Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 5477 5472??? Is saved

No such as the sword is unparalleled, the other party has disappeared.

This meaning is already very obvious, and the other party is not mortal.

"The magic sound god will?" The sword didn't shake his head, not like!

Three people entering this place, finish with Dongsheng, don't know if they are not in this city, these two should not be able to install high in front of him.

Since you are here, you should be like him, all of them are all right.

Not Dongsheng, Finish, is not a magic sound god will, it seems that there is still other people, or is not a person, it is the awareness of the existence of this place.

Although I don't know who the other party is, but the kind of sword is unparalleled.

It is not that he can't listen to others. Is the main trial?

Can you become stronger than anyone can be guilty?

It can only be said that the place to create this place is small, the pattern is small.

"Live, I am not starving to death today, I see what you do!" The sword was unparalleled, he did not believe in starving this, it will be fallen.

Even if the magic sound god will not shoot, the true spirit will also save him.

A ultimate road, there is a sense of arrogance in the future, starving to death in the world, which is a matter of death.


The sword is unparalleled to find a pleasant threshold, and the four-tensile .

"That's this, it's good to die!" The sword was unparalleled, and then the hunger was in an instant.

Break the hunger, the sword is not sleepy.

In the twilight, in the dim, the cold wind whistling, the sword is unparalleled, and the shrinkage is retracted.

I don't know whether it is instinct, or my awareness is not firm enough.


The sword is unparalleled.

Is his awareness not firm enough?

Although it turns into mortal, but consciousness is still there!

How did he retreat?

Thinking here, re-put half of the body on the street.


"It's too stunned!" The sword has no double shrinks, and the bottom is 10,000 unwilling.

When you sleep again, his body shrinks into a group. The instinct will be properly organized, and the whole body is wrapped.

Although the belly is talking, the sword is unparalleled or sleeping is very sweet, maybe because I haven't slept for three days, this feels sleeping, he sleeps dark.

I don't know when, the sword is unparalleled, and the throat is like a hot fire. There is also a pungent taste.

A liquid flowing along his throat, and a gas will wake him directly.


The sword is unparalleled, and the weak is weak.

Everything in front of me has changed, I thought it was reality. When he saw the dirty clothes on his body, he found himself still.

Turning to the surroundings, this is a simple but noble room.

"You are also a big life, I didn't give you a freeze in the snow!"

The voice of a woman came, and the sword was unparalleled, and she found a young woman with a young woman. The blush is very heavy, but the five senses are still exquisite.

The sword is unparalleled, and he doesn't think so much now. I just want to drink the water. I didn't wait for him to open the woman twisted a bowl of water in the past.


He fills a bowl, only feeling that the whole person has become a refreshing, which is the best drinking water, more than 10,000 times better than those genius treasures.

After watching the sword, after you gasp, the woman is not asking for a good asking: "Hey, what is your name?"

After a sigh of relief, the sword was pulled by the body, leaning on a soft bed, and his eyes looked at the woman, cold channel: "You don't match!"

"Hey, you are stinky, the old lady saved you, how do you talk to me, let me not believe that the old lady will throw you out to feed the dog!" The carmine powder and the heavy woman sick.

The sword is unparalleled, but he has finally seen it now, and he is afraid of death.

It is also impossible to say that he is afraid of death, is too serious in the heart, leading to his instinct, don't want to die.

"You shouldn't save me!" The sword was unparalleled.

If he doesn't care, he really frozes this evening.

Now, I went to the chill, in the warm bed, he really came out, and even didn't want to move.

Originally angry, the dust woman, after listening to the sword, there was a sigh, sad: "You a man, every good thing! It should be frozen on the street."

"My name is a sword, you!"

"You can call me the thirteen mother!"

The two people reported to each other, and they also met.

Subsequently, there was a chat, and the sword is unparalleled from the vulgar world. It is not to know, soon I learned this Qingshan City, with this strange thirteen mother.

Her origin is not good, the young parents are leaving, they have been sold in the Cuixiang Building in the West, and I have entered the dust.

And this yard, once she was home, I bought it after earning money into the greenhouse.

Or usually she is not coming back, today I happen to anything I should not come, take a break back to here, I encountered the sword.

The world is incompetent, it is so smart, saving the sword who is frozen and dead.

"What did you just give me?" The sword asked in a passion.

The 13th mother stunned, then replied: "Of course, it is wine, there is no wine, you have been frozen."

"That, what else?" The sword had no sorenegy.

The stomach is not worthy of breath.

"Your person, it looks like a beggar, but talk is really unlike, it is more like a book. How can I fall into this way!" Thirteen women handed the jug on the table to the sword, the way Throw a grilled sauce potato.

The sword was unparalleled, and the squat was picked up, and the sweet potato was smashed. After hearing the thirteen mother, I was ambiguous: "You see people really accurate!"

He used to be , if it is said that the previous identity, I am afraid that the other party will feel that his brain is frozen.

This is the world, there is no practitioner.

A sweet potato under the belly, finally put the demon in the belly.

Fill in the stomach, and lying on the warm squat, the sword is unparalleled, I feel too happy, recalling the daytime cousin soup, I can't help but put a mouth.

"Tell, see your little face is not like a poor family, how can it be mixed today!" The 13th mother is very curious, the woman's gossip fires, will not go out.

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the double-eyed looks to the Liang, self-prone: "I, I really don't say it!"

I don't know where to say, is it the things of the people?

It is too foreigner, gives a mortal introduces the Polyson Temple, following the same book.

The things of the vanity world have to be their own experience, and it is true.

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