watched to be close to the wall of the other side.

He means that the two are stuck back.

Although some panic, I can only retreat behind, take a step!

What is all illusions?

The sword is unbearable, it is best to retreat safely. If you don't return it, you will take it into the blood in front.

Requisites in rich insurance.

Just when he returned, a voice broke his illusion.

", is the breath of the mountain monarch, what is your relationship with the mountain?" The head of the nine blood demon is close to the sword and the smell of the sword.

The sound is very sharp, and the sword is unparalleled, the ears are shaken by the shock.

I heard the inquiry, the sword was not dared to retreat, I was originally prepared to get an escape, I heard the name of the mountain, and I have a graceful room.

"The predecessors of the blood magic, the next and Mountain Jun is the sole!" The sword has no passion.

It's better to climb the relationship between the swords and unparalleled things.

You can follow the words, let the two will mention the eyes of the throat.

"Old seven, what are you fees, since we are related to the mountain kings, then we have to swallow them!" Talking is a female head, her head is a braid, double-eyed wax white.

The sword is unparalleled, I still want to climb the relationship, now I have encountered the death of the mountain monarch.

This can be a bit uncomfortable.

"Seniors, I ..." Finished, I still want to say that he doesn't know what a mountain.

It has not been said that there is still nothing to say, and sharp teeth bite on his neck.

The sword is also the same, the blood of the body is swallowed by the other.

However, two of them found that this blood magic, only swallowed their blood, the two of them were directly extracted from the flesh and did not threaten.

The blood magic is like being as seen, holding their flesh, chewing.


Too stimulated.

Looking at your own flesh, you are intact.


Two people looked at each other and did not have much communication and moved directly to the front.

Wrinkled with brows, rushed into blood, with a weak sense, two people have been walking.

"Complete Hao Dao friends, don't go too fast!" The sword is unparalleled to feel a vain, the speed is very fast, and the sound is fun.

It's over, stopped, and surprised: "But I am behind you!"

This sentence is out, the sword is unparalleled.

Combine behind him?

Here is blocked by blood, they can only rely on weak induction in the blood, they can find each other.

When you are in his body, who is the front?

No matter, let's leave here again.

The sword is unparalleled. It has accelerated speed. Someone in front of the front, and he is even more unscrupulous.

Didn't you have time, it is finally left in this blood.


After sucking a fresh air, the sword was unparalleled.

I finally came out.

Just came out, a moving in front of him, and a strong breath came.

"Stop!" The sword didn't have a double angry, and the wall was returned to the wall. The flesh was restored, which made the other party shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, but the origin of the 10th, the origin is in the body of the body, even if it is completely lost, it can be recovered.

The reason for the front is not immediately recovered, it is afraid of the blood magic to swallow him again.

Now I have encountered the other party, and he didn't have any scruple. Directly recovered the flesh, and a punch gave each other.


A loud noise, directly hitting his vain, flying out.

Subsequently came to see the sword, it was very nervous, and looked up at the flying out.

"Dongsheng!" Is more surprised.

It's not someone in front of them, it is the first to enter the Emperor of the Magical Hall.


The east wins behind the wolf, seeing the finish and swords are unparalleled, surprised: "It's you!"

Three people gather!

The encounters of their respective encounters.

Datong small.

Experience is almost.

It is just Dongsheng Emperor, and did not have two people in the past. After the bridging, he cited it directly from the magma.

However, he encountered the deceased of the price of goods, but also luck.

This is why he surprised.

Because the sword is unparalleled with the strength, if the tour passes through nine, it is falling.

"Hey, this place is the opportunity, I don't have anything, but the bend around, this time is wrong."

Look, Dong Sheng Emperor has not got the universe source, or it will not say this.

The reason why they are going to the Magic Temple, one is because no one can go in, the second is to recognize this source, the order of the rewards has the universe of the universe. They have seen this scarce resource, and a brain is dead. I hope to enter the Magical Hall and get more universe.

The time and space of the space, there is no universe, the universe is only the original universe, but the awareness of the original universe is very strange, it can give birth to various treasures, but want to get the origin of it, then too difficult.

No one can get the original universe home source.

The sword has no difference. This time he received the biggest, not only the soul improved, but also got tens of thousands of universe, it feels very good.

Of course, the three princes of the West Sea is still too much.

Unfortunately, Sanyang Ting's time and space, I don't know if I was foof.

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